matt x future matt

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((A/n: hello!! Sorry for the person who requested this but it's still technically Matt x Matt. I did have another plot for this chapter but it didn't quite make sense and this plot was a little more realistic, so once again I'm sorry.))

Matt's pov

I sat in my room gently rubbing my thighs and letting out very soft pleasured noises. I was very sensitive ,so even the slightest touch would make me aroused . I was currently laying down looking at my expression , sometimes it gets a bit blurry cause of me slightly crossing my eyes as I neared my upper inner thigh."m-matt~...." I said imagining an alternate universe of another Matt fucking me roughly against something . I sat up in my boxers and t-shirt taking my hand out . I got up washing my hands as any would do after touching their dick ,( not-) especially Me. I turned around heading out of my built in bathroom , which i had installed for myself. I went to my closet opening it up and looking through outfits . I heard a weird static noise followed with a crack . I immidiantly froze in place , slowly turning around . My eyes widened with wonder and fear."w-who are you?!" I asked frantically hoping it wasn't a threat. He wore a purple turtle neck and green over coat , one of his eyes was robotic along with his chin , his hair was a soft tinted orangish red that was similar to mine. He walked closer to me , and I could easily see his hard on through his jeans . He looked a bit older than me but man was he hot. "I'm matthew~ " he said holding out his hand as I hesitantly shook it . "I-i'm matt-" I said blushing a tiny bit as he kissed my hand and let go."oh , I know darling~ " he cooed pushing me against the wall . I felt my whole body almost shut down from the 15 second panic attack I got. He bit my neck , his warm breathe could be felt and it made me bite my lip. He started sucking on the bite ,causing it to form into a light hickey. He ran his hand up my body as if he was touching something that he wasn't suppose to. I shuddered under his touch as he pressed his body against mine, his nose on the side of mine before he connected his lips with my lips . The heated kiss was a bit long to where I was panting after we broke for air. " Your just so perfect~" he said with a tone laced with obsession.i could feel his caress my cheek with his hand as I looked up at him a bit shy and  timid.he ran his hand over my curves as I gently moaned gripping his over coat .he moved his hand over my thighs making me grow tighter and lean against him . My nerves were acting widely as he chuckled ,hoisting me up and pressing my back to the wall.i yelped immediately wrapping my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall. My butt was against his pelvis as I blushed " s-so where are you from?" I stuttered trying to end a little silence and mabye find out who he was. " He looked into my eyes ,his robotic one glowing red . "And what happened to your face?" I asked seeing a few scars poke out from his metal chin." My beautiful face was destroyed ,but at least I could prevent that"he said in a monotone voice as question, after question filled my mind . My thoughts were interrupted by something tugging at my boxers. I froze a bit as he tugged at them, finnaly ripping them off . I looked at his puzzled" why di-" I once again was interrupted to him covering my mouth. He still held me as he layed me against the bed . He uncovered my mouth, replacing it with a peice of duck tape that he got from a weird device. I furrowed my eyebrows saying muffled words if worry and question. I was blushing alot not used to people staring down there but matter seemed to enjoy doing so. He took off he over coat and turtle neck, doing the same with his pants and boxers. His dick was huge, about nine, or ten inches and a pretty good width. I felt my whole body clenched and tremble as he held up both my legs. I closed my eyes tightly only to hear a light chuckle, I opened one eye that was slightly teary ." No need to worry , I'll go gentle as I can my lovely, I would never hurt someone so precious~" he assured as I felt a little less worried, but still very nervous.he licked one of his fingers , rubbing it against my entrance. He stuck it in little by little as I grunted feeling little to no pleasure. I felt him lick his second finger and shove it in with the first. He then started crossing his fingers stretching out my hole.j let out a muffled cry of pleasure that was quite loud , mentioning I had duck tape on. I felt his pull out and then stick three fingers in , stretching it out with all three . He started rubbing them against my insides as I squirmed as drool filled up my mouth .the drool acted as lubricant  as the duck tape slid off as I was able to talk , but Mathew wasn't paying attention to me as I still kept my mouth shut , kinda. I held my quivering lips closed , preventing any unwanted noise to escape. He then postioned his cock at my wet entrance looking me in the eyes finnaly ,noticing the price of duck tape off to the side. He then ignored it , looking into my eyes once more for aproval . I nodded" p-please don't go too hard" I said my voice dripping with worry. He smiled" I promise " he then kissed me , although the kiss was short it still was calming. He rubbed it at my entrance my heart beating like a small birds wings. He pushed in the tip as I whimpered.he then proceed to push in inch ,by inch until it was 8 inched in before he stopped at my prostate." Quite tight ~" mathew said pulling out as I clenched my jaw. He then pushed in a little faster then when he first entered. I slightly groaned as he sped up the process, finnaly thrusting in and out of me , hitting my prostate lightly as I panted my eyes slightly crossing like the anime girls I seen on tords tablet."m-more!~"I moaned shoving my face into the blankets as I panted and kept moaning. Every part of my body was tingling with pleasure as matthew pushed in and out of me . I arched my back as I felt as if something was gonna happen. Everything was warn as I let out another long moan before releasing onto the sheets , as matthew released onto me, eventually pulling out and trying to catch his breathe. He then sat me up hugging me from behind, as exaustion  forced me to doze off. The last words I heard were " I think I'll take him with me...." And then sleep and exaustion consumed me.

(A/n:  I never thought back when I was 10 and reading straight porn about creepypasta , that  I'd start writing gay porn between animated  characters from YouTube and gain a lot of veiws when I'm legit 13- now that I think about it- I love 13 year old me better XD))

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