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Jaemin finally looked at his tattoo properly a couple hours later, it was daylight and jeno was sprawled all over his bed and on top of him. after he showered he just put on clean boxers and a new shirt, making it easier for him to peek at his thigh and make out a name. He smiled as he read it, his heart fluttering and warming up.

He knew jeno was gonna ask him about it once he woke up so jaemin had a plan, he wanted to act suspicious for as long as he could before telling jeno the truth. that's exactly what he did, once jeno woke up he did indeed whine and ask jaemin about the tattoo, trying to take a peek at it but the younger wouldn't let him.

"take a shower and then I'll show you" jaemin said and acted nervous, biting his lip and playing with his fingers. Apparently it was good enough acting since jeno drowned in jealousy before getting up and washing himself off, quickly doing it to so he wouldn't waste any time.

Jaemin played with his phone while he waited, his stomach growling a bit in hunger but he ignored it until jeno got back. He didn't want to make the boy even more nervous than he already was. He played with the edge of his boxers by his thigh and traced the name on his skin softly.

"baby can I see nowww" jeno whined and plopped down on the bed next to jaemin, his hair wet and dripping onto his exposed chest. Jaemin blushed at the sight before nodding his head and moving his hands away from the name. Jeno instantly crawled over to jaemin's legs and spread them a bit before lifting the clothing up a bit and tilting his head to read the name and birthdate.

"and what does it say jeno?" jaemin asked teasingly and bit back a smile, his heart racing in anticipation. "April 23rd, 2000" the older read slowly and a smile slowly formed on his face, moving the fabric up more to read the name. "and what's the name babe?" jaemin asked softly and smirked as jeno read it slowly out loud. "Lee jeno" he said and looked up at jaemin happily.

Jaemin smiled back at him and opened his arms for a hug, jeno instantly attached himself on the younger and snuggled himself in the boys lap with his head tucked in jaemin's neck. "I love you" jeno mumbled into the younger's neck and squeezed him tighter, jaemin blushed and mumbled an 'I love you too' before kissing his head softly.

His mother came in a few minutes later and cooed at the sight, already knowing who her sons soulmate was and happily supported the two. Both the boys unlatched themselves from each other to get off the bed and jeno pulled on a shirt but they instantly attached themselves to the other again, lacing their fingers together and sitting as close as they could at the table.

"So jaemin, I assume jeno is your soulmate right?" His mother asked as they were eating their breakfast, his mouth was full so he nodded his head and smiled at jeno before finishing chewing. "and your soulmate is jaemin right jeno?" the woman asked and jeno nodded his head as well. "where's your tattoo honey?" his mom asked and jaemin blushed and looked down at his food shyly, jeno rubbed his thigh before smiling encouragingly at him and urging him to continue on.

"It's on my thigh, on the inside" jaemin said quietly and jeno kissed his cheek softly before smiling brightly at the younger's mom, she was blushing slightly and his dad just nodded his head in approval. "do you mind me asking where yours is jeno?" Jaemin's mom asked quietly this time, embarrassed from the previous question.

Jeno had grown confident about where his tattoo was located, he was no longer embarrassed or shy about it. "my v line and alongside my inner hip" he said proudly and squeezed jaemin's thought softly, the boys mother nodded her head as well as his dad.

"Oh I see, so your relationship is more sexual?" She asked and jeno nodded his head, she nodded in understanding before jeno spoke up again. "But he's really cute and cuddly too, don't worry we're not a sex driven relationship" he explained and jaemin blushed some more as well as his mother, jeno could tell where jaemin got his shyness from.

"Make sure you use protection and please don't do it while we're in the house thanks" the younger's dad said before getting up and putting his plate in the dishwasher, jaemin blushed and jeno nodded his head before blushing as well and getting up to put his plate away.

"Cmon jaemin I want cuddles" jeno whined as he waited for the younger to finish his food, he texted his parents that he'd probably stay with jaemin again before going back to begging. He shook the younger's arm and whined like a puppy, fake crying to get the younger to hurry up.

"fine you big baby, what happened to the dominant Lee Jeno I know and love?" Jaemin asked and smirked lightly, watching jeno blush before getting up and washing his plate. Once he was done he grabbed jeno's wrist and dragged him to his room, throwing him on the bed and crawling on top of him.

"what are you doing kitten?" Jeno asked and jaemin rolled his eyes before sitting on jeno's lap and kissing him quickly, instantly roaming his tongue around the older's mouth and running his hands through the older's hair gently. They kissed until they were out of breath before pulling away and turning on Netflix, deciding to lay in bed all day rather than going out and doing anything.

"I really love you jeno" jaemin said and kissed jeno's neck softly, his body laying half on top of the older's with his head resting in the crook of jeno's neck. "I love you too nana, I've always loved you" jeno said and kissed the boys head softly before holding him tighter against him. They were both content and happy with their lives, nothing could go wrong now right?

You've all been bamboozled, thinking it wouldn't be jeno ahahah :)) I hope you guys enjoyed and are happy with this chapter!!

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You've all been bamboozled, thinking it wouldn't be jeno ahahah :)) I hope you guys enjoyed and are happy with this chapter!!

I love you and thank you for 6k reads, this book is growing so fast ahhh

- j

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