yandere tom x edd

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A/N( this was a request from someone and it honestly took me two days to finish, so sorry for taking too long, im currently working on so many
story's ,animations , and others that i need to finish, any request i will do , so don't be afraid to ask ))

Toms pov

"when is senpai gonna come home?"i said to myself. I was currently on my bed . I  sighed and rolled over. The thought of edd and  matt hanging around each other sickened me to the  stomache . Edd is only mine ,and i ain't afraid of taking out matt . I will gladly stab him with a harpoon
and feed him to the ocean. "i better take him before matt does~" i chuckled  to myself  as i changed into my nicest clothes, and thong. I set my school outfit in my dresser and off i went.
I went down the multiple halls before stopping at room 259 . I knocked politely ,  an innocent  smile on my face,and hands behind me . Not a second later edd opened the door. I blushed , he was so damn cute! His soft bouncy brown hair matched his chocolate brown eyes almost perfectly. " oh, hi tom, what brings you here ?" he said with a cute angelic chuckle . I snapped out of thought."i-i actually wanted to tell you something  in private..." i said grabbing his sleeve. He smiled , "sure , come on in" he said as i walked into his dorm with him. He sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him."what did you need to talk about?" he asked as i took the spot next to him, my cheeks as red as my enemies blood.

(*cough , cough* tom killed tord*cough, cough* )

I hesitated before turning towards him and smashing my lips to his. Edds face heated up and his eyes grew wide with shock. I released from the light kiss as edd sat still in shock. I couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably.

Edds pov

"holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge, holy fudge,
holy fudge!  "

"Y-you kissed me-"
Is all that could come out of my mouth. He nodded nervously as i blushed more . "and i liked it ..." i said , accidently spilling my thought.   I blushed from realization and face palmed .tom smiled his eyes lighting up with hope, joy, and lust.
"erm, t-that wasn't suppose to come out..." i  muttered.i felt tom tackle me and pressing his lips to mine. He was straddling me and had his arms around my neck a little loosely. I didn't hesitate to kiss back running my hands down  to his feminine
waist . He moaned into the kiss as i tugged at the waist band of his faded skinny jeans.  We released from the kiss and i flipped us over so i was now on top of him, i blushed a bit and started kissing, and nibbling on his neck. Tom moaned  biting his lip and holding onto the front part of my forest green hoodie.  I marked him , leaving a purple hickey on his neck and planting kisses over it , i took off his hoodie, seeing that he wasn't wearing any shirt    . I smirked and lolled my tounge around his nipples until it turned hard. Tom bit the tip of his tounge holding back some moans. I played with his other nipple , pinching, and pulling it . Tom whined ,wanting attention to somewhere other then his nipples. I moved my hands into his skinny jeans and  started rubbing the outside of his jeans  hearing a satisfied moan escape the other brits mouth. " holy jehovah~" he said turning his head to the side , his cheeks very pink.  I ran my other hand down to my own pants and started to touch , and rub myself at the sight before me. I let out a whimpered moan as i got pretty hard, and i could tell that tom was as well . I removed my hands before anyone could cum and anxiously took off toms pants, throwing them to the side. I looked at the black thong that covered his bulge and chuckled while taking it off as well . I took off my own pants and pulled tom onto my lap so he was facing me. My seven inch cock slid into tom as tom whined and clung to my hoodie . I started bouncing him up and down and hearing  tom moan his arms trembling . "f-fuck~" he moaned  closing one eye from the slight pleasure ,  i panted as tom spread out his legs and getting himself at a better angle. I started bouncing him faster hearing his moans grow louder with each thrust. "ngh~ e- edd!!~" tom screamed as i hit his prostate . I moaned and panted as i hit the spot again making tom moan again . I started ramming into him, hearing the smacking sound of skin , against skin. Tom started drooling his tounge sticking out . I felt myself coming to my climax and gave a few more sloppy thrusts until i came into him with a moan. Tom whimpered and started bouncing himself up and down while playing with himself until he came onto me with a groan.  he collapsed falling onto my chest , panting and blushing like mad .
"hehe, senpai loves me ~" tom said to me as he drooled slightly .

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