Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Y'all are about to hate me, just sayin'.

Nana's POV:

We all climbed into Garroth's car, Zane and I getting comfortable in the back seat. He had said that he had explained my situation to Garroth and Vylad before breakfast, so that they wouldn't pester me about it. I smiled at the thought of how nice everyone was treating me.

Garroth parked the car at school and Zane helped me out of the car, making sure I didn't fall. I was still getting used to my crutches.

We walked to English together, getting weird looks from our peers. "Why's everyone staring at us?" I asked Zane, my face scrunching up in confusion.

He shrugged. "Probably because they never thought they'd see me with a pretty girl," he said offhandedly.

I felt my face heat up and I turned to him, an embarrassed look on my face. He glanced down at me and winked, even though it was hard to tell if it was a wink when his hair was in his face.

"Are you winking or blinking?" I asked cheekily. His jaw dropped in a surprised way and he rolled his eye, it wrinkling as he smiled.

We walked into English and I sat down, setting my crutches down next to my backpack. The class passed by in a blur and, before I knew it, I was walking out of class, Zane going to History, while I was going to Art. He looked really nervous to be letting me go off on my own.

"Don't worry, Kawaii~Chan will be fine!" I said in my high-pitched voice. We weren't alone, so I had to speak like I usually do.

"Okay, just be careful," he cautioned, giving me a quick kiss on the head. I smiled at the warm feeling that passed through me.

We parted ways and I headed off to Art, still unfamiliar with the layout of the school. I got a little lost, wandering through the empty halls for what felt like an eternity.

I found myself in an empty hall that dead ended and had a broken light. I sighed, annoyed at how lost I had become. Suddenly, I felt something get wrapped around my head, cutting off my vision. Then, something got slammed into the back of my head, making me black out. All I heard before I lost consciousness was a rather familiar laugh.

Zane's POV:

I sat at my usual table for lunch, craning my neck to try and find Nana in the crowd of students that had begun to form. She wasn't there. I sat at lunch the whole period, my stomach tying into worried knots. It wasn't like her to leave without telling me.

I walked into Science class, hoping that she would show up at some point. She might've gotten lost again and I hoped that was the only thing that had happened. My gut told me otherwise.

"Kawaii~Chan Ishida?" the teacher called out for roll call. The room remained quiet, while she marked her absent. The knots in my stomach tightened. I didn't like this, not at all.

I didn't see her around for the whole day. I almost threw up a few times from the anxiety, my stomach twisting and turning. I walked up to Garroth's car, praying to Irene that she was there. I didn't see her, but I did see her backpack. It was propped up next to the car, no Nana in sight.

I stooped down to pick it up, noticing a note attached to it. Don't take my daughter away from me. it read. My breath caught in my throat. Nana was in trouble.

Nana's POV:

I woke up, my head pounding from the pain. Looking around, I saw that I was tied to a pole somewhere that I couldn't see. It was too dark to see where I was.

I began to fight against the ropes that restrained me, making my wrists bleed. It burned after a while, so I stopped, not wanting to hurt myself anymore.

"Help!" I yelled, hoping that someone would hear me. I didn't get a response for a while, so I tried again. "Help!" I screamed, tears prickling at the edges of my eyes.

A door opened up near the ceiling. I guessed that there were stairs. The light that had flooded in was too bright for me to make out more than the silhouette of the person, so I had to squint. I could barely make out the straight hair going down their back.

"Who are you?" I shouted, squinting my eyes in the light.

"Oh," they said, walking down the stairs, "You don't recognize your own mother?"

I felt my stomach drop at that and I began to fight against the ropes again, my mind clouding with fear. I knew where I was, now. I was in the basement of my house, a place I had been many times.

A/N: Speaking as an author, I do enjoy giving y'all the feels. Anyway, until next chapter! Bye~

Colorful Sadness: A Zane~Chan Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now