tom x tord

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(a/n : just moving this here )

Tords POV

I was pinned up against my bedroom wall , my eyes wide and my limbs shaky. Tom leant in closer to my face, glancing at my lips. His face Held a look of passion, lust, and a bit of playfulness.

"Are you listening commie?" He asked pressing his body closer to mine his grip on my arms tightening.
"I said don't touch susan, but what did you decide to do , huh?" Toms grin dropped to a displeased snarl.
I bit my lip , anxiety had filled my chest as if the butterflies in my stomach decided they'd feel comfier in my rib cage. " Tell me
what you did." His tone serious and monotone, but laced with venom, as if he'd bite me if I made another movement.

" I broke your G string." I said looking up at him , hoping he'd get rougher because of my confidence . Tom raised an eyebrow " and what else?" He asked with a small gleam in his souless eyes. At this point i was confused.

What else did I do?-

"What else did I do Thomas?" I questioned the taller, more masculine male. Tom burried his face in the croock of my neck, his grip tightening as his lower half got closer to me. he then whispered in my ear.

" You made me want to Punish you badly my dear commie~"
He purred ,slightly biting my earlobe
As i flinched . " Then do it you wimp, i bet you won't" I challenged , hoping it would roughen up his mood, in which it did . He lowly growled , releasing one of my arms do he can harshly squeeze my semi thicc thighs .

" Oh? You think I won't?~"he chuckled softly ." We'll see about that~" he said lifting me up and making me wrap my legs around his torso. He then smashed me against the wall, as I gasped , the air in my lungs being slightly tooken away. Tom took the chance and roughly kissed me shoving his hand up my baggy red velvet hoodie as he rubbed my sides and slightly pinched them  till a bruise formed.

We broke from the kiss, a saliva trail connected to both of our mouths.
Oh, but tom didn't stop there, he  countinued to bite along my neck, slightly sucking as I let out a sharp gasp. Tom abused the spot till there was yet another bruise. He took me from the wall, to up against his bed .

He straddled me , holding my hands above my head as he lifted up up my hoodie and shirt, revealing a bruise on my side,  and soft tender pale skin  . " Oh how pretty you look beneath me sweet commie" he teased." Oh shut up you submissive bitch" I said as tom frowned.

"I'll show you submissive commie" he said his tendecies changing rapidly .he tore off my pants and boxers , lifting and parting my legs.  He rubbed the outside part of my entrance before pushing a finger in , and then a second , and then a third. But yet I still didn't let any noise slip from my mouth. He then thrust them in and out slowly .

" How does that feel communist?" He said thrusting them deeper as he spoke I slightly flinched , my breathing shaky with mourning. He took out his fingers, fetching some lube as he squirted some into his hand and began rubbing me . He then took off his pants , before rubbing himself through his boxers, slightly biting his lip.

He pulled down his boxers, throwing them to the side. He was around 10 inches which made me panick- an awful lot. " Like what ya see?" He asked rubbing it slowly whiled licking his top lip . I just shook my head as I got harder. " I've seen bigger " I lied .

Tom positioned his cock at my entrance rubbing it up and down before thrusting the head of it in. I flinched clutching Tom's arms.
"H-hey-" I stuttered trying my best not to whine." What is it commie?~ is it to much?~" he said smirking as he pushed in more until it was almost fully in." A-ah!~ t-tom!~ "

I whined my eyes glazing over with tears and my body heaved and radiated with pleasure. Tom gripped my shoulders for support and  sent a powerful thrust ,slamming the rest of his massive cock into my lower half "F-FUCK!~ THOMAS M-MORE!~"

I wailed tears bursting from my eyes and  arching my back. Tom thrusted in and out harshly as my lips quivered as I my shallow breathing got louder. I clutched his arms tighter."harder you pethetic pile of trash!~" I said anger, and pleasure pushing me to my limit as I sat up pushing tom down and making his dick go in deeper and more painfuller.

I bouced my self up and down as tom gave an amused grin. He licked the side of my neck .

"So needy arn't you?" Tom whispered huskily, gripping  my hips. I felt a knot build in my gut as I whimpered trying to drain the pleasure into myself , I can feel tom getting close to his climax as his breathing got heavier and his aching hard cock throbbed and twitched inside of me.

"Tord-" before Tom could finish the important message he came in me, the hot sticky substance filling me up as I slammed myself onto his cock, my mouth hanging open with pleasure as my eyes crossed " mm~"I purred drool coming out of my mouth as I came onto Tom's chest.

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