matt x tord (heated fluff)

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(( a/ n: Hng- I've finnaly got an idea for this ship thank god-hhnngg- sorry for not being active or posting anything- im just usually busy,and I'm working on a book- but I'm not right now because I have writers block- and so- the quality of this chapter will be forced because I think this might break my writers block-))

Tords POV.

"It's todd- and Umm- , you can get off me now" I spoke, as the tall slim ginger held me to the ground with a goofy grin" hmm, but I'm comfortable like this" he remarked ruffling up my hair. I was laying on my stomache, head turned to the side as Matt hovered above . How this came to be is quite simple .

"Todd!! " The ginger cheered as I got to the kitchen.  I was surprised he was awake, it was like four in the morning. He chuckled as I gave him a questionable glare, raising my eyebrow slightly "it's tord- and why are you up?" I asked heading towards the coffee machine.  I felt Matt grab my wrist as I turned around" yes?" I questioned as he pulled me to his chest ,causing me to pout" what is it?" I grumbled,wanting my coffee ."stop drinking coffee! It's gonna make you even shorter!!!!" The ginger said a look of fear and worry in his eyes " I'm not short!" I whined pouting as Matt shook his head no . I tried releasing from his grip , squirming a bit" just- let me- get my" i squirmed trying to say a whole sentence" coffee-" I breathed out , almost getting away but instead it ended up  with Matt holding me to the floor . " Nope- no coffee for you Todd" Matt said confident,like he did something heroic.

~*end of flashback*~

I could tell Matt was planning something because of his smile growing " what are you going to do?" I asked as Matt grinned. "This-" he began to tickle my neck , holding me down with one arm as the other tickled my neck. I scrunched up laughing " s-stop!" I laughed uncontrollably, not being able to help myself as the ginger tickled the shit out of me till I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't breathe.  He gave me a break , and it just made the tension rise as he poked the side of my cheek" oh your ticklish~ " he said in a mommy voice as I blushed " no duh-" I said , regretting saying that as he flipped me over , lifting up my shirt. I blushed freaking out " Matt !! What the f-" before I could finish my sentence he started tickling my stomache as I held back my laugh. I was tensed up from the perspective I was in- I knew Matt could fucking see everything- "m-matt!" I managed to say through the fits of muffled laughter, he kept tickling me until my back arched   a bit then  he made a curious  "oh" face of satisfaction.
" your like my very own toy!!" Matt said innocently as I took it in a sexual manner as I bit my lip, blushing a lot. He squished my cheeks" are you okay? Your cheeks are pink" he asked coming closer to my face, trying to inspect it up close. Really close. Close enough to make our noses touch , and for Matt to hear my heart rate and my heavy nervous breathing. I felt my breathe sync with his .
"Boop-" he did poking the top of my nose , still quite close, although he had pulled back a little to poke me . He poke my sides as he tensed up making a small eep noise . Matt grinned wider , as he kept poking my sides gently . I held back my moans , biting my quivering lip.  He countinued to poke my sides until I couldn't hold it back anymore as I made a small moan. Matt gasped  his eyes brightening " I can make you make different noises by doing different things!!!" Matt squealed , obviously exited about his discovery. I blushed" u- umm Matt c-can I get up?"I said my face still red with embarrassment. " Yep!" Matt chirped , getting up and helping me up, pulling me into his arms. He picked me up, holding me like a festival prize he had won before heading to his bedroom. Horrible thoughts ran through my head , making my face consort into nervousness.he headed upstairs to his room in the attic. He placed me on his made bed before sitting in front of me . " What else can you do? Tell me your secrets" the hyper ginger male  said his eyes filled with cuousity and wonder. " N-nothing- " I said gulping looking around ,trying to avoid eye contact. Matt pouted  " awe..." He whined looking disopointed.  His attitude changed though " well I'm going to see if you do anything else" Matt said pulling me into his arms as my face burried into the center of his chest .

(( Tord er Matt tispe~))

He began to poke my back until it arched with instinct, making my chest press against his . He poked up and down my back" what are you doing?" He asked , refering to my back arching." U-u-umm well- uh- " I stuttered turning into a nervous wreck.  " Well whatever it is it's super cute!" Matt said , pulling  me up a little closer to where I was now stradling his lap. I bit my lip with scared eyes that were filled with painful nervousness. Matt raised an eyebrow , sensing something was wrong ." Are you okay tord?" He said leaning closer to me to where our faces were close again . I had never heard him say my name correctly , and it felt so right being said from his mouth. I felt weak as fuck gazing into his beautiful sea blue eyes in the dimness . My heart hammered in my chest as he searched my eyes desperate for an answer . I closed my eyes tightly before quickly kissing him and pulling my head away.matt had let go of his grip , holding his mouth in shock his eyes blinking in disbelief I looked away , my face red with guilt, the silence of the room making it a little more awkward . I felt like I was about to have a mental breakdown until I heard an exited squeal as I was hugged tightly making my eyes wide
"  you like me !!!!!" He said pulling back slightly still hugging me before planting light kisses all over my face as I blushed ." Does this mean your my girlfriend?!?" Matt asked as I gave his a questionable look" you know, a girlfriend and a boyfriend" Matt said his eyes gleaming brightly . I lightly blushed " actually it's boyfriend and a boyfriend " I corrected shly as Matt gasped hugging me again" I can't wait till I tell the others!!!!" Matt said getting up and running downstairs yelling " TOM !!!EDD!!!! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I felt my heart race with fear as I hid under his blankets in embarrassment, not wanting to ever face edd or Tom not once , not ever.i  heard a second squeal from the green hooded male while tom yelled"shut up it's five in the fucking morning!!!" And then a Slam of a door ,most likely Tom's door .

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