Chapter One

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Zane's POV:

I walked through the halls of school, my mask wrapped around my face as I was able to feel a colorful line showup on my cheek. I sighed, knowing my soulmate was at it again.

Ever since I was six years old, little drawings had begun to appear on my skin. It happens to everyone eventually, but it had taken forever for me, causing a lot of kids to make fun of me. Once it did start, I quickly hid myself in clothes, my sleeves getting longer and a mask going up, since my soulmate liked to draw all over, not just on their arms.

I shouldered my backpack, hunching my shoulders in and keeping my eye down, the right one covered with my hair. It had gone blind, thanks to a certain brother of mine when we were younger. I quickly shuffled into my first class, roughly sitting in the back and setting my backpack down. I took my headphones out of my ears and grabbed my sketchbook and pencil from my backpack.

I began to work on a drawing. It wasn't anything special, just a fanart of what I would look like as a pony from My Little Horsie. It was my favorite show of all time, but I could never tell anybody, they'd make fun of me.

Suddenly, I heard someone talking, so I paused what I was doing and listened.

"Do you know why he keeps himself covered all the time?" a girl whispered to her friend, glancing in my direction.

"Maybe he doesn't want anyone to know he has no soulmate?" her friend whispered back, also glancing in my direction.

I looked up at them, locking eyes with the both of them. I scowled as they turned around, faces shining with embarrassment. I smiled smugly, satisfied with them leaving me alone.

A few minutes later, the bell rang and the teacher began roll call. "Zane Ro'Meave?"

"Here," I muttered, raising my hand without looking up from my drawing.

"Now, students," the teacher said once she was done taking roll, "we have a new student that I would like to introduce to you all," She motioned towards the door and it opened, the new student walking through. I still didn't look up, though, not caring who it was.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" I heard the teacher ask the new student.

The new student answered with a voice so high pitched, it hurt my ears. "Of course, Teacher~Chan!" It sounded like a girl. "My name is Kawaii~Chan, and I just moved here from Ru'aan!"

The name was what made me finally look up. I saw a meif'wa that looked like the embodiment of pink. Here wavy hair was pink, her clothes were pink, even her nails were pink! Her eyes were a shiny gold and her skin was almost as pale as mine.

But what really threw me for a loop were all of the drawings on her skin. She had red hearts going up and down her arms, blue and green flowers going down her legs, and pink swirls going up her neck and onto her face. She must've had a lot of soulmates to have that many soul marks!

I scowled, already deciding that I didn't like her, as I ducked my head back down to my drawing. I was sketching out the eyes when I heard the teacher tell Kawaii~Chan where she would be sitting.

"Since there's no other seats, you're going to have to sit in the back Miss Chan," she said, "Right there between Zane and Aphmau,"

I closed my eyes in frustration, hating that she had to sit next to me. I heard her excitedly sit down in the seat to my left, making the legs squeak. I drew my shoulders in even further, hiding my drawing from sight and scowling, hoping she'd get that I didn't want to talk. She didn't.

"HI!" I heard her say. I saw her turn towards me out of the corner of my eye, extending her hand. "You must be Zane~Kun! I'm Kawaii~Chan!"

I turned my face towards her, my scowl deepening. "Can't you tell when someone doesn't want to talk?" I snapped, pushing her hand away.

The smile melted off of her face. "Oh," she said, turning around to speak to Aphmau.

Satisfied with her response, I went back to my drawing, not paying any attention in class. I hated English anyway.

I didn't see the pink-haired meif'wa until lunch two hours later. I was sitting at my usual table by myself, listening to music, when she came up to me and tapped on my shoulder. I took out one of my earbuds, annoyed, and asked her what she wanted.

"Well," she said, still as chipper as she was earlier, "Kawaii~Chan wanted to know if she could sit here! All the other tables are full,"

Puzzled, I looked around the lunchroom and saw that it was, indeed, packed completely full. I sighed and nodded, putting my earbud back in as I began tracing the spots on the lunch table.

I felt her sit down next to me and saw her open her lunchbox. She pulled out some noodles, a roll, a pink cupcake, and some milk. Her parents must really love her if they were willing to give her that much food for lunch. I turned back to the table, ignoring the ache in my stomach.

After a minute, I felt Kawaii~Chan tap on my shoulder again. I turned towards her, pulling my earbud out again.

"What?" I growled at her. I watched as she pushed her roll over to me. I looked up at her, confused.

"Kawaii~Chan can see that you don't have anything to eat," she said, smiling, "She wants you to have her roll,"

I stare at the roll for a moment, my stomach rolling slightly at the sight of it. I wanted to so bad, but I didn't to pull my mask down to eat it, remembering all the drawings on my face.

I shook my head, turning away from her. "No, I'm not hungry," I muttered, putting my head in my arms with a scowl.

"Oh," she said. I heard her put her roll down on a napkin, sighing. "Then, would Zane~Kun like to talk?" she asked.

I peaked up at her, my eyebrow raised. "Like what?" I asked, skeptical, "I'm pretty sure that we don't have a single thing in common,"

She smiles wide, the swirls on her face stretching with her skin. "Then, we can talk about what you like to do," she exclaims, putting her head in her hand as the other reached for her bowl of noodles.

I think for a minute before deciding on something that wasn't completely embarrassing. "Do you like to play video games?" I ask.

I didn't think it was possible for her smile to stretch any wider, but I was wrong. "Yes! Kawaii~Chan mostly watches her favorite YouTubers playing games, but, if one catches her eye, she plays it for a while!"

I smile slightly. "Who are your favorite YouTubers?" I ask quietly.

We talk all throughout lunch, even though it was mostly Kawaii~Chan talking about some of the secrets and storylines in her favorite games. I would comment on some extra things that she might've missed, making her face light up.

The lunch bell sounded in the middle of our conversation about Five Nights at Freddy's conspiracy theories. We got up, heading to our next classes, but not before Kawaii~Chan pushed something into my hands.

"I know Zane~Kun said he wasn't hungry, but Kawaii~Chan wanted him to have this!" she said before running off to her class.

Puzzled, I looked down at what she gave me. In my hand was the pink cupcake that she had never eaten. The wrapper was a pretty gold and there were golden sprinkles on it. I looked in the direction she had gone, blushing a little bit. No one outside of family had given me a gift before.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now