Chapter Nine

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A/N: If some of y'all didn't know, I can go from fluff to angst in the span of two chapters. You shall see that now. Happy reading~

Kawaii~Chan's POV:

I asked Zianna if she could drive me home, so I soon found myself anxiously looking out the window of their car. The intense beating in my heart made me nearly throw up. I hated anxiety attacks, but this one couldn't be helped. Dad could be hurt, or or.....

I shook my head, trying to get that thought out of it. I looked out the window again and tried to find my house.

After a moment, I felt a small drawing begin to show up on the back of my hand. I looked down and saw a small message from Zane in blue marker. It'll be okay it read.

I turned around and smiled softly at Zane, who held a blue marker above his palm. "Thanks," I whispered, my smile crumbling.

I began to cry freely, my breaths coming out short. My vision went black, but I didn't black out. I felt Zane grasp onto my shoulders and say soothing things, but I couldn't hear them. I hated anxiety attacks.

It wasn't even about what would happen to Dad. Yes, I was worried about him, but that's not what worried me the most. What worried me was how Mama would react. The only one who kept her under wraps was Dad and he might be gone. It was nerve wracking.

I was able to calm down after a few minutes, cuddling into Zane with tears streaming down my face. The car stopped and I looked out the window to see Yon running up to the car. I slipped out, hanging onto my crutches for dear life as she gripped my arms.

"He's gone," she whispered, wrapping her arms around me.

I returned the gesture, burying my face into her shoulder. "What happened?" I asked, pulling back to look at her face.

"He he just started hurting in his in his chest and and he just just dropped," she stuttered out, barely able to keep the tears at bay, "The the paramedics couldn't couldn't do any anything to help. He's hes...." she burst into tears after that. I held onto her. I had never seen my big sister cry.

"She's gonna be a monster when she gets back," she whispered into my ear. I tense, knowing exactly what she meant.

"We have to get you out of here," she said, pushing me away this time.

I nodded, thinking back to all the times she had been so horrible to me. It was never anybody else, just me and only me. She criticized the way I dressed, even though my older brother, Ichi, would dress the exact same way. She hated the way I talked, she hated me. I was gonna get hurt if I stayed.

"I've already packed your stuff, you need to go," Yon said, gripping my shoulders tight and looking me in the eyes.

"The rest of you will be safe, right?" I asked, hoping to Irene it was only me she hated. I had never felt so relieved to be thought of as the only Alone in the family.

Yon nodded, handing me my pink suitcase. It was full of all the stuff I'd need if I wanted to live somewhere else.

"Wait, what's going on?" Zane asked, coming to stand beside me. He wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him.

"She needs to leave before Mom gets back home," Yon states, giving him a determined look.

"What do you-?" he starts to ask, but I cut him off.

"Zane, I'll explain everything when we get back home," I said, attempting to pull him back to the car. Zianna was still waiting in the driver's seat, a confused and concerned look crossing her face.

"But this is your home," Zane said, gesturing towards the house.

I turn back, waving a final goodbye to Yon. "Not anymore," I said, pushing him into the car and sliding in beside him.

"Zianna, we need to go back home," I said, staring down at my hands.

"Our home?" she asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

I nodded, memories of my childhood flooding through my head.

"Mama, can I hold the new baby?" I asked, looking at Baby Ku in her arms.

"No, Nana," she said sternly, throwing me a mean look. She turned around and began walking towards the baby's room.

"Why not?" I asked, tugging on her pant leg.

"Because you're too young," she snaps, kicking me in my small shin.

I stopped, knowing better than to argue. Even though, later that night, I saw her letting Hachi hold Baby Ku, even though she's a year younger than me.

"Mama, my tummy hurts," I whined, pouting at Mom from my place in the living room. I wasn't allowed in the kitchen when Mama was in there.

"Then, wait until I leave and you can get yourself a snack," she snapped, returning to buttering her toast. She didn't leave for an hour after that, making me wait, all while my other siblings ran around in there, getting bites of her toast. My stomach really hurt.

"Mama, I hurt myself," I cry out, hobbling through the house with a bloody knee. Stupid bike.

"Not now, dear, I'm getting ready for a date with your father," I heard her say from the nearby bathroom.

I hobbled over, trying to keep my blood from staining the carpet. Turning into the doorway of the bathroom, I saw Mama doing her makeup.

"Mama, I really need a bandaid or something," I say, gritting my teeth.

She turned towards me, her face twisting into disgust at the sight of my injured knee. "Ew, I'm not touching that," she spat, "Go ask your father,"

I nodded and hobble down the hall to my room. Daddy was out shopping, so he couldn't help me. No one could.

"Mama, I do have a soulmate!" I yell throughout the house, running into the living room to show her the drawing on my arm. It was just a small, blue swirl, but it might have been enough to convince her.

She peered over the top of her magazine, picking up a bottle of hand sanitizer. "Let me see if it comes off," she said, turning the page.

My eyes widened as I walked closer to her, knowing the outcome of the situation. She squirted a little bit of hand sanitizer on the swirl and rubbed it. It rubbed off with ease, meaning I had been the one to draw it.

"Don't lie to me, Nana," she said, smacking my face. My head snapped to the side and I fell to the floor.

"You know I hate liars," she said, looming over me, "And I hate Alone liars,"

I begin to cry, glaring at her full force. "I hate you!" I scream, earning me another smack.

"Don't say that to me, I am your mother," she yells. I see Roku usher the younger siblings away from the doorway of the living room out of the corner of my eye. They didn't need to see this.

"Do you really think anyone else is gonna love you, like me?" Mama snaps, standing over me, "Do you really think that anyone else would accept an Alone, like you?"

I shake my head, trying to keep from covering my quivering ears. It would just earn me more pain.

"That's right," she snarls, sitting back down, "Now, go play. I don't want to see you until dinner,"

I nod and rush off to my room, glancing at the clock to see the time. Nine AM. Guess I was stuck in my room until nightfall.

I shivered in the car, watching trees and houses go by. I could feel in my gut that I still wasn't safe. She would find me and everything would fall.

A/N: Thank y'all for reading this chapter and I am not sorry for any feels that I may have caused. Until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now