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April 23rd, 2018

The day jeno had waited for his entire life but now dreaded had come. He woke up this morning with anxiety in his chest and stomach and he wanted to cry, he wasn't ready to leave jaemin and he didn't want to. As soon as jeno woke up he called jaemin and asked him to come over as soon as he could so they could walk to school, he was going to spend every waking moment he could with jaemin before the clock struck midnight. Your tattoo would slowly develop throughout the day but wouldn't be completely finished until the clock struck 12am.

Jeno got dressed and quickly made his way downstairs and as soon as he set foot on the lower floor the doorbell rang. Jeno quickly ran over to it and opened it to reveal a smiling Jaemin, as soon as jeno registered it was him he pulled the boy inside and closed the door before roughly pushing jaemin against the door and smashing his lips against the younger's in a needy and desperate kiss. Jaemin instantly kissed back and snaked his arms around jeno's waist while jeno pulled at his hair.

The two made out like that for a few minutes before pulling away to catch their breaths. "Fuck jeno" jaemin whined, "I wish I would be kissed like that every morning" he continued and jeno smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry, I just really want to get as much of you as I can just in case" jeno said sadly, jaemin understood and felt the exact same way.

The two had plenty of time before school started since they both woke up at the crack of dawn to see each other, they spent the whole morning making out on jeno's couch and watching TV after eating breakfast.

Jaemin might have been a bit horny, but who could blame him? He was a hormonal teenager and had a hot boy sticking his tongue down his throat. Jaemin was a needy little shit and made it crystal clear that he wanted all of jeno's attention. Jaemin had his hands anywhere and everywhere he could on jeno's body, whether it was up the older boys shirt or down his jeans.

Jaemin was currently in jeno's lap with the older boys back pressed against the arm of the couch and legs laying on the rest of it. Jaemin had one hand in jeno's hair and the other creeping down into jeno's boxers, but before he could get any further an alarm went off signaling they needed to leave for school soon. Jaemin groaned into jeno's mouth causing the older to moan before pulling away and pouting, jeno pulled him into a kiss again but pulled away shortly and lifted jaemin up and set him on the other side of the couch.

Jaemin whined at the loss of contact and pulled on jeno's arm. "I don't wanna leaveeee" jaemin whined and pouted up at jeno, "I don't wanna leave either jaemin but we have to" jeno said sadly and pulled jaemin up and off the couch. The younger clung onto jeno's side and kissed up the boys neck and started to suck on jeno's sweet spot, jeno moaned at the sensation but reluctantly pulled away and kissed jaemin softly on the lips before grabbing his things to head to school. Jaemin pouted once again but grabbed his things as well and followed jeno out the door, he grabbed jeno's hand and intertwined their fingers and walked next to the boy silently.

"Have you felt anything that could connect to being your soulmate tattoo?" Jaemin asked quietly as they walked towards the school. "I'm not sure, you had me distracted all morning and your touch could easily be mistaken as a sign of my tattoo forming" jeno said and attempted to flirt a bit, what he said was true though. Jaemin's touch sent electricity shooting through his body so there was no way to tell anything apart. "Oh, well I guess you'll get more clues later maybe" jaemin blushed and swung their hands as they walked.

Usually jaemin didn't feel like the youngest one or the less dominate figure but right now he sure felt like it, it's not like jeno was doing anything to make him feel that way but it was rather himself. They continued to walk to school in silence and didn't separate until it was absolutely necessary. Jeno's friends, who were now jaemin's, came up to him throughout the day to wish him a happy birthday and asked him about his tattoo. All jeno had received were small tingles here and there coming from multiple places so he honestly had no idea where his tattoo was forming.

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