Chapter Four

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Zane's POV:

I walked into Kawaii~Chan's room and was nearly blinded by all the pink. All the walls were a bright shade of hot pink, posters of bands, video games, YouTubers, and animes hanging on them. Her bed, which was positioned under the only window there, was a light pink, neatly made and had a variety of stuffed animals on the end, ranging from brown bears to a zebra.

Then, Kawaii~Chan stopped walking and turned towards me. "Why did you avoid Kawaii~Chan earlier?" she asked, giving me a stern look.

My eye widened and I shifted on my feet. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at the floor.

"Kawaii~Chan knows that, if you really had something to do, you would've said so when Yon~Sama invited you and your mom in," she stated, hardening her look.

I sighed, knowing she saw right through me. I quickly stuffed my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. I had rubbed the blue heart off my hand in the school bathroom already.

"I was just nervous," I muttered, staring at the pink swirls on Kawaii~Chan's carpet, "I've never had a friend before," It wasn't a full lie, I really was nervous about having a friend for the first time, even if that wasn't the original reason.

"Oh," Kawaii~Chan said taken aback, "Then, kawaii~Chan's sorry for being angry with Zane~Kun," She turned back around and plopped onto her bed, hauling her injured ankle onto the pink sheets. Then, she motioned for me to sit.

I obliged, sitting next to her and grabbing a black teddy bear from the end of the bed. I just wanted something to hold.

"Do you want to talk more about FNaF?" she asked. And, thus, we were sucked into the crazy world of conspiracies.

After a half hour, I noticed Kawaii~Chan was sleepy. She yawned, making me yawn, too. Soon enough, we were fast asleep, her head laying across my stomach and my arm draped across her middle.

Kawaii~Chan's POV:

I looked around at my surroundings. It was just black, nothing more. It didn't seem to have any boundaries, since I found nothing when I reached out to touch it.

"Hello?" I called out through the darkness.

"Hello, Nana," came a creepy voice from all around me.

I was scared, but I stood tall, my claws at the ready. "Who's there?" I yelled, looking around.

"Oh, I'm no one," it said, "The exact same person you're gonna end up with forever,"

I scowled, confused at the statement. Then, a dark mass began to form in the darkness. It funneled into a clone of me, but her eyes were a dark shade of red and her smile held no warmth.

"What do you mean?" I asked, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

The clone of me laughed, the same tone as me, but no joyfulness. She seemed to be laughing at me. "I mean that you'll never find your soulmate," it laughed out, "You'll grow up as an Alone and never find happiness,"

Tears began to form in my eyes, but I still held my stance. "But I do have a soulmate!" I yelled at my double, "They drew me a heart earlier!"

"But why would they take so long to respond if they really wanted to be with you? They even rubbed off the heart an hour after drawing it!" my clone said, stepping closer to me.

I froze, contemplating her sentence. If my soulmate had ever wanted to find me, why hadn't they answered me until eight years later? Did they really want to be with me? Or did they think I was annoying with all of my drawings?

"You're an Alone," my double said in my ears, "You grew up an Alone and you'll always be an Alone," It floated around me, turning back into a black mass.

"Shut up!" I yelled at it, pounding the sides of my head. I was suddenly being pulled down. I looked down and saw colorful strings pulling me into a puddle of black goop that had begun to form. I screamed, scared out of my mind.

"NO!" I screamed, sitting up in bed. I looked around and saw Zane beneath me, rubbing his eye. I guess he had fallen asleep, too.

"Kawaii~Chan?" he asked, sitting up himself, "What happened?"

"Nothing," I said, taking in lungfuls of air, "Kawaii~Chan just had a nightmare,"

Zane didn't get to ask any more questions, because, suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Zianna~Chan popped her head in a second later.

"So sorry to break up your conversation," she said, "but Zuzu and I really need to go,"

I nodded, scooting over, so that Zane could get off of the bed. "Bye, Zane~Kun," I said, smiling. He waved at me, still looking concerned, but left, closing the door.

I waited until I heard the front door close before sliding off of my bed and limping towards one of the bathrooms on the floor I was on. I quickly began scrubbing off the drawings that I had put on myself. I watched as the colorful water went down the drain, the dream I had just had playing in my mind.

I wondered why it had taken my soulmate so long to respond to my many drawings and writings. Also, why they had scrubbed off the heart they had drawn only an hour after drawing it. I could only come to one conclusion: they didn't want to be with me.

I began to cry as I dressed myself into a pink nightgown, choosing to skip dinner. I climbed into bed, trying to stop the tears that were still flowing heavily. I looked at the single, black marker on my bedside table. For years, even if I had thought I was an Alone, I had always left a little goodnight note to my soulmate, just in case, but, that night, I decided against it. If my soulmate didn't want me, I didn't want to give them a goodnight message.

I turned over in bed, closing my eyes and falling into a restless sleep.

Zane's POV:

I walked up the stairs to my room, having just finished dinner. I slumped in, still feeling terrible about the day I had had. I began to remove my clothes and mask, eventually lying in bed in just my boxers and a shirt. I looked down at the flowers on my legs. They were fading, meaning one of my soulmates had begun washing them off.

I turned over, waiting for the goodnight message. Every night, when the drawings of the day would wash off, a goodnight message would appear on the back of my hand. Even if I had been too scared of contacting my soulmates, I still loved looking at the message.

But it never came. I waited for an hour, but no message ever appeared on my hand. I turned over in bed, looking at the ceiling.

Is something wrong with them? I thought, moving my thumb across my hand, hoping to feel the message.

I shook my head to get that thought loose. I shouldn't be worrying about others, it'll just get me hurt. Getting too close to anybody would get me hurt.

A/N: Just in case some of you forgot, because even I got confused, Zane thinks that he and KC share a lot of soulmates, because of all the different markings on them both of them. This is still only a Zane~Chan fanfic and I don't want to confuse y'all.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now