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Jeno was staring off into space dreaming of his soulmate and of who he or she was going to be. He was very open on his soulmate being of either gender even if he preferred boys more, but that wouldn't change how he felt about his soulmate.

"Lee jeno! Will you please stop daydreaming and answer this question for me please?" jeno's English teacher asked, pointing at the board.

The question on the board was in Korean, asking how you said a certain phrase. Jeno wasn't particularly the best at English but he knew most of the easy phrases.

"How are you?" Jeno said in English, his teacher nodded and moved on to the next student. Jeno sighed and returned back to dreaming of his soulmate.

"Hey, you should probably pay attention Lee Jeno" his best friend Donghyuck said as he nudged the boys shoulder.

"why should I? I'm passing this class anyways" jeno scoffed and Donghyuck just rolled his eyes. "Whatever Lee, you'll regret this later" jeno rolled his eyes in return and actually payed attention to the lesson this time.

It was nearing April and jeno was getting more and more anxious, he was turning 18 in a matter of weeks and he was so ready to finally know his soulmate and have them by his side.

His friends were anticipating his birthday as well, Renjun had already had his birthday and sported a small Chinese name on the side of his hand. Of course everyone knew the name was of their one and only Zhong Chenle, the youngest of their friend group.

Renjun was the oldest, next was jeno then Donghyuck and lastly chenle. Although chenle wasn't 18 he knew renjun was his soulmate, he could always feel the connection and the tattoo only sealed their fate together.

On the other hand, Donghyuck had a slight idea to who his soulmate was, he knew it was someone older than him because he felt a tingling feeling on his collarbones every now and then but no tattoo to tell him a name. This is what chenle had always felt and luckily had renjun to confirm his feeling was right, that's how hyuck knew his soulmate was around here somewhere.

Jeno was the only one that had not the slightest clue about anything, he never felt anything and never experienced anything related to his soulmate.

"Jeno let's go somewhere this weekend, I heard there's some seniors throwing a party and anyone above 15 could come" Donghyuck suggested as they drove home from school that Thursday. His birthday was only 2 weeks away now.

"Uh sure, are renjun and chenle coming?" Jeno asked, chenle was barely 16 while the rest were 17 and 18.

"Only if they want to, you know renjun isn't much of a partier anyways." Donghyuck said.

Jeno had his license for almost 2 years now while Donghyuck had his for a couple months but refused to drive, he claimed he would rather be driven around than drive himself. Jeno thought it was stupid but complied anyways, the younger was his best friend anyways and he enjoyed driving.

"Sounds fun I guess, I haven't been to a party in a while" jeno said as he pulled into Donghyuck's street.

"Well that's cause you've been too worried about getting drunk and making out with a stranger and breaking the 'rules' for soulmates" jeno rolled his eyes and put his car in park in front of his best friends house.

"Shut up hyuck, just be happy I'm even going" jeno shoved the younger and smiled. "True, you better not back out!" Donghyuck yelled as he got out of the car.

"I won't, just tell me what time to pick you up and we'll go together" jeno said and his friend nodded his head, smiled and closed the car door before walking off after saying bye.

"That kid I swear" jeno chuckled and shook his head, he put his car in drive and made his way to his own house for the night.


:))  hope you enjoyed!!

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