edd x tom x tord x matt

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A/N Here's the sequel to Edd x tom x tord since it was requested from a couple people.
Anyway sorry for the delay I just couldn't get back on my mojo- so I'm trying to force myself to write.
I mean- I have so many ideas for so many random ships and kinks. I know that you're probably thinking
" Well them get your dumb ass to work! " But honestly I'm a lazy person- not to mention middle school is literally biting my ass...

Matt's POV
"Oh Lord what have I gotton myself into! " I internally whined as Tord kept pressing and rubbing his knee against my crotch making me shamefully aroused" C-cant we just t-talk this t-through? " I said trying my best to not let out a moan.

Well I wasn't a complete virgin- I've gone out with some girls here and there- but I wasn't ready to be pounded in the ass by three guys including my precious, innocent edd- I mean how in the world did he end up here!? I mean yes, it was his room, but seriously?!

I let out a squeak as Tord pulled me forward into a kiss, but I retracted my head back in horror. " What the hell do you think your d-doing? " I said as Tord grumbled. " Well if you didn't be so stubborn we would be in a lustful kiss" Tord stated his grip on my Hoody tightening. " Ew, no homo, no homo! " I said as I side stepped Tord after prying his fingers off my lavender shaded hoodie. Tord grabbed my wrist which made me look at him with disappointment.
" rape! " I screeched before kicking the poor man in the erection.

Tord doubled over in pain as his eyes filled up with tears as he slightly let out a whimpered moan. " My cock! " Tord cried as Tom and Edd looked shocked. " Your cock! "

I huffed crossing my arms and slammed  the door behind me after I went into the hallway. "My roommates are gay and I'm, straight.... What a wonderful, fucking world" I thought as I went and readjusted my hair before taking in a deep breath and the look of " I am dead inside yet I'm still smiling "

My left wye twitched as i shifted my legs uncomfortably. The Spongebob song "the best day ever" Played sarcastically in my head as i groaned and gently placed my head on my desk. I probably need to take a cold shower or jack off. Now that I think of it the last time I actually masturbated was when I printed out the picture of me shirtless while sun bathing- and that was at least a month ago.

I glanced at the door as I heard a creak. The fluffy gray tabby cat known as Ringo walked in and licked a mirror and meowed at its reflection again. " What are you doing? Are you gay like those people back there? " I questioned the cat as I picked it up. The cats face looked like it was a doll. " Meow three times if your gay. " I said to her face. After a few seconds it meowed once . I sighed of relief until it meowed a second time. I looked at it it intensly "don't you d-" The cat meowed again as I through It out of my room and screeched. "WHY IS EVERYTHING GAY!! "

I grumbled a bit before deciding to sleep off this nonsense.   After awhile of dozing off, I felt something on my face but brushed it off and groaned.  I then felt hands run up my body and I snapped my eyes open " A-ah!!! ~" I screamed as I saw the one and only Edd sitting on my lap with an innocent smile.  He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me,  before drowning his face in the fabric of my hoodie.  I blushed a bit,  I mean honestly this was the cutest thing ever- besides the point that Edd was trying to seduce me-

((  A/N:  * intensely coughing up sins,  and gay sex  ideas-*
(insert Lenny face)  ))

I bit my lip sightly now noticing Edd was only wearing his boxers and I could clearly see how thicc and smooth  he was.  I gulped and argued with myself whether,  or whether not to go along with this.  I shrugged and leant forward pressing Edd to the bed and biting his neck while slightly sucking  .  Edd let out a sharp moan and gently dug his nails into my hoodie.  I bit harder hearing him whine before I finnaly let go and licked over the wound.  Edd panted slightly out of breath before I realized that my canines were a bit sharper.

I immediately  felt panicked as my eyes widened  " Oh my god Edd!  I-im so sorry!  I thought this stupid Dracula thing went away! " I cried as Edd only giggled and bit his lip  "I don't mind~" He cooed his eyes fogged over with lust and need.  I looked at his with uncertainty.  I then took off my pants and pulled off Edd boxers before getting on top of him and hauling his legs over my shoulders.  I centered my dick at his asshole before sliding in with Edd gasping and hugging me.  I thrusted in  and out as Edd urged and begged to go faster.  I slightly went faster feeling Edd shaking a bit as I let out a moan.  "Faster Matt! ~" Edd screamed as his back arched as went faster now pounding into him as he let out clusters of moans.  I can feel his legs trembling and before long he came onto his,  and my chest with a moan.  I came after him shooting my sperm into his ass.  "I knew you were into me~" Edd smirked tiredly  as I chuckled. " Oh I'm really into you now~"i said licking my vamp teeth as my red eyes looked down at my new sex slave. " Oh my god matt- that was terrible! " Edd said with a hint of sarcasm. "Not as terrible as you fucking Tom and tord" I said with a low growl that sent shivers down Edds spine. " And for that- I'm punishing you very badly~"

( A/n: Please don't ask for a sequel of this....

Cause im already on it   👌❤?))

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