Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Five chapters in a single day? I'm on a roll!

Nana's POV:

I woke up with something soft wrapped around me. I could hear something, like a beeping, but it took a minute for my vision to come back. Then, I realized it was because I had my eyes closed. I opened them and saw that I was in a hospital.

I tried sitting up, but I felt a pain in my wrists. I looked down at them and saw that they were wrapped in bandages that went all the way up to my elbows. Snoring was coming from a couch nearby, so I looked over and saw Zane lying on it, sleeping soundly, even though it was the middle of the day by the sunlight streaming in through the window. Other than the heart monitor, it was silent.

"Zane?" I said, trying to wake my sleeping soulmate. He woke with a start, his sleepy eyes opening slightly.

His hair was mushed up against the side of his face and his mask was on the table next to him, so I could see his whole face. His button nose was little, making him look even cuter. His right eye, which was always hidden by his hair, was a pale grey rather than blue, like he was blind in that eye. However, the most adorable thing about his whole face was his freckles. The small, brown dots went around his face, looking like constellations. He was so cute!

"Aww, you're adorable," I sighed, still tired from my long sleep.

He quickly pushed his hair back down, but he tucked it behind his ear, so that I could still see his face. He didn't pick up his mask, either.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, rushing to my bedside. He quickly looked me over, worry filling both of his eyes.

"I'm fine," I said, leaning into him. He was quite comfortable. I closed my eyes as he moved onto the bed, so that we would both be more comfortable. He put his chin on my head and began stroking my hair. I had never felt so safe.

We stayed like that until we heard the door creak open. I cracked my eyes open and saw Zianna walk through, accompanied by a doctor. His hair was a light shade blue and his eyes were green. He was a meif'wa as well, so his ears and tail were black. 

"Oh, sweetie! You're awake!" Zianna exclaimed, rushing over to me. I raised my arms, my instincts kicking in as she ran towards me. She stopped a little ways away from me, a sad look on your face.

"Sweetie, I'm just gonna give you a hug," she whispered. I quickly pushed my arms down, curling in on myself in embarrassment.

I felt her wrap her arms around me and give me a hug. Zane was there, too, joining in on the hug. I melted into a puddle of happy tears, clutching onto their arms and the back of their clothes. My family.

The doctor cleared his throat, trying to get our attention. "I hate to break this up, but I've got to check on Miss Ishida's arms," he said.

Zianna and Zane quickly nodded and let go of me, leaving behind the feeling of their warmth. The doctor unwrapped my wrists, showing me the disgusting remains underneath. The skin was soft and wrinkly, looking like a grandma's face. I had dark red scars, most likely from the ropes I had been in, and they were also a slight shade of purple. They did not look good.

"Keep these on for one more day, and you should be just fine," he said, applying some ointment to the cuts and wrapping them back up in new, fresh bandages. I watched as the gross reminders of the hurt my mother had caused me was wrapped up in white. How ironic.

"Now," the doctor said, turning towards me, "we need to talk about where you got them,"

My eyes widened as I looked to Zane for support. "We didn't want to tell anyone without your consent," he mumbled, looking to the ground.

I nodded, staring down at the grey blankets on my legs. "Can you tell him?" I whispered, tears filling my eyes. I felt his arms wrap around me and I buried my face into Zane's chest. It was too much.

Zane's POV:

"She was abused by her mother ever since she was little," I said, squeezing Nana in my arms. I could feel her tears staining my jacket, but I didn't care.

"And the scars?" Dr. Kane asked, gesturing to Nana's bandages.

I took in a small breath, trying to keep myself from crying with Nana. "When her dad died, she had to run away, since he was the only one keeping her from leaving," I began, glancing down at the girl in my arms, "Her mother found her the next day and locked her in the basement. The scars are from the ropes she used to restrain her,"

I heard Nana take in a shaky breath and I held her tighter, stroking her hair to calm her down. Her ears were flattened against her head, like she was trying to block out the whole conversation.

"I see," Dr. Kane said, looking at Nana with pity. I wanted to smack that look off his face. She didn't need pity, she needed love and help.

"Well, we need to keep her under observation for a couple more days before she can leave," he said, getting up and walking towards the door. He paused before he left, turning back to the three of us. "We'll need to take care of the legal documents later," Then, he left.

I felt Nana, curl up under my chin, purrs coming from her chest. She seemed content with where she was, so I stayed while Mom went to go get something for the two of us to eat. I never wanted to let her go.

Third person POV:

Athena stepped out of the shower, the red water flowing down the drain. She tsked at her reflection, still seeing blood on her face. There was also still some dried blood under her nails, which were stained red.

"Why is blood so hard to wash off?" she wonder aloud to herself, brushing her hair.

"Mama," a small voice said from outside the door. Athena quickly opened the door and was faced with Ju standing there, looking scared.

"Yes, baby?" she asked, stooping down to his level.

"Mama, where's Yon?" he asked, batting his scared eyes.

Athena smiled, taking Ju's hand in hers. She led him out to the backyard, where a small mound of dirt was. A trail of something dark lead to it.

"She's right there," she said, smiling down at Ju.

Ju's eyes widened in understanding as he quickly looked up at Athena, his face terrified. He may have been little, but he knew what a grave looked like.

"Is that what happens when someone makes Mama mad?" he asked in a shaky voice, pointing to the grave.

Athena nodded, looking back at Yon's grave. "Yon was very bad and let Nana get out of the basement," she said softly, "so she had to be punished,"

Ju stood there, too scared to move, his mother's creepy smile too scary. He decided right there that he wasn't going to go into Yon's room and see the mess.

A/N: I'll give you three guesses to who Athena is. Little Ju is scared for life, man. Anyway, until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now