Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Here's the final segment of the court case, you know, not even five minutes after I published the last chapter. Love y'all! <3

Zane's eye widened, but he slowly got out of his seat and went to take his oath. Once he was done, he sat in the stand, eyeing Mr. Adams suspiciously.

"Mr. Ro'Meave, you are Nana Ishida's soulmate, yes?" Mr. Adams asked.

"Yes, sir," Zane stated, glaring his down suspiciously. What was he planning?

"So, like she stated, Mrs. Ishida punished her because she thought she was an Alone, is that correct?"

Zane eye widened at the statement, but he answered. "Yes, and I would like for you to not use that word," he hissed.

"So, why did she think her daughter was an Alone when she obviously has a soulmate?"

Zane took a deep breath knowing that he would have to explain his actions. "I used to get bullied as a kid, so I thought that I would end up weighing any soulmates I had down. I, also, used to think we ha a couple, since we would both have a lot of drawings going up and down our skin, but it was really Nana. I didn't mean to put her in danger,"

"I see," Mr. Adams muttered, looking down at his notes. Zane took that as his cue to go, so he quickly made his way back to his seat, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"So," Mr. Adams said after a moment, "you see that it was not Athena Ishida's fault. It was Mr. Ro'Meave's fault for never responding to his soulmate's drawings," He pointed at Zane, who began to curl in on himself, trying to hide from sight. Then, he felt a soft hand wrap around his own. It was Nana, and she didn't look happy.

"So what if he never responded?" she yelled, standing, "It was my mother's reactions that hurt me, not the thought that I didn't have a soulmate! No one should treat anyone the way she treated me my whole life!"

The Jury went into a frenzy that took a good five minutes of yelling from Ms. Hancock to calm down. When everyone finally did calm down, Nana went up to Ms. Omet and whispered something into her ear.

"Ms. Hancock?" Ms. Omet asked, standing, "Miss Ishida wishes to ask her mother some questions,"

Ms. Hancock nodded and gestured for Athena to sit in the stands. She obliged, glaring daggers at Nana as she took her oath and sat down. If looks could kill, Nana would've joined Yon in her own backyard.

"The only question I have for you, Athena," Nana said, looking her directly in the eye, "is: where is Yon?"

"I wasn't able to find her before we came, so I assumed she was with friends," Athena stated, leaning forwards. Nana glared at her, knowing she was lying, when she heard a small voice pipe up behind her.

"Yon is in the backyard," Ju said, standing up in his seat. Athena turned towards him, silently warning him not to speak, but he was done with her.

"What do you mean?" Ms. Omet asked, giving Ju a soft look.

"I mean that she's in the backyard," he said again, "Mama made her angry, so she had to be punished. She's in the ground in the backyard,"

Everyone gasped and turned towards Athena. "Mrs. Ishida," Ms. Hancock said in a low voice, "Is this true?"

She didn't answer, merely jumping out of the stands and towards Ju. Her mind had finally snapped in anger and all she could think about was punishing her youngest son.

A guard that stood off to the side quickly grabbed her, but she scratched at his face, making him drop her. She sprinted towards Ju, but was stopped when a shock went through her body. She fell to the ground, unconscious, as another guard lowered the taser he was pointing at her.

"Well, I'd say that this is enough proof to say that she needs to be taken care of at once," Ms. Hancock stated, eyeing Athena's twitching body with unease, "We will send someone to go look in the Ishida's backyard for Yon Ishida," With that, she slammed her gavel down on her desk. "I hereby terminate Athena Ishida's parental right over all of her children!"

A/N: I know this isn't very long, but I know this is what you all wanted. Until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now