Edd x matt

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A/n: ((hello! You see the title- yee- I don't know anymore but I kinda wanted to do a bit of a redo I guess  since, I'll admit that the first through third chapter of this book was complete shit- so here you go!))

Matt's  pov

"Edd!" I yelled frantically with a horrified face as my friend rushed in immediantly worried" what is it Matt?" He asked , calming down a bit seeing I was fine . I had my legs crossed " i- I have a problem down there- it won't go away" I said wanting to know why my no ,no square was acting up. Edd blushed making a face of realization "oh my god-" he said covering his mouth. I was confused
" i-is there something wrong with me ?" I panted feeling my body sweat and my lip quiver with a weird feeling. " N-nothing- at all-" edd said with a small nervous smile. His cheeks were red as I looked down " i-it hurts" I panted out feeling a different type of pain fill me as I crossed my legs tighter. Edd seemed to regain himself " do you wanna go see the doct-" before he could finish his sentence I screamed"NO!" With fear written all over my flushed pale face."or I can help-" edd  spoke ,blushing more . "H-help?" I said my body slightly shaking with anticipation  "yep-" edd said sounding unsure as he came closer to me. I gulped a bit not sure what to do.
" Okay, take off your  pants so I can have a look-" edd muttered out as I began to slowly take off my pants while sitting on the bed. I then crossed my legs again holding back some sound that wanted to leave my body. It was getting worse now that edd was quite close. Edd kneeled down in front of me, being quite taller than me.he then sighed" uncross your legs" edd sighed looking nervous . I slowly opened my legs looking away from edd quickly,feeling disgusted with myself and the thing between my legs . I heard a hum escape edds lips.
"Are you sexually active?" edd asked , sounding like he had raised his eyebrow. I shook my head no .
"Do you masturbate?"edd asked as I turned to him " what?" I asked not sure what he was saying. " You know- have you touched yourself down there?" He said looking me in the eyes. "s-sometimes when I clean myself-" i said being honest.
Edd seemed a little shocked ."oh-" he said blushing a little. I of course didn't notice edd growing hard .  I was more focused on the fact that I could feel edds breath lightly hit the outside parts of my boxers. "Ngh~" I said quietly closing my eyes ,my fingers and toes curling. The feeling was horrible though. Tingles and  shock waves up my body making me shudder. My whole body felt weak and I had a craving for attention. I slightly peeked to see edd facing me with a look of need. I backed up my face a little from my friend. He placed his warm pale lips on mine , before climbing ontop of me kissing me a little rougher. My eyes widened as I felt the weird good pain fill me . I felt as if my insides were filled with butterflies as edd unhinged from the kiss looking down at me with a look of lust. I felt my lip quiver again  before slightly panting . Edd chuckled going lower, rubbing my thighs up and down gently before giving them a quick squeeze.  I bit my lip the feeling inside getting worse as edd began to take off my boxers . I felt the air hit my thing as edd grabbed it  . I gasped covering my mouth feeling the feeling turn into a good one. I wanted Him . I'm not sure in what way or why but I felt like he was oxegent and I Needed him. I felt him lift my legs . He unzipped his pants to reveal his massive cock. I was scared and confused as he rubbed it in between my butt cheeks. I was on my back ,he was slightly slouched over me . My body decided to take control as I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer feeling the tip of his cock hit my ass. I had my arms around his neck looking up into his soft dark chocolate eyes. He looked into mine making my while body go a bit numb. He slid in as my grip tightened ."e-edd!!" I cried out . It felt so horrible yet good. Almost addicting. I let out a shaky moan as he kept thrusting in and out " Oh matt your so fucking hot~" edd panted before toughly kissing me and thrusting harder into me. I let out short muffled moan , feeling edds tounge glide into my mouth hungrily. Out saliva was mixing together and I could taste a bit if cola.  He broke from the kiss moving to my neck and leaving dark deep hickeys on my neck. He then sat me onto his lap, sitting up , before thrusting in deeper and and rougher. I let out a sharp gasp my face in a state of shock and pleasure as I drooled , I felt like heaven. I couldn't breathe, but when I did moaned with every exhale. " E-edd!~ ah~ h-hell!~" I screamed in pleasure my lip quivering and soft pants escaped my mouth .I felt my no no square twitch as I let out a scared moan"e-edd i-its-ngh~"I moaned my eyes going crossed my tounge hanging  out. I came onto his chest, and soon after felt him cum into me.
" Bloody hell matt~" edd chuckled kissing one of my soar hickey."you really know how to break me ~" he said looking into my eyes once more before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

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