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Jeno didn't mean to ignore jaemin, he was just too caught up in his thoughts and guilty for cheating on his soulmate. He knew it wasn't technically cheating but he still felt bad, he felt bad because he enjoyed it so much and he knew he shouldn't have.

Of course jaemin noticed jeno's behavior, he tried to get the older's attention but jeno was always so distracted and wouldn't pay any attention to him.

It got to the point where Jaemin felt like he was pining for the older boys attention, he would stare at jeno for minutes at a time with the most lustful eyes and would still get nothing in response. He was frustrated and just wanted answers and attention. Was he too clingy that jeno decided to leave him?

No that couldn't be, jeno told him that he liked jaemin being clingy. Then why was he ignoring him? Did he lie?

Jaemin was overwhelmed with all these thoughts and frustrated with the fact that he cared that much about it. He only met jeno a couple days ago, how could he get this attached already?

Jaemin tried to get over jeno for at least 2 days now but he just couldn't. It was as if his mind and body craved for the older boys attention and he didn't know why but he wanted it to stop.

Jaemin decided that he was going to make it stop, it was probably not the best way but he didn't care. He pulled jeno to an empty bathroom and into and empty stall as soon as he could after their last class for the day. Jeno was surprised and afraid but relaxed once he noticed it was Jaemin who had him pinned up against the stall door.

"Why have you been ignoring me Lee Jeno?" Jaemin demanded. "I've been ignoring y-you?" Jeno stuttered and felt his face burn red. "Yes, you have and it's driving me crazy" jaemin growled and pushed himself up against jeno's body

"S-sorry, I just felt guilty" jeno stuttered and gasped at jaemin's sudden movement. "Guilty for what? Loving my touch so much? You feel bad for your soulmate right?" Jaemin smirked and ran his fingers across jeno's sharp jawline, goosebumps appeared on jeno's skin and he blushed some more.

"That's exactly w-why I feel guilty" jeno was a mess and it was all because of jaemin. "Hmm I see, I'm just irresistible" jaemin smirked again and trailed one of his hands down jeno's chest and onto the hem of his shirt. "V-very" jeno was quivering at the touch and jaemin loved the effect he had on the older.

Jaemin moved closer to jeno, if that was even possible, and moved his hand to where it was under the older's shirt and traced his fingers along jeno's ribs and toned abdomen. Jeno shivered and gripped at jaemin's shirt tightly, he was way too flustered. "Jaemin just kiss me already, fuck" jeno whined and let out a small moan at the feeling of jaemin's hand on his inner hip and v line. Jaemin complied and smashed his lips against the others quickly in a needy kiss.

They were instantly fighting for dominance with their tongues and jaemin ended up winning from leaving small bites at jeno's lips causing the older to grow weak. They made out like that for a while and finally pulled away once they decided they should probably breathe. A line of saliva was connected from their mouths and the two boys panted from exhaustion. Jaemin's hands had moved to grip onto jeno's hair and the older had his hands resting on jaemin's hips.

Once they caught their breaths they walked out of the stall and looked at their selves in the bathroom mirror. Both the boys had swollen red lips and messy hair, jaemin's shirt was all crinkled and jeno had bite marks all over his neck. They cleaned themselves up as best as they could before walking out of the school side by side, jeno drove the two home and made out with jaemin once again before letting the younger out of his car and into his house.

Both the boys felt tingling and warmth in their hearts as well as warmth in their cheeks from blushing so much. They were content with how they were and nothing could change that.


ayeeee if you couldn't tell the title of this book is referenced a lot lmao

Wattpad deleted the original chapter for this and I had to re write it all :( but I kinda like this one better

Anyways nomin making out is a thing, sorry for the short chapter ah!!

Have a great day//night :)

- j

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