Chapter Ten

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Zane's POV:

"So, why aren't you going home?" I asked Nana, who had been anxiously staring out the car window for the past ten minutes.

"I am," she stated simply, craning her neck to see out the window.

"I mean the house where your siblings are," I said, crossing my arms.

She tensed and turned around, giving me the pleading eyes. "Please wait until we get home," she pleaded, "I promise I'll tell you everything when we get there,"

I sighed and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Alright, but you can't avoid it when we get there," She nodded and smiled sadly, resuming her looking out the window.

We got back to my house a few minutes later, Garroth and Vylad running out of the house to meet us. They stopped when they saw Nana.

"What's Kawaii~Chan doing here?" Garroth asked, pointing at the meif'wa in question, "I thought she was going home,"

I came to stand next to my soulmate, holding out her bag for her. "Long story, tell you later," I mutter, grabbing Nana's arm and leading her into the house.

I lead her up to my room and shut the door, locking it. "Okay," I said, turning around to face her, "Tell me what's going on,"

Nana's POV:

I stood there, trying not to cry as I tried to find a place to start. "My Mama's never liked me," I whispered, sitting down on the bed. I set my crutches down on the floor.

"Yeah, but my mom never liked me the best either," Zane said, sitting down next to me with a confused look.

I shook my head. "It's different," I sighed, "For you, you just weren't your mom's favorite. For me, mine hated me just because we thought I was an Alone,"

I looked up to see Zane staring at me with angry eyes. "Did she ever hurt you?" he demanded, looking me over.

It took me a minute to respond. I nodded and pulled up the side of my shirt, revealing a long scar that ran down my side. Zane's eyes widened as he felt the scar, his cold hand sending chills up my spine.

"What did she...?" he asked, looking up at me. His blue eye portrayed sadness, anger, protection, and fear all at once.

"She threw me into the neighbor's dog pen for using all the milk," I said, as if I was talking about the weather. I began to pull my shirt back down, hiding the one of many scars.

"And your siblings didn't do anything?" Zane exclaimed, the anger returning.

"Would you wanna get on your mom's bad side if she was already angry?" I snapped, playing with my tail and averting my eyes from him.

"I guess you have a point," I heard him mutter. I nodded as tears filled my eyes. That wasn't even the largest scar.

"Please don't tell anyone," I whisper, trying to become as small as possible.

I felt him wrap his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest, earning me a small kiss on the head.

"I won't ever let her get to you," he whispered, squeezing me tighter. I squeezed back, wrapping my arms around his middle and closing my eyes.

Here, I was safe. No one, especially Mama could get to me. I could hear his heart beating, filling me with a warm, fuzzy feeling. I pulled back from the hug and stared up at him, my golden eyes meeting his blue. He stared back, his eyes darting down to my lips.

I pushed myself up to meet him, softly pressing our lips together. His lips were soft and he smelled like candy and cupcake icing, making me smile. I wanted this soft, sweet moment to last forever.

I came back down just as fast as I had gone up, only, this time, I felt a smile stretch across my face. I laid my head back down on his chest as he pulled me down to lay with him. I laid there, with my head on his chest and my tail wrapped around his legs, purring contently. I never wanted to leave.

Zane's POV:

Nana and I had somehow fallen asleep in our comfortable position. We woke up at the sound of my alarm, telling us to start getting ready for school.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes as my mask hung from one of my ears. I looked down and saw Nana on my bed, sleeping through the annoying beep of my alarm.

"Nana," I sleepily moaned, nudging her slightly, "Come one, we have school,"

She slowly opened eyes, scrunching her face to try and wake up. It was really cute.

"Nooo," she moaned, lightly shoving her hand into my face, "Five more minutes,"

"No, we need to go to school," I said, sliding out of the bed and pulling on the sheets she was laying on. Her eyes shot open as she scrambled to get off the bed before she was dragged off.

"Zane, don't do that!" she yelled, glaring at me.

I laughed, throwing my head back. It hit the wall, causing me to fall over. I heard Nana laugh from her place on the floor and scowled playfully. I crawled around the bed, keeping the giggling girl in sight, then jumped at her.

"Nya!" she yelled as I pinned her down. Before she could say anything, I began to tickle her, my slender fingers wiggling over her ribs.

She started to wiggle, howling as she tried to push me away. "Zane! Stop!" she laughed out, pushing on my hands.

I obliged, leaning down to plant a light kiss on her forehead. She hummed in contentedness, then got up and reached for her pink suitcase, which was abandoned by my door.

"I'm gonna go change," she stated, opening the door, "I'll be back in a minute,"

I smiled when she left, fixing my mask and pulling on my school uniform. The weekend had been too hectic for my liking, but at least I was finally able to tell Nana about us. I was finally able to tell my soulmate that I knew. I was so happy, I didn't even notice the pink-haired woman standing out in my lawn.

A/N: Ah, I love cliff-hangers, don't you? *sips tea from mug* Anyway, until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now