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The next day


"Stop Meek!" He kept trying to put me in his Instagram live as I was tying Naeleans shoes.

"Someone said they like your voice." He said reading the comments.

"Aw thank you babes."

"They're asking you to show your face."

"Nope you think you slick." I said looking up he was smiling into the camera. He started the live so he could of showed people me.

"Nana you want to say hi to the people." I stood up as he put the phone close to Naeleans face.

"I don't see them." He chuckled.

"They're watching"

"Watching what? I don't see a T.V." You would have thought she was just getting smart but she was actually serious.

"We're the T.V."

"Im on T.V.? Hey guys! Im Naelean and my birthday is in- Mommy whens my birthday?"

"Two days baby" I answered Millions chuckled.

"She's so cute. I know she's a beauty queen just like her mom." Millions said reading a comment out loud. Millions busted out laughing I guess reading a comment. I stood in front of him and put my finger over the camera thing and took the phone reading the comments.

"You and Nicole have a daughter?" I said reading one out loud.

"The girl must be ugly if she wont she her face." Another one said. I gave Millions back his phone.

"Yall don't need to see my face. Just know im cute as shit." I said. I grabbed the mini bag Million brought me with my outfit and put it on my back. It had some snacks for Naelean and a few emergency things for me.

"You look good in that outfit." Millions said smiling I didn't see his phone in his hand, so I guess he ended his live.

"Don't be thinking your going to keep buying me things like these. I know this cost a ton."

"Yup it sure did. The whole outfit from top to shoes was around 4k."

"Stop playing. You serious?" He just laughed and shook his head.

"Watch imma dig through your stuff to find the receipt and bring it all back." I said.

"Shut up and be thankful." He picked up Naelean and walked out the room.

"Oh my gosh Rihmeek I just realized I talked in your live thingy. What if they recognize my voice!"

"Shut up nobody gonna recognize your voice. You be on that fake shit. One minute your British, next you hood, then you Caucasian, then you Trinidadian." I gave him a blank face. Naelean was sleeping on his shoulder moving a little.

"You be listening to me when I be in the bathroom?"

"You be doing that shit in the bathroom? No, I just be peeping sometimes you be bringing out different accents. When you be yelling at me its your trini accent. When you mad and want to fight its yo hood." He said shrugging.

"Shut up and lets go Kim said she's ready and Jazmine is just getting Ki ready then she done."

"Why am I driving them again?"

"Because its faster and less pollution plus you offered this whole day so why not."

"Im not about to be in a car with three bitches and a baby girl." I smacked him behind his head.

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