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It was Saturday afternoon and jeno was freaking out over this party hyuck and him were going to. He was afraid of what would happen and how risky the whole situation would be.

It was around 5pm and the party wasn't until 8pm and lasted for however long, probably to early in the morning.

Jeno hadn't been to a party in almost 2 years, ever since he turned 16 he vowed to stay loyal to whoever his soulmate was and stopped going to parties and flirting with pretty girls and hot guys. Hyuck noticed this change and hated it but supported his best friend nonetheless, but he was getting sick and tired of it. That's why he was forcing jeno to come with him to this party, he knew there would be alcohol and knew it would get jeno looser and hopefully get him a good partner for the night instead of being so uptight all the time.

By the time jeno had finally gotten dressed and ready for the party, it was already 7:30. He got in his car and made his way to hyuck's house to take the two to the house the party was being hosted at.

"Wow you look hot" Donghyuck commented once he opened his front door and saw jeno standing there in tight black jeans and a loose black t-shirt with his collarbones showing and hair styled back instead of laying on his forehead like usual.

"Thanks but I'm not sure your soulmate would appreciate you telling me that" jeno laughed and led the two to his car.

"Oh shut up, for all we know you could be my soulmate" the younger teased and jeno just rolled his eyes in return.

"I'd rather die than be your soulmate" jeno laughed and Donghyuck punched him in the shoulder. "I'm not that bad shut up. Here's the address" hyuck said as he turned on the gps and lead the two boys to the party.


Jaemin was lying around all day doing nothing until Mark called and reminded him that he had to be ready and get little Jisung by 6:30 so they could get to Mark's house and set up the party.

"Jaemin please for the love of god tell me you're ready and on your way to Jisung's" Mark said over the phone

"Of course I'm ready, just let me get my keys and I'll be on my way out" jaemin casually lied, fortunately it didn't take long for him to get dressed and ready anyways.

"Alright, you better be here on time or I'm gonna bear your ass" Mark threatened and jaemin just laughed in response. "You wouldn't hurt a fly Mark, you don't scare me" jaemin said and laughed once more at the sound of frustration on the other end of the line.

"Yeah fuck you, now go get Jisung" Mark said before hanging up, jaemin chuckled once more before going to his room and looked for some decent clothes that looked attractive enough on him.

He ended up with tight black skinny jeans with holes all in them and a thin loose band shirt with some earrings and his hair styled up. His collar bones were showing as well as the chocker he decided to put on last minute, just for extra effects. (Just imagine the picture I put up above)

Jaemin grabbed his phone and keys before leaving the house and into his car to go pick up Jisung and make his way to Mark's house.

Jisung lived near Mark which was about a 15 minute drive and by the time he arrived it was already 6:20. Jisung rushed out the door and into jaemin's passenger side seat.

"What took you so long you fuck?" Jisung said out of breath. "Don't curse, you're still a baby" jaemin replied, "and I live 15 minutes from you calm down, Mark lives like right down the street" jaemin pulled out of jisung's driveway and made his way to Mark's street, the younger boy kept quiet the whole way after their little chat.

Once they arrived at Mark's place it was exactly 6:30, jaemin smirked and locked his car. Mark opened the door right as they walked up, "you're lucky" he said before closing the door behind the two boys and leading them to the giant living room.

The couches were pushed against the walls and all of the expensive lamps and TV were put somewhere safe. There was a giant foldable table on the side full of empty bowls and unopened chip bags along with soda and beer.

They were still working on emptying as much space as they could in Mark's giant house before the party, jaemin had put up speakers while Jisung set up the food and drinks.

Mark's parents were pretty well off and left for business trips quite often, Mark made good enough grades and didn't get in much trouble so they trusted him enough to leave him alone for weeks at a time. Although Mark truly was a good student and didn't get in much trouble, that didn't mean he couldn't  rebel and cause trouble without being caught.

They finished setting everything up and shuffled their music playlist for the party, eventually people started to flow in one by one as the clock hit 8pm.

Jaemin was searching for someone decently attractive but couldn't find anyone yet, he decided to get a drink to loosen up. He mixed some Coca Cola with some beer and sat on one of the couches up against the wall, his eyes searching for his prey.


Man I'm really bad at ending chapters I'm sorryyyy

- j

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