Matt X tom

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(A/N, I made the picture
at the top :)

Matt sat in his room looking at himself through a mirror."damn I'm hot~"Matt said biting his lip and trailed his hand down to his rim of his pants before rubbing himself through his jeans and watching  himself moan making him even more hard then he already was. Tom was on the other side of the door listening to Matt complement himself.tom listened until he got bored and was about to walk away,until he heard Matt moaning. Tom froze and he blushed not realizing that this would happen. Tom sat back down And placed his head to the door wanting to hear more of this interesting kink Matt had for  himself.matt moaned and cummed into his hand before panting he heard chuckled laughter from the other side of his door and he blushed wondering who was listening to him before he went over to the door and opened it up a crack only to reveal Tom in a drunk state sitting next to his door. "Tom? "Matt questioned before giggling and pulling Tom into his room and locking the door.
"I guess you missed me~"matt said waiting for tom to respond. "N-no! *HIC*i-i was juss....."Tom slurred since he had a tad bit too much smirnoff. "hmm...guess I'll help you talk~"Matt said smirking and pulling two pair of handcuffs before pushing Tom onto his bed and crawling ontop of him. Matt handcuffed Tom to the bed before taking off toms hoodie.matt reached over grabbing a purple bandanna and blindfolding Tom.

Tom was too drunk, and too weak to do anything instead he just cooperated and hummed a nirvana Song to himself.tom stopped humming and let out tiny moan before realizing Matt was licking his nipples."m-matt!" Tom yelped as Matt lolled his tounge around them.tom squirmed but Matt kept doing it and ran his hand down to play with toms cock. Toms breathing hitched as he held in a moan from Matt massaging his cock. Matt tightly gripped  it wanting to hear him moan.
"ga! -f-fuck! ~"Tom moaned tilting his head to the side. After Tom cummed Matt licked up toms juices. "mmm~you taste like pineapple~"

Tom shuddered.matt unlocked Tom from the handcuffs and made Tom sit on his lap before once again playing with toms dick and biting toms neck "ngh~"Tom moaned slightly grinding his ass on Matt's crotch making Matt bite down a bit hard making Tom yelp. Matt licked the wound tasting the metallic flavor coming from Tom. Tom shuddered as he got kinda sleepy and started to doze off on matt, making Matt frown.
Matt played with toms checkered belt before undoing it and unbuttoning his pants before pulling the down to his ankles. Matt lifted Tom up again before slipping into Tom with ease. "heh~you little slut~"Matt chuckled roughly thrusting into Tom making Tom moan and drool slightly. "now tom~ who took your virginity? ~"Matt questioned  wanting to see who had touched his precious Tom. Tom thought for a second still use the influence of alcohol."t-tord....."Tom whimpered feeling  slightly ashamed for admitting his horrible sin...
"well.... Now im your master so you won't be seeing him anymore Matt said tidying and going deeper making Tom groan and rocking his hips liking how deep Matt was inside him. Tom released onto the sheets as Matt came into him panting Tom collapsed with Matt. They both were very exhausted from rough housing so they shut their eyes and dozed off hugging each other tightly .

The end

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