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Jeno and Donghyuck had arrived at the giant house at around 8:30. There were people and cars everywhere they looked, the street was jam packed so jeno had to park about a street away.

The two boys walked silently the entire journey to the party before they got to the door, Donghyuck turned and looked at jeno seriously. "You better let loose tonight and find someone cute and make out with them or I'm going to fight you" he said before opening the door and walking inside the house.

Jeno rolled his eyes and huffed before walking in, he managed to lose Donghyuck before he even walked in. great

Music was blasting throughout the house and there were bodies everywhere dancing and drinking, he could feel the walls moving and hear the loud muffled voices trying to talk over the music.

Jeno didn't know what to do, none of these people looked familiar and even if they did he didn't had the courage to talk to them. Instead of dancing and trying to make friends with someone he decided to get a drink, of course he knew there was alcohol and poured some of the beer into his sprite and made his way around the house. Maybe drinking will let him relax a bit and let him have some fun.

Jeno loves to dance but he wasn't one to just go up and dance with a random stranger is parties, he wasn't that type of dancer. Believe it or not but jeno wasn't much of a partier and definitely did not like having sweaty drunk strangers touch him in places they shouldn't. That's why instead of dancing like everyone else, he was walking around the house and exploring with his drink in hand.

He ended up finding the kitchen and decided to just stick there for as long as he could, it was quieter than in the main room and there was no one in there with him. It was perfect for a loner like him.

Jaemin had been on the same couch for a while now and only got up a couple times to refill his drink or flirt with a random stranger, he didn't stick with them very long though. He hasn't found anyone special and was getting quite bored, he was a bit tipsy and decided it would be a good idea to walk around and search for a potential make out buddy for the night.

He wandered around the house clumsily until he spotted a boy wandering around the house as well. All jaemin could see was the back of the boys head and his back, even though he was tipsy he could rep the boy was attractive. He could see the back of the boys shoulder blades and back muscles through the loose shirt and could only imagine what the boy looked like in the front.

Jaemin continued to walk around, leaving the boy to wander off alone. He wanted to explore some more and see if anyone else was wandering around as well, and if they would give him the slightest interest but he was out of luck. Jaemin ended up around the kitchen and dining room area, it was empty besides the expensive vases and flowers that were placed there instead of in the main room.

Jaemin knew his way around Mark's place very well and knew Mark enough to know the older wouldn't care if jaemin explored or brought someone with him to the empty guest room.

He decided that he would get some water and sit in the kitchen for a bit and sulk in being alone, he was tipsy and emotional okay.

Little did jaemin know, the boy from earlier was in the kitchen as well. Sipping his drink and tipsy just like jaemin, but more relaxed than before.

Jaemin stumbled into the kitchen and noticed the black haired boy sipping his drink, he made his way over to the boy and stopped right in front of him.

The other boy gasped in surprise of the sight of Jaemin in front of him, Na jaemin of all people was in the same place as him alone. If he wasn't so tipsy he'd be freaking out but instead his mind wandered to how attractive the boy looked and how he was undressing the younger in his mind.

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