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"I do." I said feeling the butterflies in my stomach roam around as I held Meeks hand. I stared in his eyes and had what felt like an ever lasting smile.

"Do you take Onika Maraj as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or just for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I'd be crazy if I didn't." Everyone seated in the pews awed. The priest cleared his throat purposely and gave Meek a look.

"I mean I do." Omelly handed Meek his ring and Kim did the same to me. He each held each others rings. The priest said something but I didn't hear it because I was so lost in the moment. I was really getting married to the man I loved.

"I Robert Williams give you Onika Maraj this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." Oh we're exchanging. Meek took my hand and slipped my ring on my ring finger. I squealed and some people laughed.

"Ok ok. I Cookie- I mean Onika Maraj give you Robert Rihmeek Williams this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you. I vow to be with you for better or worse."

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said closing his bible. Kim screamed and everyone looked over at her.

"My girl is married!!" We both held each other's hands and jumped up and down. Squealing like elementary girls.

"Cook your suppose to kiss Meek." Jasmine whispered standing next to Kim and I as we acted like a fool. Kim and I calmed ourselves and I turned back to Meek all geeked. I felt my baby kick and I touched the spot so did Meek.

This year was an amazing eventful year. I was pregnant with my second child and married to someone I loved very much. Nothing can ruin this moment.

Except for the bullets that began ranging out. I was shoved to the ground quickly. I instantly covered my stomach. There was screams all around some even came from me as soon as I felt a piercing sting in my stomach. I looked at my hands to see blood soo I began to cough it up.

"ONIKA!" I heard Meeks voice but soon everything went silent.

"AHHHHHH" I woke up sweaty and screaming. I touched my flat stomach as tears flowed down my eyes. I sat up and opened the lights of my lamp. I looked to see the spot next to me empty. My heat jumped and I cried in my hands.

"I miss you." I whispered.

1 year and 6 months later

"Jojo I swear I'm going to whoop your bad ass if you break my flower pot." I scolded him as I struggled with the grocery bags and holding my 1 year old baby girl. Nana was holding the bags with the light things and Jomei walked ahead of us.

I sat the bags on the kitchen counter then placed baby girl on the floor so she can run around with her brother.

"Naelean stay in the living room with your siblings don't let them leave this room. I'm going to go get the rest of the bags." I told her she nodded so I turned back and went outside to my car which was wide open.

My backseat was a mess. Juice stains, crayons, chips all over my floor and there was bite marks on the side of my doors which was leather. I needed a bigger car.

I sighed and shook my head. Having kids were one of the biggest headaches of the century. Especially if you were doing it all alone. I grabbed the bags, locked my car and hurried inside because my kids were bad ass hell and no telling the type of damage they can do under five minutes.

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