Matt X edd lemon

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Edd sat in his room.
It was currently 1:00 a.m
And he couldn't sleep because of the seven cans of cola he had.
Edd thought of his trustful friends...,and Matt, mostly Matt...

I wonder how big his cock is....

Edd frowned as the thought repeated in his head.
Edd through his face into his Nyan Cat pillow and blushed a deep crimson red.

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think  about it!!!

Edd groaned his boxers tightened   thinking more about Matt         fucking him gently, and nibbling on his ear..
Edd shuddered and curled up in his bed his strange thoughts making him drowsy by the second until he finally slept.

Time skip
Edd woke up,his bed sheets spoiled from his wet dream of Matt. "shit.... "edd panicked.
He was a little surprises with himself,he rarely swore except when Tord decides
to drink his cola. He got up and took his bed sheets (that now smelled like bitter cola) to the laundry.

He turned around and accidentally bumped into matt making edd fall into the dirty clothes pile. "I-i'm sorry" edd stuttered looking up to find Matt smiling. "it's okay"matt said in his usual happy mood.

Matt helped edd up. "mmm~you smell so good, what body wash do you use? "Matt asked
him inocently.
Edd blushed, realizing he needed to change his clothes and get rid of the smell.
Edd pried himself away from Matt and ran to his room and locking the door covering his blushing face with his forest green hoodie.

Matt stood in curiosity, why was he acting so weird? He thought, feeling a little hurt that his senpai would do that.  Matt walked down the hall before knocking on Edds door"edd? Are you okay? "Matt said going to open the door but found out it was locked ."I-i'm going to take a shower I-i'll come out in fifteen minutes... "edd replied and finished taking off his clothes and was about to turn on the shower when he heard Matt respond "but, I.... I...Uh.. I need to get something." Matt lied.
Edd hesitated before wrapping the towel around his waist and unlocking his door. "what do you need? "edd said looking up at Matt since he was pretty tall.
"I need help... "Matt responded.
" help with what?" Edd questioned tilting his head to the side.
"with my hard on~"Matt said grabbing the towel from Edds body leaving him completely naked ."MATT! "edd yelled covering his lower region and blushing blood red. Matt only chuckled and stepped into the room and shutting the door. "what's wrong~daddy got
your towel?~ "Matt flirted as edd blushed more the before as he got a bit hard. Matt gently pushed edd onto his bed and started sucking his dick.

Edd tensed up by these sudden movements and panted he tried deciphering all of it but was interrupted by Matt deep throating his member.
"A-ah!~ "edd yelped and bit his lip.
Matt giggled sending vibrations through his body.
Matt felt edd coming to his climax and sucked a little harder
Bringing edd over the "eddge";-}
"m-matt! ~"edd practically screamed,considering it was his first blow job since he was a virgin. Matt swallowed the bitter cola tasting semen before smiling at edd and running his hand up his thigh. thank god Tom and tord were at therapy .edd was still gripping the bed sheets, shaking  slightly.
Edd never knew that this would ever happen in a billion life times
But Matt wasn't done~ Matt flipped edd over on the bed and made his ass stick up in the air.
"m-matt? "edd questioned nervously. "you mean master? ~"
Matt said about to enter
"w-wait!!!"edd yelled tears forming in the brim of his eyes. "what? ~"Matt questioned.
"I-i'm still a virgin m-master... Its gonna h-hurt! "edd sobbed shaking and regretting all of it.
"don't worry ill go gentle. "
Matt responded and slowly sliding in as edd flinched and grunted. Once Matt was all the way in he waited, about fifteen seconds  later
Edd  started rocking his hips and panting slightly "it wasn't that bad now was it? "Matt said gently trusting into edd ,edd whined and his arms gave up and collapsed as he burrows his face into his pillow.
"f-faster!~"edd yelped as  he felt the waves of pleasure flow through his body ."anything for you ~"Matt said thrusting faster making the bed frame bang against the wall "f-fuuuuuck! ~Edd moaned. "Tsk, language ~"Matt replied moving one of his hands down to toy with Edds cock. "ngh~i-im going to c-cu-ah! ~" edd yelled before cuming into Matts hand.matt still thrusted and came into edd making edd moan again.
"thank y-you master" edd said Matt smiled and pulled out of edd making him lightly groan. "let's get you cleaned up,how about we take a shower~ "Matt questioned only for edd to quickly nod.

The end.....

Written by: @devilish_lee

Edited by: uwu_daddy

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