tom x reader

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A/N :Hello! I rarely make x readers but okay , it was a request so no hating yaoi fans- anyway here we go )

(Y/ n) pov

'Wow- what a lovely fucking  day'
You thought crossing your arms over your (f/c) jacket and huffing  . You walked down the sidewalk looking down and tracing your eyes along the cobblestone path , looking at the way the designs work. You accidently trip , stumbling forward with a Yelp of suprise. You were now on the ground , your hands catching you from face planting. You get up blushing a bit from embarrassment. You dusted  the bits of dust and rock chips from your jacket before going into the bar. You walk up to the front. You decide you want something a little bitter" I'd like Smirnoff please" " you said passing over the amount of cash that it was priced at. The bartender turned around grabbing a bottle from a cabinet, before sliding you a bottle of Smirnoff. "Thanks" you said politely , but really didn't want to. You pop off the cap before taking a swig of the alcoholic drinks, feeling the burn of it on your throat, making you feel relaxed. you took a couple more drinks before feeling slightly let out. Chuckle . A few minutes later of drinking , suddenly a man , a bit taller then me sat down. He sported a peacock blue hoodie and brown spiky hair. " The usual" he simply stated to the bartender before being passed Smirnoff. You looked away  for a bit ' fuck he's hot-' i thought to myself drunkly as a blush emerged from my cheeks. " Hey" i heard the male speak making me look toward him.i  was both shocked and amazed at his eyes. "Hi" I said in a monotone voice and taking another swig of the beverage.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" He said raising a brow.
I  looked offended "thing?"I said disappointed. The guy apologized"sorry miss-" he said  "what's your name anyway" I asked curious. The man thought a bit " my name's tom, just tom " he replied ."and what's your name?" Tom questioned .i hesitated taking another swig of the smirnoff
"I'm (y/n)"I replied shrugging  and looking at the bottle feeling a light blush dust my cheeks. At the corner of my eye I could see him smirk and open the bottle before taking a long swig , finishing off the drink at the next sip. Tom sat the bottle down before looking over to me once more"are you single?" He questioned .
I chuckled a little " of course I am , why do you think I'm here?" I said shaking my head. " Wanna head to my apartment?" Tom said with a smirk. I almost choked on my drink "what?" You questioned your face burning. " You heard me sweet cheeks" tom said with a light chuckled. I  hesitated "okay -" you said as he got up , as I sat up as well . We walked out of the bar together , before crossing the street. After walking a bloack we arrived at an apartment complex that didn't look that bad as you'd expect. He opened the double door motioning for me to go in. He followed behind me before leading me to his room . He opened the door with a key card and went inside. I quickly followed  . He closed the door before coming up to me and roughly kissed me against the wall . I kissed back with no hesitation as his hands hungrily ran up my shirt and unclipped my braw. He took it off and broke from the kiss . He then took off his pants , leaving him in his boxers . I decided to take off my jeans as well, leaving me in my black silky underwear . I felt tom smirk as he lightly kissed my neck , before giving nips and s all bites and sucks , leaving behind red and purpilish marks on my neck. He then took off his boxers exposing his 7 inch boner. I felt wet in my panties and bit my lip tom rubbed his fingers against my crotch"already wet darling~" he purred as butterflies erupted in my stomache . He hooked his finger on my pantie starp before pulling them down . He then picked me up leaving me to tense a little. He laid me against the bed and rubbed my clit lightly making me squirm a. Bit and bite my nails . He then bent down and licked my woman hood making me moan in pleasure. He then gave it one long lick before stopping and positioning himself at my entrance. He slid in with a quick thrust causing me to moan and grip the bedding.he then pulled out and thrusted back in making the bed move a bit. He proceeded to thrust in and out of me as my eyes clouded with lust and pleasure ."t-tom!~ I moaned tilting my head up and arching my back"t-tom harder!" I mailed loudly and tom gripped my thighs and thrusted in rougher causing me to open my mouth open in pure Bliss "a-ah~" I said moaning more and panting. Tom was also panting and sweat dripped from his forehead . He let out a groaned rolling his hips going slower, a sighning he was cumming. I felt the knot in my stomache grow and my toes curled . I felt myself moan as we both came at the same time . Tom pulled out as sperm, and cum dripped from my pussy .

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