Chapter Thirteen

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Zane's POV:

"Zane, I think we should approach this calmly," Mom said as I marched up to the door. I felt her hand rest on my shoulder, holding me back from ripping the door off.

"Why?" I snapped back, glancing back at her.

"Because, we don't know where she is," Mom said, taking me by the shoulders and stooping down to my level, "She could be across town for all we know, and we need to figure out where she is,"

I nodded, understanding her logic, but still wanting to break down the door. I relaxed a little, letting her know she could let me go, and marched up to the door, raising my fist to knock. My three knocks sounded in the house.

"I'll get it!" I heard an unfamiliar voice ring out from inside. A woman opened the door. Her hair was pink and curly, like Nana's, but her eyes were brown. She looked just as pale as well. Her mother.

"Hello," she said sweetly, looking down at me, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm a friend of Kawaii~Chan's," I stated, eyeing her with a hatred. If looks could kill, she'd be six feet under right about now.

"We heard about her father and we wanted to know if there's anything we can do to help," Mom said, placing a hand on my shoulder. From her grip, I could tell she was trying not to jump at Mrs. Ishida and rip her apart.

"Oh, that's sweet," Mrs. Ishida said, looking to the ground sadly, "but I'm afraid that the arrangements have already been made, so..." she began to close the door, but Mom slammed her hand on it, keeping it open.

"I'm sure you could use some cheering up, though," she said, feigning sweetness, "May we come in?"

Mrs. Ishida's eye twitched slightly, but she let us in, anyway. "It would be rude to refuse," she muttered, bowing as we came in.

I glanced in the kitchen as we made our way into the living room. I saw Yon standing next to a door, while playing on her phone, slight tears in her eyes as she waved at me. She didn't seem to be happy about where she was. Nana must've been behind the door.

We sat down in the living room as Mrs. Ishida called another one of Nana's siblings in. He was tall, the curly, pink hair going all around his head. His eyes were the same shade as Nana's, but I would describe them as amber, rather than gold. He looked like someone you would find staying up until three am playing an online game.

"Yes, Mama?" he said, his voice low. He didn't seem too happy with her, either.

"Will you please start some tea in the kitchen, Roku?" she asked nicely, "We have guests,"

Roku bowed, then sped off to the kitchen to do what he was told. My eye followed him to the kitchen, catching more of his pink-haired siblings peeking around the corner. They quickly ducked back, seemingly afraid of me, or someone else with me.

I turned back to the adults, who had been having a small conversation about hobbies. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked, standing up.

Mrs. Ishida looked up and smiled. "Down the hall, third door on your right," she said, pointing down the hall.

I thanked her and sped down the hall, stopping when I got out of sight of the two of them. I quickly made my way around to the kitchen, taking the long way, so she wouldn't see me.

"What are you doing here?" Yon whispered when she saw me. Roku was at the stove, preparing the tea. He didn't say a word.

"I'm getting Nana," I whispered back, eyeing the door.

She quickly shook her head, her ears flattening to her head. "She'll hurt us both if she finds out you went down there," she whispered, raw fear in her voice. Her tail swished back and forth anxiously, curling up into knots.

"I just need to get her home," I whispered, glancing back towards the living room. It didn't seem like Mrs. Ishida was moving.

"Will she be safe?" Yon asked, making me turn back. The fear in her eyes was replaced with worry for her sister. Maybe she really did care about her.

I nodded, my eye hardening with determination. She glanced behind me and quickly opened the door with a small, golden key. It popped open with a click and I heard a small shuffle coming from down the stairs behind it. My breath caught in my throat and I quickly sped down the stairs, hoping Nana was okay.

Nana's POV:

I sat in the darkness for what felt like hours. My eyes kept playing tricks on me, making me see things in the darkness. I saw demons and monsters creeping at me, making me want to scream. I didn't, though, because I knew Mama would be mad. I sat there for forever, curling in on myself and crying.

After awhile, I heard voices coming from up the stairs. None of them sounded like Mama's voice. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but their voices were too soft, so all I could hear were whispers. There was silence for a second, then light shined on my face, making me shuffle and try to get it out of my eyes. They closed in response, trying to block out the light.

A shadow passed in front of the light, scaring me. I whimpered and quickly tried to curl up. I didn't want to get hurt. It was his voice that snapped me out of it.

"Nana! It's me!" he whispered. My eyes shot open, recognizing the gravelly voice that had come from the boy in front of me. Zane was squatting in front of me, relieved tears filling up his eye. The breath I had been holding in came out all at once, relief flooding through me.

"There are ropes around my wrists," I whispered, breathing heavily. It felt like a giant weight had been taken off of my chest.

He nodded and quickly moved behind me. I felt him undo my restraints, but he stopped when he got them off. He held one of my wrists as I turned to face him, my muscles relaxing with the movement.

"What happened?" he whispered, his voice filled with worry. I looked down and saw the cuts around my wrists from when I had tried to get out of the ropes.

"They were really tight," I mumbled, my head clouding up. I took all I could to keep from blacking out.

"Guys," I heard someone, I think Yon, hiss from up the stairs, "Mom's getting impatient with Zane. She's about to come ask me if I've seen him.

Zane's eye widened as he quickly picked me up bridal style. My head hurt too much for me to really acknowledge my position. All I could do was cuddle into his chest and fall into a well-deserved sleep.

A/N: Thank you for reading, everyone! Until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now