Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: I decided to give you guys a break from all the angst and write down a little, fluffy chapter, before the court case in the next one. Love you, guys! <3

Nana's POV:

"So, are we clear on how we're gonna approach this?" Zianna asked me and Zane. She had just gotten back from meeting up with Ms. Omet and we had just gotten back from school. My cast had also come off a couple of days earlier, but it was still tender. I couldn't run on it for another week, but I could walk just fine.

"Yes, Ma'am, we've got it," I said, looking over the notes she had handed me. Mine just stated that I was to outline the types of abuse she put me through and the reasons why. I was also allowed to ask her any questions that I wanted. It looked like we had it in the bag.

"I've got it," Zane said, looking over his own notes. He was mostly just there for support and to answer any questions asked of him.

"Well, then you two should head up to bed," Zianna stated, "Big day tomorrow,"

Zane and I smiled, knowing what she meant: homecoming. I had been obsessing over it ever since I heard about it and I had planned everything. My dress, Zane's outfit, pictures, all of it. I was so excited.

"Okay, Mom," I said, getting up from my position on the couch. I froze once I realized what I said.

"I-I meant Mrs. Zianna!" I stuttered out, trying to save my mistake.

Before I could say anything else, I felt Zianna hug me. "You can call me Mom, if you'd like," she whispered, squeezing me tight.

Tears began to form in my eyes as I hugged back. "Thank you," I whispered back, gripping the back of her shirt. We stayed like that for a minute, then I let go, wiping my eyes.

"Go on up to your room, you two," she said to the two of us. We quickly nodded and walked up the stairs, our eyes tired from the work we had done that week.

We quickly changed and hopped into bed, snuggling up to each other. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked Zane, my tail wrapping around his legs.

"I never thought I would be," he whispered, holding me to his chest. I snuggled closer and fell asleep a few seconds later.

I looked around at all the people that were dancing around me in the school's gym. There were people in dresses and others in suits and even some in a mix of the two. Everyone was dancing with their partner as soft music played.

I looked around and saw Aphmau dancing with Aaron, Travis and Katelyn dancing together, and even Garroth and Laurence attempting to sway together. It all looked absolutely beautiful.

"May I have this dance?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned and was faced with Zane bowing down and extending his hand out to me. His mask was off, but his left eye was still covered, showing only his brilliant blue one. He was wearing a simple suit with a black and blue tie.

I felt a blush rise up my face as I accepted his hand. He pulled me to the center as Kiss From a Rose played through the room. We began to sing along as we swayed, Zane twirling me around, making me laugh. It felt perfect.

"Come with me," he suddenly whispered, pulling me out of the gym. We walked out of the school and into a meadow. The moon hung high in the sky, shining down upon us. There were silver and gold flowers sprouting all around us, dotting the dark green hill, like constellations.

"What are we doing here, Zane?" I asked, gazing back up at the boy in front of me. Though, he didn't look like a boy in my eyes.

"This," he said and kissed me. It felt like bliss, making me close my eyes as I melted into it. My hands came up to grip his face as I pushed myself up on my toes to meet him. His strong arms gripped me tight as I did so, making me smile.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now