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I sat on the chair staring at Cookie who laid on the hospital bed sleeping. Kim was walking around in circles.

"Yo fuck is taking these damn doctors so long." She said in frustration. I was in my own train of thoughts. My own sister would do some shit like this to me. I probably lost my second blood child because of her. Anger filled me up. Her life was already written on these first four bullets I had in my glock should my child die.

"I should have shot that bitch in her head." Kim said balling her fist up. The hospital room door open and the doctor that assisted us before came in with an all too familiar look.

The look that doctor gave me the same night Jomei's mom died.

"I'm sorry-"

"What? What happened! Is the She ok? Is the baby ok?" Kim fired him with questions. The first two word he said made my heart stop.

"I'm sorry for the wait. We were running some test. Ms Maraj is ok but she has a bruised rib and her shoulder was dislocated. Her rib will heal in about 3 to 6 weeks it may take a tad longer since she's pregnant. As for her shoulder it'll take 12 to 16 weeks." He gave us time to register the information before continuing.

"Ms Maraj is in critical danger of losing her child. Considering the baby is still a fetus she could have easily lost it but thank god she didn't. She will be placed on bed rest until her primary doctor feels like she's in a safe zone in her pregnancy. She may be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy we do not know yet."

"Considering she also has a bruised rib she'll have to limit her movements. She has to at least pass the first trimester in order for her to start back up with her daily routines. Any questions?"

"Is there foods that she can't eat? And how limited those her actions have to be?" Kim asked.

"She can continue with whatever eating diet she has going on but we do recommend some things that will help with her hard time in the pregnancy. All is on her discharge papers. As for her actions she can not life up anything too heavy. If it's five pounds or more she can't lift up. If you have stairs in your home I advise you to let her sleep downstairs." We didn't say anything and he left out telling us a nurse would be here soon.

"This my fault. I should have fucking went with her. Something told me to go with her." Kim said to herself. I watched as she beat herself up about the the situation.

"Watch imma beat all them bitches asses." She said sitting in the chair next to me. She turned to me and looked at me.

"Imma tell you this now. I am going to beat the fuck out of your sister. Like after I'm done with her you probably won't even have a sister anymore. I will beat the life out the bitch and your little friend Martha too. Both of them gon get this ass whooping." She said to me as she punched her hand.

"When you tryna do it?" I asked. She had a look of shock at first.

"I'm down for now, tomorrow whenever because they gon get this ass whooping regardless." She said shrugging. Her leg bounced up and down.

I woke up and a sudden wave of nausea hit me after smelling my environment. After realizing where I was I instantly shot up.

"My baby! My baby!" I yelled frantically touching around my stomach. Meek shot up from his sleep instantly standing up in defense mode.

"My baby! Is my baby ok?" I asked him. My heart was beating so fast I thought I heard it. He walked over to me.

"Baby calm down. The baby is ok but I need you to calm down so your blood pressure won't go up." He said touching my arm. I rubbed my stomach and breathed in and out.

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