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June 6th,  2018

Everyone was gathered at Donghyuck's house for the boys birthday, it was summer so they didn't need to worry about school anymore.

Jeno was currently sitting criss cross on the floor of his best friends carpeted bedroom with Renjun laying next to him and chenle on top of the older Chinese boy. Mark and Hyuck were sprawled on the red heads bed and jaemin was somewhere in a heap of blankets on the floor sleeping. Jisung was playing some video game on his phone and kept screeching every now and then.

They had spent the whole day running around Donghyuck's house and swimming in his pool, no wonder jaemin was passed out already.

Jeno messed with Renjun's hair lazily and stared off into space. It was barely 5pm and everyone was tired but him and maybe Jisung, he didn't know what he could do though.

He searched around the room looking for jaemin, the boys head was peeking out of one of Donghyuck's giant comforters and his hair was all messy and hanging in his face. The younger's body was curled up in the giant blanket and jeno thought he was the most adorable boy he'd ever seen in his life.

Jeno removed his hand from Renjun's hair and unconsciously made his way over to jaemin, plopping down next to him and playing with his hair instead. Jeno was sitting on his butt on the floor next to jaemin when the younger squirmed and made little incoherent noises, jeno felt his heart pang and continued to brush his fingers through jaemin's hair softly. He smiled fondly at the younger and brushed his thumb against the younger's cheek before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on the boys forehead.

"Yah stop being cute with jaemin!" Donghyuck yelled and threw a pillow at jeno, it bounced off his head and flopped next to renjun softly. "it's my day not yours" Donghyuck whined and Mark laughed at him softly before pulling the younger closer to him, kissing him on the cheek softly. Jeno rolled his eyes and turned back to jaemin, the honey haired boy was scrunching his face and trying to adjust his eyes to to light shining from the window.

"Hey baby" jeno whispered softly and caressed jaemin's cheek. "Hmm what time is it?" the younger asked and rubbed his eyes, jeno's heart was s w e l l i n g at how cute the younger was.

"Mmmm almost 6, you've been asleep for a while nana" jeno hummed and smiled at Jaemin. The younger groaned and rolled on to his stomach, jeno ran his fingers through the boys hair softly and giggled. "Yah what did I say about being cute?!" Hyuck yelled again but this time he was smiling happily at the two on the floor.

"I'm sorry but jaemin is too cute, I can't stop him from being that way" jeno smiled and felt jaemin smack him lightly on the arm. "How are you even breathing nana?" Chenle asked from across the room and the honey haired boy just shrugged but lifted himself up and wrapped his arms around jeno's waist, his head sitting in the black haired boys lap with his eyes closed. "I can breathe now" he said and snuggled closer to jeno, the older boy giggled and smiled brightly down at his cute soulmate. "You're so precious jaeminie" jeno said and placed his hands in jaemin's soft hair once again.

Soon jaemin drifted off to sleep again but this time in jeno's lap, the rest of the boys cooed at the honey haired boy and clung onto their respective partners cutely. "Hyuck I'm hungry" Jisung whined and placed his phone on the ground, rubbing his tummy softly with a small frown on his face. They cooed at the youngest and jeno knew jaemin would be too, Jisung was his baby.

"Well cmon lets get food, I'm sure dinner is ready by now" the red head said and jumped off his bed, dragging Mark with him. Jisung beamed and got up off the ground as well as Chenle and Renjun but jeno stayed in his place. "Jen are you not hungry?" Renjun asked softly, standing by Donghyuck's bedroom door looking at the younger expectantly. "I am but I don't wanna disturb nana" he said and smiled down at the boy asleep on his lap. Renjun sighed but smiled, "I'll bring you a plate okay?" The older said and jeno nodded his head in return before turning back to jaemin.

The 5 boys wandered back into Donghyuck's room 10 minutes later with food on their plastic plates, renjun of course had two and handed one of them to jeno. "Thank you injunie" he smiled softly and started to eat the delicious food. Jaemin woke up soon after from the smell of food and felt his stomach grumble. "there's food?" He asked and sat up on his butt facing jeno. "Mhm, you want some" the older mumbled with food in his mouth, jaemin shook his head yes and opened his mouth for jeno to feed him. "You're so cute oh my" jeno blushed but grabbed some food off his plate and fed it to the younger.

Once everyone had finished eating the time showed that it was almost 8:30pm, the 7 boys were all staying at hyuck's place for the night since it was summer and their friends 18th birthday.

The boys spread out on Donghyuck's floor once again but this time they were playing a board game, Monopoly to be specific. Jeno had a little cat as his character while jaemin had a little penguin, the two sat together as well. They were all huddled in a circle once the game was set up and they started to play, of course with lots of fighting and screaming in between.

At one point Jisung had screamed at chenle from taking all the house spots in his area and stealing his money, chenle just screeched and laughed loudly at the accusations as well as everyone else. Jisung just wasn't good at this game in the first place.

Jaemin claimed that his penguin was going to win because he was the cutest and jeno argued that his cat was cuter, everyone picked sides and claimed that jaemin was right because jeno was a "nojam" cat and continued to play.

In the end Jaemin did win with Chenle coming in as a close second, jeno and renjun had gone bankrupt a while ago and claimed to be on their soulmates team. Meanwhile Donghyuck and Mark struggled to keep up with the two and soon gave up in defeat. They had been playing Monopoly for hours and checked the clock to see that it was 11:45, Donghyuck would get his tattoo soon and everyone was excited.

Of course when the clock struck midnight the boys tattoo was prominent on his collarbones with the name "Mark Lee" in English and his birthday right next to it in small print.

The 7 boys celebrated and Mark kissed the boy as much as he could, he was finally able to actually be able to call Donghyuck his and have Donghyuck call Mark his as well. Although Mark knew Donghyuck was his soulmate he knew that sometimes their soulmate wouldn't have the others name on their body, it was rare but he was still cautious until now.

At around 2:30am the 7 boys all fell asleep in their respective places on hyuck's floor, minus Mark. Jisung was in a corner wrapped in a blanket he brought and a pillow as well, Renjun and Chenle were cuddled up near him and lastly Jaemin and Jeno were off on their own across the room. Jaemin rested his head on jeno's chest and neck with his body almost completely on top of the other boys, jeno had his arms wrapped around the younger's waist and head resting on the ground and face tucked into jaemin's soft and pretty hair.

Everyone was sound asleep with smiles on their faces and lovers with them, besides Jisung but he was fine with just his pillow for now. It was a great birthday for Donghyuck and definitely one to remember for the rest of his life.

Hi yes, another fluff chapter because I'm in a fluffy mood okay :)) also rip Jisung but he'll find a lover soon I promiseeee

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Hi yes, another fluff chapter because I'm in a fluffy mood okay :)) also rip Jisung but he'll find a lover soon I promiseeee

I hope you guys liked this :))

- j

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