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Renjun was currently in between chenle and Jisung, his arm burning slightly but not too much. He knew jaemin's tattoo was fading, meaning he was no longer attached to him in a romantic way. Jaemin could still possibly be his soulmate, just platonically.

"Injunie, can you please pay attention to us?" Jisung whined and shook the eldest's arm. "Oh I'm sorry" he apologized and kissed Jisung's cheek softly, they had grown closer as the weeks went by and he knew he was feeling more than friendly feelings for the youngest boy out of the three.

"Your arm is burning isn't it? I can see Nana's name fading" chenle said and pointed at the spot on renjun's arm, the older Chinese nodded his head in confirmation before sighing softly. "Jisung said something to me the other day" chenle started before the mentioned boy whined and smacked chenle on the arm. "don't lele" he warned but chenle ignored him. "He said he was starting to like you, and I know you like both of us and I like both of you" chenle explained and Jisung started to blush before hiding his face in his hands.

"And I just wanted to see if we could like-maybe be boyfriends? Like all of us, cause why not?" Chenle said as his voice trailed at the end. Renjun was smiling like an idiot at the adorable boys in front of him, of course he wanted to be their boyfriend.

"yeah, that's perfect lele. Only if Jisung wants it too, then we can be boyfriends" he said and chenle blushed before leaning over renjun and whispering in Jisung's ear to get him to look up. "I-I want to be both your boyfriends too.... please" he said quietly and renjun almost couldn't hear him, he smiled some more before wrapping his arm around both boys shoulders and pulling them in a hug. Since they were on a couch it was a bit awkward but they made it work, eventually moving to the bedroom and cuddling there while watching some cartoons.

Renjun's arm had stopped burning and he looked to see his youngest boyfriends name and birthday on his arm, smiling widely before poking chenle for him to look since Jisung was asleep on his chest. The younger boy smiled before planting a quick kiss on renjun's lips and then cuddling up on the other side of him. The oldest boy was in the middle of the two with a faint blush and blinding smile on his face, finally things were starting to go his way.

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

unlike how cute and happy jaemin's three friends were together, he was quite the opposite with jeno. He wasn't necessarily unhappy, just... horny, he wouldn't classify that as happy until jeno actually paid some attention to him rather than the video game he was playing on jaemin's Xbox.

The two had officially picked out an apartment and sent college applications, packing their rooms and starting to move in. Jaemin's room was fairly empty right now, only his tv and mattress left. The two were currently sitting on the said mattress while jeno played a game on the said tv.

Jaemin didn't know why he was suddenly so needy, he was fine a couple minutes ago. Maybe it was his minds fault for drifting off and thinking about how hot jeno looked when he was mad and how good he looked right now. Perhaps jaemin just wanted to kiss him and leave little hickeys all over his neck and chest, maybe he just wanted jeno to kiss him back and touch him rather than playing that stupid game.

Jaemin was doing a good job at controlling his hormones too until jeno groaned and threw his head back when his character died for the tenth time that round. The sound went straight to jaemin's stomach and mind as he thought about how jeno looked like that whenever jaemin would touch him, how the older boy would whine as jaemin teased him. He was really needy now, he couldn't control it any longer.

"jenoooo" jaemin whined and left small kisses on the older's jaw and made his way up to his ear. Jeno only grunted in response, too focused on the game to care too much about jaemin's soft kisses. The said boy pouted in return, biting his lip and coming up with another idea.

He pressed his body up against jeno's side and tucked his head in the crook of jeno's neck and shoulder, laying his hand on the inner part of the boys thigh and the other around his waist before nipping at jeno's neck and spot underneath his ear. His breathing heavy and erratical, distracting jeno from his concentrated thoughts.

"nana what?" Jeno asked before placing a quick kiss on the younger's forehead and turning back to his game. "pay attention to meee" jaemin whined and began sucking softly on jeno's neck, the older boys breath hitching at the wet sensation. "Let me finish first baby, then I'll pay attention to you." Jeno tried to compromise but jaemin wasn't having any of it.

"no, I need you now. please" he begged and jeno only smirked and ignored the younger's pleas. "fuck you Lee Jeno" he growled and jeno chuckled before quickly throwing in a "you wish you could" as jaemin smacked him hard, having enough of jeno's cockiness and crawling on the boys lap.

"nana get off I can't see" jeno was the one whining now but jaemin didn't listen, jeno tried moving his head to see but jaemin only wrapped both his hands on jeno's jaw and stilled his head, causing the older's character to die once again. "cmon baby please" jeno pleaded and jaemin only smirked before pressing feather light kisses to jeno's jaw, giving the older access to the tv screen again.

Jeno was a whole mess by now. trying to concentrate on winning the level while your soulmate was sucking on your neck and pressing his crotch onto yours was pretty distracting.

Jeno had given up after he died again, groaning from loosing again and possibly the feeling of jaemin's cold hand running up his shirt. He paused the game before throwing the controller across the room and wrapped his hands around jaemin's waist, lifting his own waist to get more friction with the younger and letting out a quiet moan in return.

Jaemin smirked once he noticed jeno had given up on that damn game, rocking his hips back and forth in the older's lap to tease him before smashing his lips against jeno's. He instantly forced his tongue in jeno's mouth as their lips moved in sync, hips meeting with the others and low moans and whines coming from both their mouths.

Jaemin was satisfied with just making out with jeno, perfectly okay with the way they were situated and the way jeno had his body pressed against his as they laid down on the mattress. Jaemin was still on top of jeno, griping his jaw tight and kissing him like his life depended on it, only pulling away to catch his breath but quickly returning again to leave short but passionate kisses.

They stopped once jaemin's mom knocked on the door, calling for them to come eat lunch before they moved the rest of jaemin's stuff into the new apartment. Their mouths disconnected as jaemin responded with a short "okay give me a minute!" before kissing jeno softly one last time and flopping down next to him, both their breathing heavy and chests moving up and down rapidly.

"I love you, you know?" Jaemin said and snuggled into jeno's side, the older smiling so bright his eyes were gone and his cheeks all squished up. "I love you too baby" he said as he ran his fingers through jaemin's slightly sweaty hair. "Jaemin!" the younger's mom yelled once again, causing the said boy to groan and sigh in annoyance before getting up and lacing his fingers with jeno. They both ate and quickly packed jaemin's things into the moving van before heading to their apartment, ready to finally settle in and relax.

Jaemin truly was in love, and so was jeno. Who knew jaemin could ever love like this? Especially with his own soulmate. who could believe he actually gave a damn about jeno? his life had changed and he couldn't be upset in the slightest, jeno was his everything and that's all he ever needed or wanted. Jeno would forever make him the happiest boy on earth, the most loved and most prized boy ever.

"I love you so much, it's like my body craves
for you and only you. Please never leave me"

- fin


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