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"Jaemin!" Mark Lee yelled at the younger who was currently sucking face with a random boy he found mildly attractive in one of his classes.

Jaemin groaned at the sound of his friend yelling for him and pulled away from the boy, he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"What do you want Mark? Can't you see I'm busy?" Jaemin said in an annoyed tone, nudging his head towards the random boy standing up against a locker.

"Well jaemin, I've been looking for you all day you shit. We're throwing a party tomorrow and you're invited. Just wanted to let you know" Mark explained with a bite in his tone.

Jaemin sighed annoyingly. "Yeah whatever, I'll be there as long as there's alcohol" jaemin said and turned back around to face the boy he was once preoccupied with. Mark rolled his eyes and walked off to his class, jaemin was a real bitch sometimes, he felt bad for whoever was gonna end up with his name and birthday on their body.

Mark had been eighteen for a while now and has received his tattoo, he had no idea who the name and date belonged too but felt a longing for the person. The name Lee Donghyuck was written prettily on the back of his shoulder blade and the boys birthday right underneath it. Mark was the only one out of his friends to have his tattoo considering jaemin was only 17 and Jisung had just turned 16 only 2 months ago.

Mark had been searching for his soulmate for a while now but had stopped trying so hard and decided to let fate control things from now on. He knew he'd meet his soulmate eventually and throwing parties was the perfect way for meeting new people, hopefully he'd be successful this time.

Jaemin continued to make out with his boy toy for a while longer until finally separating once the bell rang for them to get to class, he whined again at the interruption but pulled away anyways. Despite him not caring about soulmate rules he did care about school rules and getting good grades.

"I'll see you when I see you" jaemin said once he let go of the boy and walked to the direction of his last class for the day. He wasn't one to stick with the same person for very long, maybe a couple days at most because they would end up leaving him for stupid reasons.

Jaemin got to his math class and sat in his seat at the back of his class, jeno sat a few seats away from him but of course jaemin wasn't aware of that.

He knew the boys face but never his name, he knew the boy was older than him and that he was very good looking. One of the best looking boys jaemin had ever seen in his life but he never felt the need to pursue the boy for some reason.

Jaemin sat back in his seat and tried to pay attention to the lecture the teacher was giving but could only think of the party mark was throwing and how he was going to get fucked up and hopefully make out with a cute boy, maybe girl if she was good enough. Jaemin wouldn't tell anyone but he always liked boys better, they were hotter and less bitchy in his opinion.


Eeeek there you go for jaemin :) he's a bit of a hoe in this book oops

- j

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