Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Here's an update for y'all from your favorite feels provider.

Zane's POV:

"MOM!" I screamed, running into the house. I ran into her in the living room, angry tears streaming down my face.

"Woah!" she exclaimed, seadying me, "Zane, what happened?"

"Nana got taken at school today!" I yelled, trying to calm myself.

"Who's-" Mom tried to say, but I cut her off, realizing my mistake.

"Kawaii~Chan!" I held the note that her mother had written close to my chest, my fist curling around it. I could feel my nails digging into my palm.

Mom's eyes widened. "Do you know who took her?" she whispered, grabbing onto my shoulders.

I silently handed her the note, shutting my eyes, so I didn't have to look at it. It was all too much for my brain to handle. Why would someone want to hurt such a sweet girl?

Mom read over the note a few times, her face twisting into a more horrified expression with every word she read. "We should start at her house," she said, looking over my shoulder, "Where are your brothers?"

"Still at school, I think?" I said, turning and marching up to my room, needing to get a few things.

"Then, how did you get here without a ride?" I heard Mom yell from downstairs.

"I ran," I yelled back, stepping into my room and emptying out my bag. I would need some room in there.

"Wow, you really are worried," I barely heard her over my books hitting the floor. I felt my stomach tie into knots at that. I did care.

I quickly packed the first-aid kit I kept under my bed, and a blanket. I would need them if I wanted to make sure that Nana was taken care of, if she was hurt. I also grabbed the black marker on my desk on my way out. I needed to communicate with her somehow.

"I'm ready, let's go," I shouted to Mom, who was standing near the front door, a piece of paper and a pen in hand.

"I'm gonna leave your brothers a note," she stated, sticking the paper on the wall near the door.

I nodded and ran out the door and to the car, my eyes burning with determination. Hopping into the car's front seat, I whipped out my marker, drawing something on the back of my hand. Hopefully, she would get the message.

Nana's POV:

"Why won't you just leave me alone?" I whimpered, avoiding my mother's eye. She stood over me, eyes barring down upon me, like a hawk.

"Because," she said, as if it were obvious, "you are my daughter, and you need to stay with me," She sounded so sweet, and so terrifying at the same time. It made me sick.

"But you're always so mean to me," I mumbled, earning me a swift slap on the face.

"I'm mean to you, because I want you to be the perfect child, like all of your siblings," she stated, standing back up.

I felt tears falling down my numb face. Don't speak like that, or she'll get angry, and no one wants that.

"How can I change to make you happy?" I asked, my voice tired.

She thought for a minute, her tail swishing back and forth behind her. "You could stop being an Alone," she said after a minute.

My face lit up. "I do have a soulmate," I exclaimed, trying to get out of my restraints.

She stared down at me, a skeptical look on her face. "Prove it," she barked, crossing her arms.

"Wait until I feel a mark on me, then I'll show you," I said, still trying to twist out of my restraints. My wrists were bleeding so much by then, I was starting to see stars.

We waited for a few minutes, until I felt a mark show up on my hand. It felt like a marker gliding across my skin, like I was drawing it myself.

"He's drawn on me," I whispered, my brain fuzzy.

Mama stooped down and inspected my right hand, a smile appearing on her face. "Well, it looks like you really are normal," she said, standing back up. "Though, why does it say, 'I'm coming to get you'?" she asked, crossing her arms.

I quickly twisted to look down at my hand and saw the words in Zane's quick handwriting. My stomach dropped. He would get hurt if he came here.

"Can I write him back that I'm fine?" I asked, turning back to Mama.

"I suppose," she sighed, bending down to my level. I thought she was gonna let me go and give me a marker, but, instead, she pulled out a marker of her own. She began to scribble on my other hand. I felt her spell out a few words, but I couldn't tell what any of them were, other than 'fine'.

"There," she said once she was done, "now he knows that you're okay,"

"Can, can I be let out, now?" I asked, my ears quivering at an answer I already knew.

She shook her head sadly. "No," she said, "I need you to stay down here, just in case he does come. Don't want me to have to leave because of them, do we?"

I shook my head, looking down at the floor. "No," I mumbled. I felt her pat me softly on the cheek she had slapped not too long ago.

"Good girl," she said sweetly, turning and walking back up the stairs. "I'll come back down tonight to feed you," With that, she switched off the lights, bathing me in darkness. The light coming from the door disappeared as she closed it, leaving me alone. I curled in on myself as best I could, trying to stay calm. She would keep me safe, so long as I didn't make her mad.

Zane's POV:

"How much longer until we're there?" I asked, anxiously staring out the window.

"It shouldn't be too long, now," Mom said, nervously biting her lip. She was just as nervous as me.

Suddenly, I felt a mark appearing on my hand, meaning I was getting a message back. I quickly looked down and read it, my eyes wild as they swept over my skin.

I'm fine, don't come looking for me. I'll see you at school. it read. My heartbeat quickened as I read the terrible words. That wasn't Nana's handwriting. I recognized i from the note.

"Can we go any faster?" I whispered to Mom, not looking up from my hand.

"Let's see," she said and I felt the car start going faster. 

A/N: Thanks for riding on the feels train with me! Until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now