red leader x green leader

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((holy shit- thx for 20k everyone , here's a request that's finished ))

Green leaders pov.

I sat in the quiet office that belonged to red leader himself. We currently had made a deal, in hope would help me and my army. The only sound was the ceiling fan as tord sat across from me , leaning back with his legs crossed as he took puffs from his scented vanilla cigar. He cleared his throat getting up from his seat and going around to where I was. He placed his robotic hand on my left shoulder "so ....about this ...bargan-" tord said tightening his grip on my shoulder as I winced from the pressure."what would I get in return ? I mean to keep away from your whole country what would you offer?~"tord said in a voice that sent shivers along my spine . I gulped "I will do anything to save my country- the choice is yours what do you want?" I questioned as tord chuckled with a  dark smirk."anything?~" he said close to my ear as I felt my body cringe in defeat"do I half to repeat myself? I said I would do anything "edd said as tord kissed the side of my neck making me tense up,my eyes widening."deal~"tord whispered as I mentally face palmed knowing exactly what he wanted. I let out a sharp gasp as he grabbed my waist from behind and started sucking and kissing my neck   . I let out an involuntary moan slightly arching my back in the process. "T-tord!~" I whined tilting my head to the side wanting more . He bit quite hard as my eyes widened"don't call me tord-" he growled lowly making me tense up.
"S-sorry red leader " I whined slightly while forming those words . I felt the red leader smirk against my skin as he touches up and down my waist. i was panting quietly , and red leader being so close to me at the moment could tell"have I already got you so worked up edd?~" tord purred near my ear making me grow down there"no-" I managed to say as tord frowned"you can't lie to me Eddie" tord said with a tone laced with venom, it honestly was hot. I felt his good hand rub me through my black jeans as i arched my back "ngh~" I moaned my mouth starting to salivate he gently pulled my head back and whispered dirty things into my ear as he countinued  to rub me. He suddenly stopped making me open my eyes. I felt very weird and vulnerable, but in a bad way . He forced me up, which I didn't dare fight back or comment.he began to strip from his clothing right before my eyes and I examined his toned chest and abs. I then looked south seeing the erection that stuck out like a bright color on black paper . I then scooted back , sitting on his desk .as he walked towards me . He began to take off my black jacket and green hoodie. He then took off my pants ,boxers , and white smeg head
t- shirt. I was fully aware of being naked infront of him but was too busy staring at his cock to notice. He obviously saw me staring . "Like what you see ?~" tord said rubbing the top of it as I bit the inside of my cheek.i slowly nodded looking up afterwards .he took me off the desk , turning me around and making me lean over the marbel desk. He then started rubbing the tip against my ass as I eagerly waited for him to push in. My need was answered as he thrusted in deeply making my mouth hang open in Bliss"t-tord!~" I whined trying my best to grip the smooth marbel.he held me down agisnst the desk as he roughly banged in and out of me . I let out more noises of pleasure as I wanted more"h-hard-der~" I moaned out as he thrusted in deeper . I felt him hit my prostate harshly as if he's trying to break it . I let out another moan of pain and pleasure the knot in my stomache being tight as hell .I slightly started drooling"hng~"I felt him starting to come into me as I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood  . He pulled out , not letting me finish as I looked at him with a look of need" c-can you countinue?" Edd said with a tone laced with want. Tord just chuckled sitting down in his chair, still fully naked. He patted his lap as if edd was some sex slave. Edd felt a sick feeling inside his chest as he walked over to tord, being pulled onto his lap.i felt his cock press against my hole before easily slipping in. I gasped quietly gripping tord s shoulders as I looked down. I began bouncing myself up and down , my body trembling with loads of pleasure. I felt so weak as I moaned more quietly . The knot formed again making me feel closer I bounced faster grinding against his dick before moaning again and cumming on his chest. I hugged tord weakly panting and sore in the rear.

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