Chapter Six

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Kawaii~Chan's POV:

I walked out of class, swinging myself throughout the halls. Today had been okay, I had gotten the test I had taken in History last week back, and I had gotten an A. My lunch tasted great, and I had become less fatigued as the day had gone by.

It all ended when I ran into the school's bully, Ivy. Ivy had pink hair and turquoise eyes. Her skin was pale, and her grin was evil. I hated her.

"Why, hello, Yon," she said, using my older sister's name on purpose.

I ducked my head, anger taking over my whole body. "It's Kawaii~Chan," I muttered, trying to sidestep her.

She blocked me, knocking me to the ground. My crutches flew across the hall and out of my reach. I glared back up at Ivy, tears prickling at the edge of my eyes.

"What does Ivy~Chan want?" I growled, trying to keep myself from crying.

"I just want to find out why you're all broken," she said, feigning sweetness.

"Kawaii~Chan tripped and sprained her ankle," I said, my glare hardening, "Are we done?"

She began to laugh, her annoying voice echoing throughout the empty hallway. "I thought cats always landed on their feet," she said between fake giggles.

I grumbled, trying to get off of the ground. I struggled, since I had to get on my knees to. It was much easier when I had my crutches.

"Will you just leave Kawaii~Chan alone?" I muttered, standing up on wobbly, uneven feet. I moved to go get my crutches.

"Will you stop talking like that?" she asked in a disgusted voice.

I froze, tears falling down my cheeks. I swallowed, hoping she wouldn't hear the break in my voice. "Like what?" I asked, my voice on the verge of breaking.

"Like a freaking stupid cat," Ivy said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You know that it doesn't make you any different from anyone else, right? It just makes you more annoying,"

I squeezed my eyes shut, my fists shaking as I tried to keep from sobbing. "Just leave Kawaii~Chan alone," I whispered, walking down the hall. I abandoned my crutches and just kept walking, shoving myself out of the back door of the school. Ivy didn't follow, but I could almost feel her smirk on my back.

I managed to make it to the soccer field before I broke down behind one of the pillars.

Zane's POV:

I walked out of school, still as tired as ever, barely able to keep my eyes open. It took me a full minute to realize that I had walked to the back of the school, rather than the front, where the parking lot was.

"Shoot," I muttered, pulling out my phone and beginning my walk towards the parking lot. I quickly texted Garroth that I went the wrong way and that I would be at the car shortly.

Then, I heard sobbing. It sounded familiar, so I followed the sound to the soccer field behind the school. I found the source behind one of the pillars.

It was Kawaii~Chan. Her hair was hanging in front of her face and her makeup was smeared as tears made their way down her face. Her crutches were nowhere in sight and she looked like she was choking. All the while, the marker on her face began to run, dying her tears black.

"Kawaii~Chan!" I exclaimed, kneeling in front of her, "What happened?"

She looked up in surprise, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. "Zane~Kun!" she shouted, trying to wipe away at her tears, "What are you doing here?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and put my hand on her shoulder. "You didn't answer my question," I said with a hard tone.

She began to cry harder, surprising me a little bit. She wasn't one to cry that freely in front of someone.

"I ran, ran into the school, school bully," she sobbed out, rubbing her eyes. The marker on her face began to run down her neck. I could feel my own whiskers making their way down my own neck.

"Ivy?" I asked, pulling my scarf up a little bit.

She nodded scratching at her eyes with her sleeve, trying to calm herself. I grabbed her wrist to keep her from hurting herself.

"She she kept say saying that I I was annoying and and," she couldn't get anymore words out.

I sat with her for a few more minutes, letting her cry freely. When she had finally calmed down, she took in a quick breath.

"My sister probably left already," she sighed, getting up and walking back towards the school.

"Where are you going?" I asked, scurrying to walk beside her.

"Kawaii~Chan left her crutches inside," she said, opting for her usual speak, "She needs to get them back,"

I nodded and walked with her back into the school. We walked down a few halls until we found her crutches outside of one of the classrooms. She hobbled over to them, picking them up and positioning them under her arms.

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked, jerking my head towards the door.

She didn't say anything, merely nodded and began swinging herself towards the front entrance of the school. We made it outside and got into Garroth's car.

"There you are, Zane," he exclaimed when he saw me, "I thought you'd never get here," He stopped when he saw Kawaii~Chan crawl her way into the car. "Hey, Kawaii~Chan?" he sounded confused.

"She missed her ride again," I said, buckling myself up without looking up. I assumed that he nodded in understanding and began to drive off.

We rode in silence, Vylad in the front seat, playing on his phone, Garroth driving, and me and Kawaii~Chan in the back. I glanced over at her and saw that she seemed to be daydreaming. She was staring out the window, her eyes unfocused as the houses and trees flew by.

"So, Kawaii~Chan," Garroth said, snapping her out of her daze, "Do you want me to take you back to your own house or..."

Kawaii~Chan shook her head. "Can Kawaii~Chan just come back over to your guys' house, please?" she asked in a sad tone.

"Sure," Garroth said, not detecting her sad tone and turned his attention back to driving.

I turned my eyes back towards the window and began tracing the clouds. I was pulled out of my daze when something landed on my lap. I looked down and saw Kawaii~Chan's sleeping head lying there. All that crying must have tired her out. I smiled a little bit and began to play with her hair, ignoring Garroth's cheeky grin from the front seat.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but it's gonna be worth it, I promise.

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now