Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: This is more of a filler chapter, the most important detail being when the court is. The next chapter will be much more interesting. After that, the court case. Anyway, to the chapter!

Nana's POV:

A week later, Zianna and I left the house to meet up with Ms. Omet. Zane came, too, much to Zianna's annoyance. Apparently, he was supposed to be finishing some homework, but he won the argument.

We rode to the courthouse in silence, Zane and I having a silent conversation on our arms. We were discussing something about our favorite things. Apparently, he really liked birds and quite. It was nice to imagine.

Once to the courthouse, we walked inside, my foot itching to get out of its cast. I still only had a few more days.

"Ms. Omet?" the receptionist asked once we walked in, looking up from the large book he was reading.

Zianna nodded and the receptionist nodded at us again. We began our slow trek up the stairs when we heard the door open again.

"Hello," a familiar voice said, making my stomach drop, "I'm here to see Mr. Adams,"

I nearly slid down the stairs when I turned to see Mama. She was standing at the receptionist's desk, her purse hooked around her arm as she smiled sweetly at the receptionist.

"Up the stairs, turn right. Second door on the left," the receptionist said, gesturing up the stairs where we were. Mama looked up the stairs and spotted me, her smile twisting into a creepy grin as she began to walk towards us.

I quickly scrambled up the stairs, pulling Zane and Zianna along with me. I pushed them down the hall and into Ms. Omet's office. I shut the door, not even looking back to see how far up the stairs Mama was. I didn't want to have to look at her.

"Goodness, what's the rush, young one?" Ms. Omet exclaimed when we entered.

"Mrs. Ishida was downstairs," Zianna said, sitting down. Zane pulled me towards one of the four chairs around her desk, grabbing my crutches in the process. I numbly sat down, taking in a deep, scared breath.

"Ah," Ms. Omet sighed, "She must be here to discuss the court case with her lawyer," She pulled out a notebook and pen, holding the pen over the notebook, like she wanted to write something.

"Now," she said, looking at me, "could you please describe the abuse she put you through?" She sounded sweet, probably knowing how hard it would be for me. I took a deep breath and nodded, beginning my explanation.

Zane's POV:

"She, um, started to abuse me when we thought I was an Alone," Nana started, twisting for fingers together.

"Why did she think you were an Alone?" Ms. Omet asked, writing down the information down. I felt embarrassment fill my whole body, a slight blush creeping up my neck. I quickly looked away from the conversation, scratching the back of my neck.

"My soulmate never responded to my drawings," she said sheepishly, glancing over at me.

"And why not?" Ms. Omet asked, staring at me.

"I had issues with my self-esteem," I muttered, "I used to think I'd weigh my soulmate down,"

Ms. Omet grunted and turned back to her notebook. The conversation got very awkward for a while after that.

An hour later, we left, letting Ms. Omet come up with a strategy for the court case, which was in exactly two weeks. We were supposed to meet up with her again in another week to discuss the plans for it.

"Thank you, Mr. Adams, I'll come back next week," I heard from the other side of the courthouse. Recognizing the voice, I turned to Nana, a slight blush creeping up on me at the thought I was having.

"Do you want me to carry you, so we can get out of here quicker?" I asked, eyeing where Mrs. Ishida was gonna come out.

"Yes," she said nervously, nodding her head quickly. I picked her up and carried her on my back, Mom carrying her crutches as we quickly made our way out. I didn't even look back to see if she was following us.

"I can not wait for the court case," I mumbled. I wanted to get as far away from that lady as we could.

Third person POV:

Athena sat in her car, contemplating what was to happen. Mr. Adams had told her that the information that she had given him wasn't much to build an argument on, but he would see what he could do. She was gonna get her daughter back if she had to rip her from the Ro'Meave's arms. She didn't care if they were soulmates.

"I'm home," she yelled through the house as she walked inside, kicking her shoes off at the door. Instantly, Go ran in, ready to make sure that she was happy.

"Is there anything I can get you, Mom?" he asked, a nervous smile across his face.

"Tell your siblings that we have plans in two weeks for a court case to get your sister back," she stated, hanging her bag on a hook near the door.

A/N: You know, I originally planned for this to be eight to ten chapters of pure fluff with a little bit of character building. Ah, memories. Anyway, until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now