eduardo x jon

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A/n : hello! I'm just gonna do these requests in a random order so here we go!!

Jons POV

Oh days like these were so beautiful-
The Ray's of golden sunshine streaming into my pastel blue bedroom. I was already up , sipping my warm summer tea. I felt relaxed , comfortable , and just bubbly ins-

"JON!! YOU LITTLE FAGGOT GET OUT HERE YOU PEICE OF COMPLETE AND UTTER TRASH!!" Eduardo roared as my left eye twitched , my mood turning a complete right. I groaned setting down my tea and walking out of my room. I walked down the hall ,being geeted by Eduardo sitting on the couch wearing his boxers and casual white baggy T shirt . He had a smug grin and a coffee cup in his possession. He used his free hand motions for me to come over."what do you need Eduardy?"I cooed in a positive and innocent voice as I came closer to him, now seeing his visible hard on. I wasn't dumb and innocent as many think so I began day dreaming about him fucking me . Of course I'd think that . Wouldn't most? Well If you were gay af- like me-

"Come and sit here." Eduardo ordered in a calmer tone pointing to his lap. I immediately died a little on the inside as I took a nice comfortable seat on his cloth covered erection. Oh how big it felt,I started getting a bit excited myself , but my sweat pants covered it. Eduardo was always the flirting type , and had a bit of a perverted mind. This is what I'd usually have to deal with, but he never seemed to go to far."you look nice today fag" Eduardo teased as he poked my sides. I let out a flinch and held back a noise,being a bit sensitive to parts of my body and Eduardo knew that very well. He then chuckled waiting for my response" thanks Eddie" i said knowing he hated it when he got called childish Nick-names that made him sound less masculine. I saw his face display disopointment as a low growl emitted from his throat
" you know I don't like that name Jonny~" Eduardo said in a threatening tone as he gripped my thighs making me squeak. He then came closer to my ear" and you wanna know what will happen when you call me such things?~" Eduardo said huskily in a low whisper. I felt myself gulp ,wishing mark would come home soon. He then pressed his pelvis harder against my ass as I felt myself let out a muffled moan. He then ran his hands up my shirt touching my nipples , which made me embarrassed as I tried telling him to stop , but only managed to let out a high pitched moan . Eduardo then bit harshly against my neck making my eyes wide open. He continued digging his teeth into my soft flesh until there was a long lasting mark , that would be noticible. I was enjoying the roughness weirdly as I bit my lip" s-sorry eduardo-" I said in a honest sorry tone as he smirked . He then quite harshly pushed me to the side of the couch , making the air escape my lungs before crawling on top of me. He then proceeded to mark me as I gripped his back, my short nails digging into him as I let out a few noises of pleasure. Well, until tge door opened. We both sat up , eduardo wore a face of disopointment nd my face was one of embarrasment. Mark clicked his tounge chuckling a bit"get a room you two. " He said in a casual manner as he took out a book and some noise canceling headphones,headings to his own room.

Eduardo shook his head , grabbing me ,picking me up as I let out a small eep.he began walking down to his room. He opened his room, which was fairly clean. He sat me down kissing my neck and holding my lower waist. I lightly moaned at the cold touch. My body slightly squirmed as i bit my lip nervously. He slightly grinded on me making me let out an "a-ah~" as I drooled a bit."oh jon~" Eduardo chuckled looking into my eyes" your so submissive ~" be then kissed under my jaw . He propped me up onto his lap after taking his boxers slightly off. He slid in the tip as I tensed up , my chest feelling as of a bird was trapped inside it. He bucked his hips driving in his cock all the way , it was a little too big so it started poking my prostate sharply. I let out a long high pitched moan as my whole body swelled with a mixed feeling."h-harder!~" I said gripping his shoulders for support feeling it slide in and out of me roughly as I bounced on his lap. I began slamming myself up and down feeling fully consumed by lust."h-hng!~" I felt myself growing weak all over as the knot in my stomache tightened"eduardy!~" I said giving one last bounce as o came onto his chest . Eduardo looked amused , slightly panting from his taking in the pleasure. We were both very exhausted as Eduardo held me against his chest as he laid down. He smelled of colone and coffee   . I slightly cringed a bit, but I was too tired to do much.

(A/n: my friends were right,- I need holy milk-xD

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