Chapter Two

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Kawaii~Chan' POV:

I quickly walked down the hall from lunch, my face burning from the interaction that I had just had. I never knew that giving someone a cupcake would make my heart pound so much. I looked down at the marker drawings on my arm and my brain suddenly stopped working.

There, on the back of my hand, was a small heart in blue ink. I stopped, pushing myself into the bathroom as I stared down at the little drawing. I locked myself in the furthest stall down and began to cry happily.

To most, this heart would be normal, a small "I love you" from their soulmate, but, to me, it meant something so much more. Ever since I was six, I had been drawing on myself, trying to contact my soulmate, but I had never gotten an answer. I had tried everything, from small drawing on my arms, to large hearts on all over my face. No contact ever came.

My brothers and sisters would laugh at me, saying that I had no soulmate. That I was an Alone. An Alone was someone who didn't have a soulmate, a person who was to be alone forever. To keep up the image that I wasn't an Alone, I had begun to draw on myself with an array of different colored markers, hoping that people would think that I had more than one, rather than one.

The late bell rang, signalling that I was late. I snapped out of my daze, my heart rate quickening. I jumped up and zipped out of the bathroom, quickly walking towards my next class. I knocked on the door, nearly out of breath.

The teacher opened it a minute later, a surprised look on her face. "Oh! Miss Chan!" she exclaimed, ushering me in, "You're late,"

"Kawaii~Chan is sorry, Ms." I said, bowing my head, "She got lost," I know that it was a lie, but how am I supposed to explain to the teacher- in front of the whole class- that I had finally gotten an answer from my soulmate after eight whole years. Yeah, not gonna happen.

"Alright," she sighed, "Understandable," She let me head straight to my seat, rather than making me introduce myself to the class. Everyone was already staring at me, anyway.

I glanced to the side on my way to my desk, locking eyes with someone across the room. Apparently Zane was in the class, as well. He quickly cast his eyes down, his eyes widening at something. I glanced down at what he was looking at, seeing the little heart on my hand. I smiled and waved at him, sitting down at my seat, listening as the teacher began explaining molecules.

Zane's POV:

I couldn't believe what I had just seen! Kawaii~Chan had a small, blue heart on the back of her hand that perfectly matched the one on mine. I had doodled it once I had gotten to class, a fuzzy feeling in my chest guiding the small marker that had been in my hand.

I quickly hid my hand under my opposite arm, hoping she hadn't seen it. My mind took over for me, having a conversation on its own.

Did you see!? She must be my soulmate!

But she also has all those other markings all over herself. Even if I was her soulmate, she must have, like, ten. It wouldn't matter whether or not I'm her soulmate!

But, what about my other markings!?

Then, they must be from our soulmates, too. My statement still stands.

Are you saying that I'd just slow them down?


I slumped in my seat, my chin resting in my arms. Right there, I decided to stay as far away from her as I could. I didn't want to slow her and our other soulmates down.

Kawaii~Chan's POV:

The class ended after an hour, the shrill ringing of the bell making me jump. Since it was a holiday, school ended early. I got up and made a beeline for Zane.

"Zane~Kun!" I shouted, trying to get his attention, but he didn't turn around. He didn't have his earbuds in, so I knew he could hear me. I tried again, walking up and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Zane~Kun?" I asked, my voice more urgent this time.

He turned around to face me, but he looked like his mind was somewhere else. I scowled, confused at his actions.

"Yeah?" he mumbled, shifting on his feet. He seemed to be antsy about something.

"Kawaii~Chan just wanted to know if you'd like to hang out today," I said, bouncing up and down slightly.

"I can't," he said, making me stop my bouncing. My face fell, the excitement washing out of me.

"Why not?" I asked, sadly, my hand reaching towards his arm. He shook it off and turned away, walking towards the doors of the school. I felt my heart shatter.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now