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"So what's up renjun?" Jaemin asked quietly and felt something weird in his stomach. Renjun froze and looked at the wall behind jaemin and tried to think of something to say rather than the truth.

"Uh just chenle and stuff, ya know?" the older said quietly and jaemin knew there was something more than just that. "You're hiding something, I can tell" jaemin said and quirked an eyebrow at the boy before crossing his arms, renjun gulped and made eye contact with him before blushing furiously.

"I-uh, no I'm not!" Renjun stuttered out and rushed his sentence, jaemin had him flustered. The younger smirked and knew renjun was lying, he stepped back and rested against the counter just staring at the older smugly. Renjun had suddenly remembered the plan that he had a couple nights before and gained more confidence, his anxiety and nervousness suddenly gone. He walked closer to the boy resting against the counter and smiled at him, jaemin raised an eyebrow at him but didn't move.

"What are you doing? Why did you suddenly become so confident?" the younger asked and tried to hide his nervousness, renjun just smirked and walked closer to him. "You were right, I'm hiding something. Want me to tell you?" he asked and smirked at jaemin, the younger felt anxious but couldn't move.

"Uh y-yeah if you want" he stuttered and renjun cupped his cheek and jaw lightly, jaemin felt his chest tighten and his breathing get heavier. "I never got to do this, I always wanted to but you left me" the Chinese male said bitterly and jaemin looked at him confused. "what are you talking about?" he asked and renjun smirked at him before brushing his fingers across jaemin's cheek softly. "you left me behind and went around kissing other boys and girls, you were my best friend" renjun whispered and stared into jaemin's eyes, the younger gulped and tried to turn his head but renjun had a firm grip on his jaw to where he couldn't move.

"R-renjun what are you getting at?" Jaemin stuttered and felt fear rise in his chest, renjun was scaring him. "I wanna test something" he said and brushed his thumb over jaemin's soft lips, he felt something flutter in his stomach and he moved his eyes to jaemin's lips slowly. "please" he begged quietly and jaemin just sat still, he wasn't sure what to do.

"O-okay" the younger stuttered and renjun placed his lips on jaemin's softly, his stomach erupted into millions of butterflies and jaemin felt that weird feeling in his chest again. He wanted to pull away but something was keeping him from doing that, something inside of him wanted to kiss the older back. Jaemin opened his mouth slightly and let renjun's tongue roam around his mouth freely, he was enjoying the kiss and he hated that he was.

Renjun pressed jaemin up against the counter more and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck, jaemin had placed his hands softly on renjun's small waist and kissed the boy back. He felt something spark with in him but he also felt guilt rise in his chest, but he continued to make out with renjun anyways. It technically wasn't cheating if he wasn't dating anyone anyways, right?

After a while, renjun had pulled away with tears streaming down his face. The kiss was everything he ever wanted but he felt horrible about it, the entire time all he could think about was chenle and how much he missed the younger boy. Jaemin noticed him crying and pulled the older into a warm hug, shushing him and rubbing his back softly.

"Shh renjun it's okay, you're fine" he whispered and held the older boy tightly against him. Renjun's body was shaking from the sobs as he buried his head in jaemin's chest, it reminded him all too well of the scene he had with jeno earlier. "I'm not mad at you, you didn't ruin anything" the younger whispered and rocked them back and forth. Renjun's cries had calmed down but he was still shaking against jaemin's body softly.

"T-thank you, I'm s-sorry" renjun stuttered out into jaemin's chest quietly. "For what?" The younger asked and pet renjun's hair softly. "Thank you for letting me kiss you, it helped a lot" the older said and pulled away from jaemin, wiping his tears and sniffing softly. Jaemin smiled, "no problem, anything for you" he said and renjun felt much better than before. "I-I need to tell you something" the older said and jaemin looked at him expectantly.

"Look" he said and rolled his sleeve up to reveal jaemin's name tattooed onto his arm, the younger gasped and stared at it. "That's why I've distanced myself from everyone and why I kissed you" he said and jaemin remained silent. "I wanted to see if kissing you would cause my feelings to grow, or let me realize I'm only your friend" he continued and jaemin nodded his head in understanding.

"It helped by the way, so thank you" renjun said and jaemin tore his eyes away from the older's arm. "And how so?" the younger asked curiously. "It helped me realize that I can only love you in a friendly way, I still love chenle and the kiss proved it" he said and smiled shyly at jaemin. "So are you saying I'm a bad kisser?" Jaemin teased and renjun blushed. "N-no I just felt guilty and wanted you to be chenle, that's all" he stuttered and jaemin smirked some more. "So I am a good kisser!" he teased again and renjun groaned, jaemin laughed at him before pulling him into a quick hug.

"I missed you by the way" jaemin started, "I'm glad we're friends again" he finished and let go of renjun. They smiled at each other before walking back out and into the living room with the rest of their friends. Jaemin went over to jeno and laid on his lap on the floor while renjun sat near chenle and asked to talk to him quietly. Jaemin watched as chenle looked at him hurt but agreed anyways, he left Jisung with a kiss on his cheek and smirked at renjun before walking off with him. Jaemin hoped they could figure stuff out and get together again.

"So, what happened?" Jeno asked quietly and played with jaemin's hair, the younger boy nuzzled his head into the older's hand and sighed softly. "We talked and figured stuff out, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about" jaemin responded and closed his eyes, jeno hummed in response. "We kissed just so you know, to make sure he doesn't have feelings for me due to the tattoo" the younger said softly and jeno felt jealousy rise into his chest but pushed it back down. "He says he still loves chenle, and that the feeling he has for me is just in a friend way so don't worry about it" jaemin said again and jeno smiled softly before kissing the younger's forehead.

"I'm sorry for being so sad and distant lately, I think the whole renjun thing was throwing me off" jaemin apologized and turned to where his face was pressed into jeno's stomach with his arms wrapped around the younger's waist. "It's okay, I understand" jeno said and uncrossed his legs to make jaemin more comfortable. "good, I love you by the way" jaemin announced and jeno blushed. "I love you too you stupid head" he said back and chuckled softly. Both boys were happy to figure their problems out and were happy to be with each other once again.

Ayeee double update would ya look at that :)) so we had noren in the last chap and now we got some renmin ahh

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Ayeee double update would ya look at that :)) so we had noren in the last chap and now we got some renmin ahh

Hopefully this made you feel less on edge about your ships sailing lmao, at least Nomin is going strong now.

I love you guys and thanks for reading!!


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