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A couple hours later jeno woke up with a warm and wet feeling on his neck and his boxers tightened just a little bit. He opened his eyes and let out a quiet moan from the pleasure on his neck, the boy on top of him smirked and pulled away. "Why'd you stop baby?" Jeno whined and wrapped his arms around jaemin's waist. "Because you need to get up and we don't have time to fix your little problem down there so I might as well stop before it gets worse" jaemin smiled and pecked jeno on the lips softly, the older whined and placed a firm grip on jaemin's waist before rolling his hips up and gasping in pleasure at the friction.

"Jeno stooppp we have to get ready" jaemin whined but jeno continued to roll his hips and grunt every so often. "You did this so now you fix it" jeno demanded and rolled his hips up harder causing jaemin to gasp quietly. "F-fine, but what about me?" He asked and felt his own jeans tighten. "mm we'll figure it out" the older grunted and closed his eyes before bringing his hips up once again. Jaemin sighed and pressed his hands against jeno's hips and pinned them down on the bed before kissing the older roughly and palming the boy through his boxers. Jeno moaned into the kiss and melted at the pleasure, jaemin continued to apply pressure and made sure to suck on the older's lips and roam his tongue around the others mouth.

One thing lead to another and jeno had finished with jaemin's hands down his boxers and hickeys littered all over his neck. Jaemin had his shirt thrown off and jeans unbuttoned as well as jeno's hands down his pants and mouth pressed against his neck. Soon jeno got jaemin to finish and they laid pressed together and out of breath.

"ugh now I have to change and we barely have ten minutes to get ready jeno" jaemin whined and rolled off the older boy. "Just put on some of my underwear and you'll be fine" jeno said lazily and got off his bed to get dressed, throwing jaemin some clean boxers as well.

The two boys got dressed and made their way to school, since jaemin had drove to jeno's house so early in the morning he drove the two of them to school. "Baby how'd you even get in my house this morning? and what time?" Jeno asked curiously and turned to look at the side of jaemin's face, carefully tracing his eyes over every single detail of jaemin's features.

"Your mom let me in and I came at around like 7 so yeah, I was sitting on the bed for a while just cuddling with you but I got bored and wanted you to wake up and uh yeah" jaemin explained and jeno blushed before tearing his eyes away from the boy and placed his hand on jaemin's thigh softly. "By the way, you're a really cute sleeper" jaemin said and jeno blushed once again.

They made it to school and wandered around searching for their friends, they got lots of stares and snickers from other students from the hickeys littered on both boys necks but smirked in return. At least they had an active sex drive unlike them.

Soon enough, jeno had found Donghyuck hanging off of Mark and Chenle leaving kisses all over Renjun's face and Jisung sitting on the ground on his phone. Jaemin laughed at the sight of their friends and pulled Jeno closer to them.

"Yah! Chenle stop molesting Renjun and Donghyuck stop being a koala for one second!" Jeno yelled and caught the boys attention. Mark snickered before pointing out their hickeys, "you two aren't any better, if anything you're worse than all of us combined" Mark smirked and and the other 5 boys agreed with him, even Jisung.

"whatever" jaemin mumbled under his breath and pulled jeno to sit with him on the ground, his head resting on the boys shoulder and playing with jeno's hands. They still had a good 20 minutes before class and just sat around the door before the teacher would let them in.

"soooo" Renjun started and looked at both Jaemin and Jeno, "who's your soulmate jeno?" Renjun asked and Chenle giggled softly, "that's a dumb question injunie, of course jaemin's his soulmate" the dolphin boy said and renjun blushed but turned to look for an approval. Jeno shook his head yes and kissed jaemin's head softly. The 5 boys smiled at how cute the two were before turning back to their own soulmates.

Donghyuck was going to receive his tattoo soon and everyone knew his soulmate was Mark, everyone in their friend group had a good idea about their soulmates except for Jisung. He was the odd one out and was stuck for almost another 2 years before he got his tattoo. He didn't mind though, he got enough love from his friends that he didn't care about finding love for himself.

Their teacher had unlocked the door and the 7 boys made their way inside, sitting in their respectful seats but still chatting with each other quietly. Luckily jaemin sat next to jeno after begging the teacher to move him, jaemin laid one leg on top of jeno's lap and rested his head on the boys shoulder softly. Jeno wrapped his hand around jaemin's thigh and kissed the boys head sweetly before getting out his notes for the day.

Eventually throughout that class period jaemin had moved to where he was turned slightly towards jeno and had his arms hung loosely around the older's waist as his face was tucked in jeno's neck. Jeno had noticed that jaemin had fallen asleep and sighed softly, jaemin was just too cute. He let the younger sleep and took notes for him, occasionally running his fingers through the younger's hair and kissing his head softly before getting back to work. Jeno's heart swelled and he fell more and more in love with jaemin as the days went by.

Ayooo next chapter we're gonna speed up the plot and stop repeating boring things, I'll involve more of the side ships as well

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Ayooo next chapter we're gonna speed up the plot and stop repeating boring things, I'll involve more of the side ships as well.

I hope you guys enjoyed!!


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