tord x matt (fluff)

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(sorry ,but this is not a lemon , but its pretty cute , ill try to make a tord x Matt lemon in the future
      Ba ,bye)

Third person

     Edd was making breakfast as usual, while tom was shining his harpoons. Matt was admiring himself in a pocket mirror he usually stored inside his dark green over coat. "tord!~breakfast's ready!~ "edds voice chimed  through the halls as a grumpy looking tord stumbled from the hall , a late night project that he was determined to finish most
likely ,the three friends thought as tord yawns and Tries to take a seat , but falls on his ass realizing toms stupid prank. Tord growls lowly and flings himself at the blue hooded
male , grabbing at his neck , attempting to strangle him. Tom shoves him Into  the wall , tords silver eyes gleamed as his sight caught matt, tord studied his fluffy orange hair , and his light blue diamond eyes. Tord was snapped out of his thoughts as a fist takes impact on his face. Tom goes to throw another punch but was kicked in the nuts , tom fell to the floor with a groan as tord wiped  the blood that seeped from his nose. Tord kicks tom in the stomache hearing angry yells coming from edd. Tord only laughed, and sat at the table close to matt . Tord grumbled a bit ,obviously in a sour mood grabbing a napkin and covering his nose ,as blood seeped onto it. Tord sighed heavily as tom got up muttered curses filed the room as tom sat away from him."are you scared thomas?~" tord teased  as edd sat the plates down on the table."fuck off you fucking Norwegian  bastard!"tom growled. Tord was slightly offended, "stupid witness" he muttered loud enough for tom to hear."excuse me!?, are you fucking judging my religion?!" tom yelled."yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"tord smirked. The tension in the room was so great that matt shrank in his chair. Tom gritted his teeth , but them smirked evily."at least i don't watch yaoi twenty -four seven ~"tom cooed . Tords cheeks burned a bright pink ."n-no i don't!!  "Tord whined ,wondering how tom could have found out.the whole table erupted with laughter . Tord got up covering his blush before running to his room. Tom smiled proudly ,as matt was in deep thought "is tord gay?"matt asked as the room fell silent. " i ,actually never thought of that...."edd spoke with a look of curiosity. Tom chuckled." you seriously need  to start paying attention" tom said with a smirk. Matt looked over at the plate of food next to him."im gonna give tord his breakfast,"matt said picking up tords dish before walking out of the dining room ,and into the hallway, before knocking on tords door.there was a bit of shuffling before tord opened the door he looked like he'd been screaming into  a pillow,which in fact he was. Matt gave tord the plate of bacon , eggs,and a hash brown. Tord took it and sighed."d-do you believe what tom said?"tord asked him . Matt thought for a moment ."yeah,its pretty believable actually."matt chuckled as tord groaned and blushed . " i hadn't really told anyone ,but me,myself am gay"matt spoke with a casual tone . Tord looked up his eyebrow raised"your gay?" tord asked feeling a little better about himself."well,know duh "matt smirked . Tord shuffled his feet a bit nervously. "i h-haven't really told  anyone but my parents, but i'm bisexual...."tord with a blush . Matt smiled warmly,before sitting on the bed next to him."have you gad any crushes ?"matt asked with a hint of curiosity and hope in his bright blue eyes. "actually ,i have , he's super cute and funny,and always makes me feel comfortable..."tord said with a sigh . "well, does he know you have feelings for him?"matt once again asked."actually i was planning to tell him later tonight...."tord said blushing and stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket and pulling out a white envelope with the words " jeg esker deg ( ˘ ³˘)♥" written in black ink. matt giggled at the litte kissy face and tord blushed."so who's the lucky guy?"matt asked as tords breathing hitched and he seemed to be as red as his hoodie, "u-u-umm.....i c-cant tell you...."tord said as matt had a look of disappointment."its okay ,know one really wants to tell people who there crushing on."matt said with reassurance . Tord gave a soft sigh as matt got up and petted tords soft hair before giggling "im sorry ,but I've always  wanted to do that!" Tord chuckled before looking up at the ginger."jeg esker deg venner"tord said with a light blush .matt gave him a confused look before smiling "I've gotta go"matt said before walking out the door and looking back waving, before continuing on his way. Tord groaned clutching the letter and laying on his bed , his bluish gray eyes fixed on the ceiling , lost in thought.
"i hope he likes me back ..." tord asked himself unaware of tom passing his open door. Tom walked past his door."so he is gay"tom smirked thinking of so many possible ways to tease him. Tom chuckled and went straight to edds room before giving it a knock. "hey edd, open up, i got some pretty interesting news~"edd opened up the door , "what ?"edd questioned a look of curiosity was in his eyes . Tom stepped in ." tord is g.a.y"tom spelled out with a confident smile.edds eyes widened."how did you find out?"edd said fan boying a bit clutching toms sleeve." okay, so i was walking past tord room and i heard him say "i hope 'he' likes me back"  "tom gossiped  with a smirk. Edd frowned. "your not going to make fun of him for it ,are you?"edd questioned raising his eyebrow ,still frowning. "pfft, of course , why wouldn't i ?" tom said not seeing the look of disgust on edds face."so , your going to make fun of him for being gay?" edd said with disappointment clear in his voice. Tom laughed ."what, are you also gay?"tom questioned with an evil smirk."no ,f course not ! ,im just not homophobic like you are" edd said with venom in his voice, which made tom giggle. "fine , i wont make fun of him , for your sake . "Tom spoke ,before giving his friend a warm ,gentle hug.
Meanwhile tord was in front of matts door clutching the white envelope in his hands ,his heart beating rapidly.
'here goes nothing'
Tord thought as he slid the envelope under matts door before rushing back to his room ,feeling his cheeks heat up.

(i'll leave you guys to wonder what will happen after matt finds the letter ,because i'm a *ucking *itch

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