Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I'm just saying right now that y'all are about to hate me again.

Zane's POV:

I felt Nana fall asleep while I held her, her head falling into my chest. She was way too light.

I made my way up the stairs and glanced at Roku, who was quickly trying to finish the tea. "Roku, can you distract them, so I can get her to the car?" I asked, making sure Mrs. Ishida didn't hear me. I could still hear her in the living room, talking with my mom.

He quickly nodded, placing the teapot onto a tray that already had cups and other stuff on it. He quickly walked into the living room, making a show of his entrance.

"Here you go, Mom," he shouted. I quickly made my way to the doorway and peeked into the living room. He had both of the parents' undivided attention, but he wouldn't be able to keep it for long. I quickly made my way over to the doorway outside, keeping Nana's head tucked in, so she wouldn't bump into anything.

I quickly and quietly opened and closed the door, slipping outside and running to the car. I quickly slipped Nana into the back seat, making sure she was okay. I quickly wrapped her wrists with some bandages that were in my first aid kit, hoping that that would keep them safe until we could get to the hospital.

Afterwards, I ran back up to the door and walked inside, bumping into Roku as he walked out of the living room. We shared a look, telling him that she was safe.

"Zane! What were you doing outside?" Mom asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I left my phone in the car," I said, holding up my phone. She quickly nodded as Mrs. Ishida eyed me suspiciously.

"I didn't see you walk past," she said in a creepy tone.

"Must've gone by when you weren't paying attention," I shrugged, sitting down in my seat.

She eyed me for a minute longer, then turned back to my mom. "Well, we were just talking about what had happened to Scott," she said, stirring her tea sadly. I could tell it was fake.

"Your husband?" I asked, confused on who Scott was.

She nodded, continuing her stirring. "He, apparently, had a heart attack while drinking his tea," She casually sipped her own tea, giving us a sad smile over her cup.

I quickly stopped Mom from reaching for her cup, keeping my eyes trained on Mrs. Ishida. "Well," I said, standing, "I think we should go,"

"But you just got here," Mrs. Ishida said, setting down her cup. She gave me a look that told me to stay, but I wasn't having it.

"Yeah, but I had gotten a text from my brother earlier, saying he was having trouble at home," I said nervously, tugging on Mom's arm.

"Oh," Mrs. Ishida said, standing up as well, "then I'll walk you out,"

She followed us to the door, stopping us before we left. "Thank you for coming," she said, holding onto Mom's arm.

"You're, um, welcome," Mom stuttered out, "Thank you for having us,"

"Come back soon," she said, giving me a look that made my stomach churn. She shut the door and we quickly booked it back to the car. I looked out the window as I was buckling myself into the back and saw Yon standing in the kitchen window. I waved, mouthing a thank you to her as we drove away. Maybe, one day, I can repay her kindness.

"Is she alright?" I heard Mom ask from the front.

I quickly turned to examine Nana, checking over her wrists. Some weird, yellow stuff had started to come out of them.

"No," I nearly shouted, "We need to get her to the hospital,"

I felt Mom floor it on the gas and we sped off towards the hospital.

Third person POV:

"Thank you for keeping an eye on the door while our guests were here," Mrs. Ishida said to Yon as she stepped into the kitchen. Yon nodded silently and left the kitchen, heading straight for her room. She knew what was gonna happen if her mom opened that door.

"Maybe I'll take a quick snack down to Nana for being so quiet," Mrs. Ishida mumbled to herself. She turned around and began making a small, tuna fish sandwich, putting it on a plate.

She opened the door to the basement, using the key she had Yon hold while she had been guarding it. "Nana," she sang down the stairs, "I've got a snack for you!"

Her expression quickly turned sour when she saw that Nana wasn't there. From upstairs, Yon could hear the plate smash. She quickly hid the other siblings in Roku's room and told them to keep quiet. Then, she quietly crept into her own room to wait for her mom.

She heard a loud crash coming from the level below nearly two seconds later. Bracing herself, she silently prayed to Irene that her mom would be merciful. She was not.

A/N: Looks like Zane won't ever be able to repay Yon for her kindness. Anyway, until next chapter! Bye~ *evil laughter*

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now