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Jeno had exactly one week until his birthday, jaemin and him had been attached to the hip ever since the bathroom incident. Jaemin was very clingy and needy and honestly, jeno loved it. He loved the attention he got and he loved giving jaemin his attention.

Jeno remembered the time he got jaemin's phone number, he asked the younger for it like a normal person would but jaemin just ignored his question and kissed him before walking to his class that they  didn't share. Jeno thought jaemin didn't care enough about him to share his number and sulked for the whole class period, little did he know Jaemin had a plan.

The next time jaemin saw jeno he had a small slip of paper with his number on it, he grabbed jeno by the waist and kissed him outside of their classroom. Jaemin slid his hands in jeno's back pockets and left the slip of paper there before pulling away and walking into class like nothing had just happened. There were people wolf whistling at him but jeno just shook his head and smiled before walking in to their class as well, his heart warmed a bit and felt butterflies swarm in his stomach.

That was one of the many memories he had of jaemin, he loved the boys clinginess and need to make everything extra. Jaemin was only clingy towards him and left everyone else alone, usually jaemin would have two or three people at a time to kiss and stay with him but this time it was only him. It made jeno happy that jaemin only wanted him, it made him feel wanted and loved.

Donghyuck teased him all the time about jaemin, saying stuff like 'I told you so' when jeno would tell him about how much happier he was not worrying about stupid rules and what not. He honestly couldn't care less anymore, once he finds his soulmate he'll stop what he's doing with jaemin and be with them. It hurt to think about that happening but tried not to think about it much, he was slowly falling for jaemin and he knew it.

Currently the two boys were pressed up against the passenger side door of jaemin's car making out, like usual. It had become a routine for them to find secret places to make out or just spending time with each other alone, but that usually led to kissing anyways.

Rather than jeno being pressed up against the door like usual he had jaemin pinned up against it. Although jaemin was usually the one to take lead and dominate over jeno he would occasionally let jeno take control, if he was tired he'd let jeno control everything. Kissing jeno was like a drug to jaemin, no matter what kind of kiss or what position. He loved the feeling of jeno's mouth on his and the older's tongue roaming around his mouth or fighting his own.

Jeno had a tight grip on jaemin's hair and jaemin had his hands resting on jeno's waist lazily. It was one of those days where jaemin just wanted jeno to kiss the life out of him and that's exactly what he was getting.

They separated after a few minutes to catch their breathes and relax, jaemin rested his head on the center of jeno's chest with his eyes closed and jeno kissed the top of his head and rested his chin in the same place he had kissed. Jaemin tightened his grip on jeno's waist and pulled him closer into a hug, he really liked jeno's hugs. They were almost as good as the older's kisses.

"We gotta go home jaeminie" jeno whispered in the younger's ear and kissed it softly. "Noooo I don't wanna go" jaemin whined and fake cried, jeno thought it was super cute.

"Baby cmon, I'll see you tomorrow and I'll stay the night with you I promise" jeno said and used a pet name, he knew jaemin loved being called that. "Fine, but you better be prepared for lots of kisses and cuddling a cute boy aka me" jaemin said cutely and puffed out his cheeks looking at jeno. "Fine cutie, as long as there's cuddles I'm down" jeno smiled and squished jaemin's cheeks

"Now get in and drive me home" jeno said and moved out of jaemin's way. They had made a deal that one of them would give the other a ride for the day and then they'd switch, this day was jaemin's.

Jaemin kissed jeno sweetly one last time on the lips before walking around and climbing Into the drivers seat. He dropped jeno off but not before making out one last time in the car.

They didn't have a label necessarily, they weren't boyfriends but they weren't just friends either. Jaemin classified them as make out buddies but jeno was a special make out buddy and he meant a lot to him. Jaemin had only thought of jeno for the last week now and how the older boy made him feel special, no one else stuck with him for this long and it made him really really happy.

Jaemin hoped jeno wouldn't forget about him once he finds his soulmate, he wanted to keep him a friend for as long as he could.


Hi hello , The chapter for jeno's birthday will be coming real soon :))

- j

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