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The next morning jaemin woke up to the sound of an alarm and the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes and groaned quietly, it was too early to be up and he regretted staying up so late the night before. Last night... jaemin thought back to the events that had occurred and realized that something or someone was laying on his stomach and holding onto his waist softly, their legs intertwined.

"Jeno" he whispered and looked down at the sleeping boy, he combed his fingers through jeno's long black hair and smiled in content. It was still dark in the room due to it being so early in the morning and he guessed that the older boy was either a heavy sleeper or just didn't want to get up. Jaemin thought the latter was probably true and just like that a low groan came from jeno and the boys arms tightened around jaemin's waist.

Jaemin smiled and giggled at how cute the older was being. Jeno buried his head in jaemin's stomach and got comfortable again, jaemin laughed and continued to run his fingers through jeno's hair.

"Jeno cmon we gotta get up bub" he cooed and blushed at the nickname he gave the older, jeno giggled and jaemin could feel the vibration on his stomach. "Nana I don't want toooo" jeno whined and huffed as he pouted. "Get up or I'll make you get up" jaemin threatened and jeno felt that he should probably do as said. "Fineeee" he drug out and groggily sat up, staring at the younger laying on his back in one of jeno's oversized t-shirts. "You look cute" jaemin blushed and slapped jeno's thigh in a playful manner. "Shut up no I don't" jaemin mumbled and looked down at his hands. Jeno frowned at the boys comment and moved to where he was straddling the younger's waist.

"Nana listen to me" he started and caressed the younger's face softly, "you're beautiful and the most precious thing on this earth, I love you so much and I know it's way too early to say that but you are my soulmate so It doesn't matter" he rambled on and cupped jaemin's cheeks with both of his hands. "You're my squishy baby and you make me the happiest boy ever, also not to mention you're a great kisser along with other things and ugh" jeno cut himself off mid sentence to catch a breath, his hands still holding onto the younger's cheeks. Jaemin was blushing like a mad man as he looked up at jeno, he didn't deserve someone like him.

"I know that you're insecure and I know you think things like how you don't deserve this or that and it's not true jaemin" jeno stroked one of jaemin's cheeks with his thumb softly, "you deserve everything and I think I'm rambling because I'm kinda still half asleep but I mean all of this okay?" he asked and jaemin shook his head 'yes' slightly. "Good, I love you nana. My precious squishy baby and sexy beast" both boys giggled and jeno squished the younger's cheeks together before kissing jaemin softly and climbing off him and walked into the kitchen where his mother was cooking breakfast.

Jaemin smiled softly and got up and followed jeno out of his room, the older boys mother was making eggs and bacon and he felt his stomach growl at the sight. "Good morning honey, morning jaemin" jeno's mother kissed jeno on the forehead and smiled at jaemin. The two boys both sat down at the island and waited for the woman to finish making breakfast. Jaemin had his hands resting on his thighs as he stared into space waiting, jeno placed his hand on the younger's and squeezed it softly before pulling away and grabbing the fork that his mother handed him.

"Thank you Mrs. Lee" jaemin smiled with a mouthful of food in his mouth, jeno's heart warmed and his mom smiled and said "you're welcome" before walking back into her own room to most likely go back to sleep or wake her husband.

Both the boys finished their breakfast and walked back to jeno's room, it was still dark out but jaemin could see the sun slowly peaking through the horizon through the window and smiled at how pretty the sunset was.

"you're prettier" jeno mumbled and kissed jaemin on the cheek, "What?" Jaemin asked confused and followed jeno into his room. "I know you think the sunset is pretty but I think you're prettier" the older smiled cheekily and jaemin blushed. "You're so cheesy Lee Jeno" jaemin chuckled softly and plopped on jeno's bed, "but you love it" the older responded and put his adorable eye smile on display. Maybe jaemin fell in love right then and there, jeno was just absolutely perfect.

Jaemin watched as jeno stood in front of his closet searching for a shirt, he admired the smooth pale skin and muscles on display for everyone to see. Jaemin really thought the older boy was handsome and beautiful, he was just everything and jaemin felt his heart fluttered at the thought.

"Nana are you going to get dressed or just sit there and stare at me all day?" Jeno snapped the younger boy out of his thoughts and a blush crept onto his face. "Uh y-yeah sorry" he stuttered and got up to search for a shirt in his bag, he swears he packed one but he couldn't find it. "Jaemin just wear one of mine it's fine" jeno said and tossed the boy a shirt he picked from the closet, of course jeno picked his favorite shirt that he thought would look absolutely amazing on the younger. He'd be dumb not to do something like that. "t-thanks" jaemin's cheeks were a bright rosy color and he thanked the heavens for having the room to still be quite dark.

Jaemin pulled the shirt over his head replacing the one he had on before and slipped on a new pair of skinny jeans. The shirt jeno picked was a little big on him because jaemin was just a bit smaller but it fit nonetheless, it was black and had some sort of small writing at the top of it to give it some detail. Jeno thought he looked stunning but jaemin was just a bit conflicted, a concentrated look on his face. "Jaem what are you thinking about?" Jeno asked "should I tuck the shirt in a little in the front or leave it?" He asked and looked up to jeno with an eyebrow raised slightly. Jeno laughed at the question but told jaemin he'd look sexier with it tucked in a little bit, this caused the younger to blush once again but he did as told and walked into the bathroom to see how he looked.

"Damn I do look hot" he mumbled under his breath and checked himself out in the mirror, jeno appeared behind him and wrapped his strong arms around jaemin's waist and rested his head on the younger's shoulder before kissing him on the cheek quickly. "You look good jaem" jeno said and jaemin placed his hands on top of jeno's softly, "thanks for helping me, and giving me this shirt" he said and smiled, looking at themselves in the mirror.

Jaemin really liked how they looked together, he thought they looked cute together and smiled fondly at the thought. Sometime during his daydreaming jeno had released his arms from jaemin's waist and had his hands in jaemin's hair now, fixing it to make it look more presentable for school. Jaemin smiled wide and watched as jeno had a concentrated look on his face, his tongue sticking out a bit as he brushed his hands through jaemin's hair to style it correctly.

Fast forward an hour later and the two were now in jeno's car, their hands intertwined and resting on the console in between the two seats. Jaemin admired how effortlessly handsome the older was, with his hair messily placed on his forehead and one hand on the steering wheel, his jaw line was defined and so were the rest of his features. Jaemin wished he was that beautiful.

Jeno squeezed the younger's hand once they arrived to the school and let go only to unbuckle his seat belt and get out of the car, jaemin did the same and the two reconnected their hands as they walked towards the doors to the school. "I can't believe I'm your soulmate" jaemin randomly blurted out as they walked and smiled. Jeno looked at him and kissed his cheek before humming in response, "I'm glad it's you, you're my everything" jeno said and felt his heart swell. "You're my everything too" jaemin whispered and the two walked In silence the rest of the way.

Jeno stayed with jaemin until the bell rang signaling they should head to class, he pulled jaemin by the hand and walked the younger to his class. He kissed jaemin sweetly and lingered a little too long for it to be a peck before smiling and walking off to his own class. Jaemin blushed and walked into his class, sitting in his seat and daydreamed about jeno until his teacher started their lesson for that period.

Ahhh yes finally a pure fluff chapter, kinda

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Ahhh yes finally a pure fluff chapter, kinda. I was in a fluff mood and so this happened:))  also I forgot if I said they had a certain class together but oh well lmao

I hope you guys enjoyed!! 💜

- j

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