Tom X tord

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Tom and Tord had gotten into a fight. Tord had Tom pinned against a wall, and Tom was growling and throwing curses and snarls at Tord, Tord meanwhile was in bigger situation, thanks to his dirty mind he thought about Hentai positions and realized this was one of them. Tord was snapped out of his thoughts as Tom accidently grinded on Tords crotch causing Tord to get a bit horny.
"let go commie! Or im going to fucking kil-"Tom was cut off by Tord flipping him over and roughly kissing him. Tom was too shocked to notice tords hand trailing down to unzip his pants.

Toms stomach felt like it flipped inside out. Out of instinct he kissed back and pushed Tord off."well now I can add 'faggot' to the name list " Tom smirked feeling like he got first hand until Tord responded, "says the one that kissed back." Tord muttered only for Tom to blush from realization.
Tom didn't want to admit that he liked that kiss..."l-lets forget this ever h-happened, okay?" Tom said blushing almost as red as the other males hoodie and turned to go . "where do you think your going Jehovah~" Tord coaxed, grabbing the collar of Toms hoodie and pulled him forward making theim connect Lips once again. Tom didn't hesitate this time and melted into the kiss. This lasted fifteen seconds before they broke for air."just to make this clear this doesn't mean im gay..." Tom blushed and looked away. "oh I see, so you're Bisexual?" Tord chuckled still lightly gripping his hoodie collar and leaning in to plant light kisses on Toms neck. Tom bit his tounge controlling his urge to moan. As soon as Tord started sucking in a spot located near his collar bone."A-ah! ~"Tom moaned tilting his head to the side a bit to get more. Tord played with inside part of Toms hoodie. "Tord, what the fuck do you t-think your doing!" Tom said nervously as Tord ran his hand up to play with Toms nipples."touch me
m-more~"Tom said letting out a breathy moan. Tord smirked and wispers "say the magic
words ~"Tord said playing with the waist band of toms underwear.tom whined
"p-p-please ,daddy! ~"Tord reached into toms underwear and starting toying with his cock " Tom moaned, and  slowly began to thrust into Tords hand. Panting, and getting more hard and horny as he went on. "I-im going t-to cum!~"Tom whined before letting his Smirnoff tasting juices fill tords hand.  Tom panted and spun Tord around before pinning him to the wall smirking.he now had a chance to be dominate. Tord would let Tom do what he wanted... for now.
Tom pressed his lips to Tords before biting the bottom of his lip begging for an entrance ,but Tord declined and raised his
eye brow ,until tom roughly palmed Tord through his pants making Tord gasp. Tom shoved his tounge into tords mouth exploring every part and tasting him. Tord enjoyed this and fought toms tounge back until he was now exploring toms mouth. Tord placed his knee against toms crotch before gently rubbing it making Tom hard again. Tom roughly dragged Tord to his room before shoving him onto his bed. Tord  smirked liking how rough Tom was, but yet how easily he got turned on. Tom looked back at the smirking Tord and chuckled pulling out his 'toys.'Tord stopped smirking seeing the type of 'toys' tom had planned to use on him.
Tord gulped and bit his lip hoping Tom would not pick the one he was eyeing.  But, Tord had gotten unlucky as Tom held up the beaded dildo and waved it at him licking his lips Tord whimpered and shook a bit as Tom roughly took off his pants and boxers."you're so cute when your scared Tom said parting tords legs before lifting them onto his shoulders and angling  the 
Beaded dildo in the right position before pushing it in.
Tord knew that it came in easily, but not out...
Tord winced as tears pricked his eyes as Tom slowly started pulling it out. "t-tom!!!~" Tord said breathing heavily and arching his back. Tom finished pulling it out a bit of blood was on the beads,  but that was all part of the fun for Tom~.Tord growled slightly and sat up before forcefully pushing Tom down making Tom yelp from surprise.Tord Grinned before starting to pull off toms pants as Tom wiggled trying to get out of his grip and begging him not to.
But it was to late Tord eyed toms checkered girly underwear and blushed not expecting this at all.
"and when did the tough, strong, sexy tom start wearing thongs?~"Tord cooed pulling at the band before letting it go hearing a satisfying groan from Tom. Tord ran his hand up and down Toms thighs."I d-don't want to talk about it..."Tom whimpered turning head to the side. Tord smirked and gripped the strap of toms underwear with his teeth and pulled them down slowly revealing Toms hard on. Tom moaned as the air hit his shaft. Tord snickered giving toms cock a lick, then another before pushing it all the way down his throat and sucking. "f-fuck! ~ m-master!!! ~ " Tom practically screamed of ectacy ,and pleasure.
Tord stopped and Tom groaned wanting more. "So I'm master now? ~ "Tord purred lightly rubbing the top of toms cock.
Tom growled from embarrassment before pulling Tord onto his lap and thrusting in without warning causing Tord to hang open his mouth from pain and pleasure.tom gripped tords hips and roughly banged into him not caring if it hurts Tord or not. Tord moaned and slightly drooled feeling Tom hit his prostate more than once."f-fuck! ~ god dammit daddy! ~" Tord said releasing onto  toms chest without warning making Tom chuckle darkly.
"So I am the dominant one?.....heh~"
Tord nodded as Tom finished inside him. "just to let you know Tord, I thought I was claustrophobic,but it turns out I like tight spaces ~"

The end of this cringyness

      Edited by: uwu_daddy

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