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It's been 3 long cold nights without Colby next to me and I hate it. I wish that he would have never gone with Brennen that night, I've cried myself to sleep every night since he left and I'm crying now. I've tried calling him but I haven't gotten any response, his dad put out a search party for him but they've had no luck, it's no use anymore, I'm starting to think he's gone.

I wake up to the sound of Brennen's heavy footsteps walking down the stairs, he had handcuffs on him, was he finally getting arrested? I doubt it, the cops do something when you litter, not when somebody sexually assaults you twice, beats you over the head, slaps you, and cuts your arms, that's just the way of the world. "This is your fault asshole." He says, two cops follow him down the stairs, one comes over to me and lets me free, I still couldn't say anything or do anything, I just let my tears fall down my face and the cop gives me my phone, I slowly walk upstairs.
"Son, how old are you, and what's your name?"
I still couldn't say anything, I'm temporarily frozen in time or something. All I can see and feel is my head tossing around from getting beaten and messed around with.
"Son, I need to know your age and name."
I look at the cop talking to me, he waves me over to the door and I follow him outside.
"Maybe fresh air will help get your head straight."
I look at the ground and watch the leaves come tumbling down from the trees above us, taking a deep breath, I try to talk.
"My name is Cole Robert Brock and I'm 20 years old."
The cop puts a gentle hand on my back, I flinch a little.
"Ok, I have to ask you a few questions, is that ok?"
I nod my head, still keeping my eyes glued to the ground.
"Do you know the guy who did this to you?"
I nod.
"Ok, has he done anything like this before?"
I shrug.
"I don't know, I know he's talked to an underage girl before, that's all."
"Any information helps us out, son. I just need to know one more thing. Did he touch you in any way that was not consensual and or uncomfortable?"
My heart beats faster, basically out of my chest, I nod and watch as my silent tears hit the concrete underneath us.
"Ok, thank you for your cooperation, do you have a way home?"
I nod.
"Ok, call them up, I'll wait right here with you. Just to make sure you're getting home safely."
I take out my phone and call Aaron since I know he's home.
A- hey Colby what's up?
C- can you pick me up? I'm at Brennan's
A- yeah ill be on my way in a second, gotta put the dog inside. Are you ok? You sound like you've been crying.
C- I'll explain when you get here.
A-ok, I'm getting in the car now be there in a minute
C- ok thanks.
A- no problem

I hang up the phone. All I want to do is hug my boyfriend, that's all I want, I want to cuddle him, I want to kiss him. He has to be worried sick about me, or he thinks I'm dead, oh my God I need to see him. A couple of minutes pass by and I see Aaron's car pulling onto the street.

"My ride's here."
The cop looks at the car.
"I'll walk you over there."
We get up and walk over to Aaron, I get in the car and shut the door, and he rolls down the window.
"Everything ok?"
"It is now, thanks for bringing this boy home safely."
"No problem officer."
"Stay outta trouble kid, well make sure this guy is locked up safe and sound."
He waves goodbye and we drive off.
"Colby, what the fuck happened?"
I sniffle and wipe the remaining tears off of my face.
"Is Sam home?"
"Yeah he's home, he's been cooped up in his room though."
"Ok, it's because I haven't been home."
"Is everything ok? Why were there cops?"
I sigh, I feel weak talking about it, I know I'm not, I'm strong for even getting out of there.
"He did bad things because we got in a fight a couple of nights ago."
"What kind of bad things?"
I start crying again, Aaron puts a hand on my shoulder, and I flinch.
"Did he hurt you? And you know what I mean by hurt right?"
I nod.
"He hurt me a lot."
"You're going to be ok, he's going to jail I'm guessing?"
I nod, sniffling and trying to conceal how upset I am.
"We're all here for you Colby if you need help recovering from this you can always talk to any of us."
"I know, it's just the initial shock of it."
"I got it. Just think about Sam and your family, and everything going well right now."
I take a deep breath, we pull into the driveway and get out of the car.
"Did you have anything or just yourself?"
"Just myself."
He gives me a thumbs-up and locks the car, we head inside.

I hear the front door close through my show, I limp my way to the top of the staircase and see Aaron and Colby entering the house. I smile from ear to ear when I see Colby's face again, he walks over to the stairs and makes his way up to me. He wraps his arms around me tightly, lifting me off my feet, I wrap my legs around him. I hear him crying quietly into my shirt, I look at him.
He smiles, it's a small smile, but a smile.
"I missed you."
"Me too."
He carries me to my room and places me on my bed, sitting down afterward. I grab him gently and pull him into my arms, we get comfy and enjoy each other's company.

It's so nice to be wrapped in Sam's arms again, I missed it so much. He puts his hand up my shirt and scratches my back gently, he knows exactly how to calm me down, I move my hands away from my face and hug him, the door opens, and Jake walks in and hops onto the bed, joining in on our hug.
"Colby are you ok cause if he did anything to you I'm gonna have to throw him off a cliff,"
Jake says, I laugh and so does sam.
"I'm fine just a few hits and punches,"
I won't tell him until later, it's too much for him right now.
He says, I look up at sam, and he kisses me, Jake aw's, and Sam and I giggle.
"I love you so much,"
I say, I hug Sam as tightly as I can and nuzzle my head into his shoulder.
"I love you too."
He says Jake messes with my hair.
"I'll leave you two be."
He says.
"I don't think Colby's moving anytime soon, we'll be here for a while,"
Sam says, I snuggle closer to him and he kisses my head.
"Can we go to sleep like this,"
I ask, sam falls back onto the pillows and releases our hug.
"Sure, come here."
He says, he opens his arms and I snuggle close, we fall asleep seconds later, it's nice to be home.

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