matt x edwardo

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A/n ( I thought writing this would be interesting , so here ya go, comment what you thought about this story.😏)

Matts pov

I was walking down the sidewalk and stopped in front of eduardos house  . After i had shot myself with the memory eraser gun , edd convinced me that eduardo and his friends were bad, but i wanted to find out for myself . I went up to there driveway and knocked on the door and not a second later eduardo opened the door , he had his coffee mug with him and he looked quite curious why I was here." hello?" He said in a kind voice Which made me smile.
" Hello , I'm Matt we haven't quite met correctly" I spoke with enthusiasm . "Uh...okay, come on in..." He said stepping out of the way. I stepped into the neat house and sat on the leather couch that lay in front of a coffee table. Eduardo sat his mug down on the table and took a seat next to me."so, what brings a pretty thing like you here?" Eduardo spoke making me blush a little ,
He thinks I'm pretty?
"I just wanted to meet you personally" I said as he nodded. " Hello , I'm Eduardo, I have glorious hair and I'm quite a charmer~" he said as he winked at me , making me blush."I'm Matt , and I live next door to your house ." I said with a giggle.
"Would you like anything to drink ?" Eduardo said with a raise of an eyebrow ."no thanks, by the way, didn't you have two other people living with you?" I asked , curious of why the two were not here ."there out grocery shopping for the house, why'd you ask?" " Just curious " I said , my cheeks turning pink. He nodded and pierced his lips. There was a bit of uncomfortable silence . I twiddled my thumbs as Eduardo sipped his coffee. "Are you single?, If you don't mind me asking..." Eduardo spoke as he played with the handle of his coffee mug."yeah I'm single" i  smiled, seeing him blush a bit, it was kinda cute .
" Do you wanna go out ?"he said nervously ." Actually i'd like to stay in here for a bit if you don't mind." I said cluelessly ." I-i meant on a date...." He said awkwardly as my eyes lit up .
" Yes!" I said pulling him in and Pecking him on the lips .he smiled and pulled me in, pressing his lips to mine , we stayed like this for a little , until releasing for air . We did it again , but this time eduardo slid his tounge effortlessly  into my mouth, our tounge's collided together, and I could taste the bit of coffee that lurked in his mouth.we pulled apart, a string of saliva connected from our bottom lips. I straddled his lap as he began sucking on my neck ."ngh~"I whined as he sucking on my sweet spot.he ran his hands up and down my waist and thighs , sending shivers up my spine.he began nipping and sucking on that spot , until there was a noticible purple mark on my neck. I took off my over coat and then started unbuttoning eduardo's dark green flannel. after pulling it off I ran my hands up and down his toned chest and abs  .He smirked making me blush I then trailed my hands down to the rim of his pants .I undid them and pulled them off as well, exposing his star wars boxers. I laughed my ass off as he blushed from embarrassment ." T-these aren't mine!" He lied as I laughed even harder. After settling down I pulled those off as well. I practically drooled at his size, it was at least twelve inches! I slowly started rubbing it as it got harder . Eduardo held in hid moans successfully until I started rubbing it harder."m-matt!~" he moaned tilting his head to the side.
I leant down and kissed the top of his cock , hearing a satisfying groan escape the Latinos lips.  I kissed up and down his member before taking half of it in my mouth. He panted and gently pushing my head down,  making me deep throat his member. I swirled my tounge around it before bobbing my head up, and down.
" M-matt I'm going to cum!~ " he whined as I quickly pulled off , whaching his sperm shoot out. I would've gladly swallowed it , but I didn't want to get  messy. I took off my pants and giggled.eddwardo stared in a lust filled gaze as his dick started getting hard  . I had on my pink laced panties as I crawled back on his lap and grinded my ass against his dick hearing him groan a little as he rocked his hips ."you little tease ~" he growled before pushing me down and undoing my panties. He hoisted my legs on to his shoulders and centered himself. I bit the tip of my tounge, my heart hammering in my chest. Edwardo slowly inched himself into Me before pulling out and roughly thrusting in , hearing a satisfying whimper escape my lips.  He then started thrusting in and out of me, causing me to move forward with each thrust . Eduardo gripped my hips and started thrusting deeper , whaching my face dissolve into a lustful mess."h-harder!~"i moaned as eduardo thrusted faster and faster causing me to moan twice in each thrust. I bit his lip and moaned going a bit cross eyed from the amounts of pleasure . Eduardo panted moaned a bit until letting out a longer moan as he released his sperm  deep into me. "Ngh..."i moaned as he let out his load. He pulled out and he started a brief kissing session with me, unaware of jon  opening the door, with mark following close behind him with his phone out....

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