Chapter Three

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Zane's POV:

I ran over to my older brother's car, my heart pounding and shattering at the same time. I hated seeing the heart broken look on Kawaii~Chan's face when I told her I couldn't hang out. It made my whole body ache. But, so what? It's not like I cared about her, I can't care about anyone. I would get hurt.

I jumped into Garroth's car, sliding into my usual seat and staring out the window.

"Hey, baby brother," I heard Garroth say from the front seat. I looked up and locked eyes with him from the rear view mirror. His eyes were the same color as mine, a trait we had inherited from our dad, but that was where the similarities stopped. His hair was a bright blond, sometimes so bright it hurt my eye, and he was always smiling and laughing with someone, no matter who it was. His face was more rough and less hidden than mine.

I scowled in response, growling at the nickname. Our younger brother, Vylad, hopped in a couple seconds later, a wild smile on his face.

Now, Vylad may be younger, but he skipped a couple of grades and was in the same one as me. He's also adopted. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were a dark green, shining with the fun he seemed to be having. His face was softer than mine or Garroth's, but he was already developing laugh lines from smiling so often.

"Hey, baby brother!" Garroth yelled, smiling at Vylad.

"What up, bros?" he asked, buckling up. I grunted and looked back out the window, losing myself in my thoughts.

I watched the landscape of our town fly past, thinking about all that had happened at school. I glanced at Vylad, eyeing the hearts all over his hands, from a soulmate that he hadn't met yet. I glanced away, turning to look at the winky faces from Garroth's soulmate, Laurence. I grunted, thinking about Kawaii~Chan.

My thoughts came to a screeching halt when I saw the meif'wa in question running as fast as she could down the street. She looked to be in trouble, her eyes wild as she ran. I watched as she ran against the car, then her foot hit a hole in the sidewalk. She fell, the foot turning in a direction that it shouldn't. I could hear her scream in pain.

"Stop the car!" I yelled to Garroth, who immediately slammed on the brakes. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone else driving down the road, so no one hit us.

I opened my door and scrambled to a crying Kawaii~Chan. I avoided looking at her ankle, knowing that I wasn't any good with things like that.

"Are you okay, Kawaii~Chan?" I asked her, grabbing her hand.

She looked up, the swirls on her cheeks rubbing off with her tears. I guess she had drawn those for her soulmates. She shook her head quickly, biting her cheek to keep from screaming.

I took a deep breath and risked a glance at her ankle. It was twisted in a way it shouldn't have been, but it didn't look too bad. At least, not at the moment. It had begun to take on a purple coloration as Kawaii~Chan gripped it tight.

"Come on," I said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I pulled her up and helped her over to the car, Garroth and Vylad still inside, amazed at what I was doing.

I helped Kawaii~Chan into the car, sitting her in the middle seat. Her ankle had begun to turn green, as well as purple. I kept my eyes away from it, not wanting to throw up.

"Why were you running so fast, Kawaii~Chan?" I asked her, signalling for Garroth to keep going. He nodded and kept driving, still heading for our house.

Kawaii~Chan sniffled, taking in a deep breath. "Kawaii~Chan's older sister wouldn't drive her home, so Kawaii~Chan was running home. She wanted to get home before dark," she said, squeezing her eyes shut in pain.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now