Chapter Five

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Kawaii~Chan's POV:

I woke up dazed with a stomach ache. I stared at my alarm clock, the red letters 5:30 imprinting in my retinas, the beeping echoing in my mind. I finally got sick off it enough to roll over and hit it hard on the top, turning it off. I slipped out of bed and hobbled over to the dresser.

I chose to wear a simple, light pink dress and a pair of black shorts underneath. I slipped on my right shoe, the cast protecting my other foot, and made my way to the bathroom. I did my hair in a side braid, fastening my large, pink bow on the end. I fixed my makeup and turned to the drawers.

I opened the top drawer to the left of the sink, moved all of my siblings' hair products, and opened the false bottom. Inside, I had hidden all of the markers that I used to mark myself. I took out the red one and began to draw little hearts on my wrist, shaping them into a bracelet. Then, I took out a black marker and drew some fake cat whiskers on my cheeks, coloring my nose black, as well.

When I finished, I checked over my drawings, then left to go get some breakfast, putting the markers back in the drawer and replacing the fake bottom. I flastered my usual, tired smile on my face, and hobbled down the stairs.

"Mornin', Nana," my youngest brother, Ju, said, toddling up to give me a hug. He was only three years old, but he was one of the most lively one of our siblings. Like the rest of us, he had curly, pink hair and bright gold eyes. However, his skin was more tanned, since he spent most of his time outside, playing in the dirt and in the treehouse. His face was still full of chubby baby fat, some of it covered in messy marker scribbles.

"Good morning, Juju!" I exclaimed, picking him up and spinning him in the air. He giggled as I blew a raspberry on his tummy. "Who else is up?" I asked him, setting him down.

"Yon, Go, Roku, Hachi, Ku, Ju ichi, and Mommy!" He yelled, taking me by the hand and leading me towards the dining room.

Sure enough, all of the siblings that lived in the house were sitting around the table, eating bacon and tuna sandwiches. Go looked up me when I entered. He was the messy sibling. His face was covered in sandwich, which made me want to vomit. I'm not gonna tell you the ret f him, he looked just like the rest of us.

"Hey, Nana," he said, tuna juice dribbling down his chin. I motioned for him to wipe it off as I sat down in my seat, digging into my own sandwich.

My mom came in a few minutes later, carrying her suitcase. She was off to another business trip. Mama looked like all of us, except for the fact the she had brown eyes, rather than gold.

"Good morning, everyone," she said, sitting in her own seat, next to mine. She began to eat her own sandwich, but stopped when she saw my cast.

"What in the world did you do to your foot!?" she yelled, turning to me.

My ears flattened, trying to block out the noise. "I twisted my ankle on the way home from school, yesterday," I muttered, bowing my head in shame.

"And you expect me to pay for that thing on your foot?" she demanded, motioning to my cast. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yon take all of the younger siblings out of the room and usher them to the backyard. Soon enough, it was just me and Mama in the dining room.

"No, Mama," I whispered, "My friend, Zane was there. He drove me to the hospital and his mom is paying for my cast," My tail came up to my lap, allowing me to hold it as I got scolded.

"Good," was all she said before getting up. She put her plate in the sink and walked to the backyard. I heard her say goodbye to all my siblings, then the front door close. I sighed and got up, carrying my own plate to the sink and grabbing my crutches from the opposite wall. I used them to swing myself out to my Yon's car. If I wanted a ride to school, I needed to get to the car early.

Zane's POV:

I woke up with a headache. I looked over at my alarm clock and jumped out of head. My clock read 7:30. I had overslept.

I bolted to the bathroom, running into Garroth on my way out. I fell flat on my back and layed sprawled out on the floor, my head spinning.

"Oh, here, baby brother. Let me help," I felt him pull me up by the hand. My vision cleared when I stood back up. I shook my head and scowled at him, annoyed with the interaction. Then, he started laughing. 

"What?" I snapped, crossing my arms.

It took him a minute to answer. "Have you looked in the mirror today?" he managed, before melting into a pool of laughter.

My eyes widened and I resumed my run into the bathroom. I stared at my reflection, my eyes popping out of my head. My nose was colored black and I had whiskers on my cheeks. Apparently, one of my soulmates had gotten up early today.

I quickly made my way back to my room, shutting the door and locking it. I rummaged around in my laundry, producing my mask after a minute. I shoved it onto my face, hiding the drawn on cat face.

I got dressed after, pulling my uniform on. I stopped when I began to put my shirt on, spotting another drawing on my wrists. It was a chain of red hearts that went around my wrist, forming a bracelet. I smiled down at it, holding my wrist between two fingers.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. "Bro, you coming? School starts in less than an hour," I heard Vylad say through the door. I forgot about the hearts on my wrist and threw on my jacket, grabbing my tie as I ran out the door. I grabbed some toast from the kitchen, then ran out the front door, jumping into Garroth's car.

Vylad got to see my whiskers as I ate my toast. He laughed, earning him a swift punch in the arm. It didn't hurt, since I was the weakest in the car, but I still got my point across.

We arrived at school after a few minutes, the three of us scurrying towards our first classes. I slid into my seat just as the bell rang. I put my head on the desk, trying to calm my pounding heart.

"Zane, you need to put on your tie," the teacher told me after she called my name. I scowled at her, but attempted to fix my tie anyway. I tried to see if I could remember how to, since I had watched my mom fix it every day. I could not.

"Let Kawaii~Chan help," I heard Kawaii~Chan say from my left. I turned towards her, too frustrated to refuse. She quickly tied my tie, furrowing her brows in concentration.

I nearly smiled at the way she stuck her tongue out as she looped the tie. The drawn on whiskers on her own face twitched when she was finally done. Thank Irene my mask covered my face, or she would've seen both my own whiskers and the giant blush spreading across my cheeks.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" I whispered, eyeing the teacher, who was saying something about a test next Tuesday.

"Kawaii~Chan watched her Mama tie Kawaii~Chan's Daddy's tie everyday when she was little," she whispered back, taking down the date. She sounded tired.

"You okay?" I asked, turning my head towards her.

"Kawaii~Chan's just tired," she yawned out. She shook her head as she yawned, looking like she was getting electrocuted.

I snorted, earning a hard look from the teacher. Maybe I could get to know Kawaii~Chan a little bit.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now