Chapter Eight

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Zane's POV:

"So, you drew all of those yourself?" I asked. We were sitting on my bed facing each other. She had just finished talking about all the markings she had left on us.

She nodded, staring down at the bed, playing with a fold in the sheets. "I didn't want to seem like I was an Alone, so I drew on myself everyday, trying to keep up the illusion that I had one," she whispered, "I had always hoped that you'd respond at some point,"

Suddenly, she scowled and her head shot up. "Actually, would you mind explaining to me why you never responded?" she snapped.

I flinched and began playing with my hands, trying to distract myself. "I was always made fun of," I whispered, barely audible to even myself.

"What?" she asked, leaning closer.

"I said I was always made fun of!" I yelled, looking back up, "People always made fun of me, saying that, if I really did have a soulmate, I'd weigh them down!"

She leaned back, her eyes wide. I'm pretty sure that, if I had any more tears, I'd be crying.

"You took so long to respond, I thought I was an Alone!" I say, softer this time, "People would make fun of me and say things that really got to me!"

"We know you just drew those on yourself," Adam, a second grader, sneered, looking down at me.

I looked down at the small flowers on my arms. They had just shown up a few minutes ago. I hadn't had enough time to respond back.

"No, I didn," I try to say, my two missing front teeth making it hard to speak.

"Of course you did," he said back, laughing, "you're too stupid to actually have a soulmate,"

I began to cry, rushing off to hide in the equipment closet. I could still hear his words in my ears. When I got home, I hid myself in one of my hoodies. I hadn't taken it off since.

"Zane, I'm-" she started, placing a hand on my own, trying to comfort me.

I pushed it away. "Don't," I said, cutting her off, "Just don't. It's my fault and I made you wait. I should've told you sooner." I was mumbling now, doing weird things to keep my eyes off of her. Playing with my mask, shoving my nails into my fingers, twisting the skin on my face. Just, nervous ticks.

"So, you never responded, because you didn't want to face me?" she asked, tilting her head to try to get a good look at my face.

I nodded, still keeping my eyes off of her. Then, I heard her laughing slightly. I looked up and watched as she tried to stifle her giggles with her hands, failing miserably.

"What's so funny?" I snap, scowling.

"It's just that we're both so broken," she giggled again, shutting her eyes lightly. She looked really pretty when she was laughing.

I think about it for a minute before laughing, too. "I guess it is a little funny,"

We began laughing together, melting into a little puddle of happiness. I never wanted to leave.

"You're awesome, Kawaii~Chan," I said, looking up at her.

"Nana," she said, staring at me.

I sat up, turning around to keep eye contact with her. "Nana?" I asked, confused.

"My name," she said quietly, "If we're soulmates, I want you to know,"

I smiled, kissing the top of her head and laying back down. I heard her purr contently, turning and curling into the side of my head. It was perfect.

Kawaii~Chan's POV:

We stayed on Zane's bed for a few hours. I don't think either of us wanted to leave, because we didn't say anything for a while. We only moved because my phone rang.

I picked it up from beside me and sighed. A picture of Yon stood out on the screen as it rang. She was calling me.

I sat up and hit answer, putting the phone to my ear. "Yes?" I moan out, my voice tired.

"Where are you?" I hear her say on the other end in an annoyed voice.

"At a friend's house," I yawned out, stretching slightly.

"Well, are you gonna stay the night or are you coming home?" I could hear the sternness in her voice.

I looked over at Zane and held my hand over my phone. "Is it okay if I stay over tonight?"

He looks up from his position on his back, thinking for a moment. "Yeah," he says after a minute, closing his eye again.

I smile and bring my phone back to my ear. "I'm staying over," I say into it, studying an MMO poster on the wall.

I heard Yon sigh on the other end. "Alright, but don't do anything bad," she says.

A blush rises to my face as we hang up. I lay down again, the top of my head resting against against the top of Zane's. We were comfortable.

"Who was that?" he asked, turning his head to look up at me.

I turned my own head, our noses touching. "My older sister. She wanted to know whether or not I was coming home," I sighed out, reaching my hand out to hold his.

He sighed contently and we laid there for another few minutes. Until Zianna called us down for dinner.

We left to go eat and I smelled spaghetti. It was amazing. We talked for an hour at the table. I heard Zane's embarrassing baby stories and learned why he was blind in one eye. He glared at Garroth as that story was being told, but I just laughed and called it "the real reason Zane is evil". He grumbled, but didn't disagree.

After dinner, we were all in the living room, watching Netflix, when my phone began to ring again. I looked down at it, confused as to why Yon would call me again.

"Yes?" I asked, answering the phone.

"Nana, we need you to come home," she said. She sounded worried.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up. Everyone looked at me, confusion etched across their faces.

"Something happened with Dad," Yon said on the other line.

I felt my stomach drop. What had happened?

A/N: I love writing, because I can kill off as many people as I want and I can't be arrested. It's amazing. Anyway, until the next chapter. Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now