eduardo x edd

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A/n :hoi there soldiers!    This might have a little smut , but not full pledged fuck- so idk honeatly it's just heated fluff


Edds pov

I yelped and gasped as i was pulled into a very dim alley ."l-let me go!who are you!? " i yelped as they pinned my arms behind my back and pressed me harshly against the brick wall. "your enemy~" they cooed as i recognized the latino accent. "diet cola? "i said seriously confused.  I heard them groan before growling and pressing against my back and whispering into my ear. "its me,  eduardo" i then gasped "eduardo! " i scowled and stretched out his name in hate. He grinned menacingly before running one of his hands over my hips as i yelped and blushed and tensed up. "now,  now edd~ remember,  i'm number one,  which means i'm better than you~" he chuckled running his hands into my pants. "ngh-not this again!edwardo i apologized! Let me go! I cried out tears threatening to fall from my hazel eyes . Edwardo clicked his tounge and lightly kissed my neck before a few seconds later planting more kisses , a gentle look in his eyes. "y'know,  i've always been jealous of you,  i've always wanted to make you mine,  but you always seem to push me away...i'm number one, i'm your number one.. "the latino whispered huskily,  sending a shiver down my spine , and a blush to my cheeks."eduardo you understand that i-" before i could finish edwardo flipped me around and smashed his lips to mine. My heart raced
'did he just-'
I whined onto the kiss as eduardo bit my lip gently making me try and pull back but the wall stopped me as eduardo pinned my arms over my head and moved to my neck, biting it not gently,  or harsh,  but enough to leave a mark for a while.  I eventual let out a small moan,  signalling he had found my sweet spot.
  "e-eduardo! St-ngh~ stop! " i moaned making my legs wobble a bit as eduardo took notice and hoisted me up before wrapping my legs around his waist. He lightly pressed his pelvis to mine as I blushed alot. I was kinda enjoying this.

I stopped myself and thought for a moment . I was now kinda disappointed with myself for being so vulnerable . " Hey eddie~ how about we go to your place?~ I'm sure knowbody will hear us at this hour~" I said seductively  as Eduardo frowned . " Okay , I suppose .... " He said as he set me down and we both started walking to our neighborhood.
I was kinda nervous about this . I mean  , about fifteen minutes ago it was an almost rape situation , and now we're going to his house to do the deed. I was kinda considering quickly running to my house once it came into view , but I stopped myself . I don't know why I was going with this , or whatever but oh well....

Eduardo opened the door  to his house quietly before taking me by the wrist and pulling me inside with him. My heart was hammering at an inhuman pace as I gulped . He took me down multiple halls before finnaly coming to his room . He pulled me inside his room like he had pulled me inside his house before. Everything was dimly lit because all the lights were off and only the moon and stars we're the only thing making us see. Shadows of our bodies danced around the room as Eduardo pressed me against the bed climbing on top of me like a hungry wolf . His expression was one of lust as he lent in and kissed me . For some reason this made my brain freak out and my whole body give into him. He ran his hand down to the rim of my green hoodie before running his hand under and then  up my body. I melted into his touche craving him  suprisingly more then cola. I moaned into the long kiss as he rubbed my sides soflty , like he was handling something that was fragile at the slightest touch. I wrapped my arms under his arms as he broke from the kiss and planted small kisses on my neck and a bit of my collarbone. I moaned a bit gripping his flannel lightly and turning my head to the side in pleausure.

Eduardos pov

  I saw him move his head to the side , he looked like an angel as my heart swelled with feelings . I could hear his heartbeat and breathing , his beautiful chocolate brown locks bounced a bit as he turned  looked at me. I kissed him once more although being  gentle I sat him up , still not breaking from the pasionate kiss and holding him closer. I let his legs stradle me me as I cupped his cheeks with both of my hands .  Edd broke from the kiss his head resting on my chest."I love you eduardo.."edd said hugging me , his face still burried in my chest ."I love you too" I whispered .

(A/n :Oof Godamn lily- you know how to write romance !* Claps intensely as it zooms in on my triggered facial expression*))

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