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Jaemin had ended up bringing jeno with him to the guest room he stayed in whenever he stayed with Mark, it was basically his own. Nothing else happened between the two besides them making out on the bed for a bit before falling asleep tangled up with each other.

Jeno woke up the next morning with a small headache and a Na Jaemin clinging to his side sleeping. He remembered all the events from the previous night and smiled, he forgot all about his soulmate and the rules that came with them.

He sat there for a few minutes just combing his fingers through the younger's hair, he thought jaemin was very pretty.

A little while later jaemin fluttered his eyes open, he noticed jeno running his hand through his hair and felt his heart warm just a tiny bit.

"Good morning" jeno greeted and jaemin thought his deep voice sounded like heaven in the morning. "Good morning jeno, I'm surprised you're still here" jaemin yawned and snuggled closer to the older.

"Why would I leave?" Jeno hummed and continued running his hands through the younger's hair softly, jaemin felt more relaxed than he had ever been before. "Most people leave me, I think I'm too clingy or something. That's why I'm always with someone new every couple of days" jaemin explained sadly, jeno felt his heart hurt and the need to take care of the younger.

"Awe I'm sorry jaemin, when's your birthday?" Jeno asked, maybe the younger will meet his soulmate soon. "I know you're thinking about my soulmate, but my birthday is August 13th" jaemin responded, jeno nodded his head in return. "Mines in a week" he said softly.

"You'll be 18 right?" Jaemin asked sadly, he never cared about someone else's soulmate until now. "Yeah, you'll be 18 in August too right?" Jeno asked and jaemin nodded his head yes. The two laid there in silence until jeno's stomach growled for food, jaemin giggled and lifted himself up after kissing jeno on the cheek. "Cmon let's get some food" jaemin grabbed jeno's and and pulled him off the bed and down to the kitchen.

Jeno was surprised to see Donghyuck sitting on a chair next to Mark, their hands intertwined and having a conversation. "Hyuck?" Jeno asked surprised, the boy turned to look at jeno and smiled. "This is Mark, my soulmate." He explained and then noticed jaemin holding onto jeno and the hickeys littering jeno's neck. "I see you had some fun last night" Donghyuck smirked and stifled a laugh, jeno's face burned and his cheeks turned a dark crimson color.

"Uh yeah, but don't think any dirty thoughts" jeno was quick to defend himself, jaemin smirked and wrapped his arms around jeno's waist. His hand lingering dangerously on jeno's waist, right above his v line and hip. Jeno jerked at the touch and his friend smirked once before turning back to Mark.

"Fuck You" jeno harshly whispered before escaping jaemin's grip to get some food. "You wish you could" jaemin teased and jeno's face burned once again.

The group of boys had breakfast and sooner or later a wild Jisung appeared descending down the stairs and in to the kitchen. The blonde yawned before sleepily walking over the fridge to search for food, not noticing the four older boys staring at him.

"Jisung, you're finally awake I see" Mark broke the silence and Jisung jumped from the sudden noise, the group giggled and the poor boy flared daggers at them. "yes I'm awake, I see you both have boyfriends now huh?" Jisung smirked. "Only me, Jaemin over here is in a different situation, you know him." Mark explained and threw his arm over donghyuck's shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Jisung just rolled his eyes and left to his room once again but with food this time. "You hang around him too much jaemin, he's starting to get bitchy like you" Mark complained and jaemin gasped. Jeno giggled and placed his hand on jaemin's knee to comfort him. "Shut up Mark Lee or I'll smack you" jaemin threatened, Mark tried to act calm but on the inside he knew not to fuck with Jaemin.

For the rest of the day jaemin clung around jeno and wouldn't let him leave until the late hours of the afternoon, the only reason he let him go was because Mark kicked them out and told them to go home because they had school the next day.

Jeno remembered back to that morning where jaemin told him he thought he was too clingy with other people but jeno found it to be very cute and adorable, jaemin was like a cute puppy.

"I'll see you tomorrow jaemin" jeno waved once he finally got out of jaemin's grip, but not before jaemin could press a quick kiss against his cheek. They both drove off to their destinations alone this time, Jisung and had left way earlier in the day and Mark offered Donghyuck a ride. This left the two boys with themselves and thoughts of the other flooding through their minds, jaemin thought about how nice jeno made him feel and how cute and handsome the older was while jeno thought about how mistreated jaemin was and how much he liked the younger's touch on his skin. Especially on his v line and hip.

Jeno hadn't thought of his soulmate at all for almost a day and a half now and didn't think of them until he was already in bed staring at his ceiling late into the nigh.

Shit, he thought but shrugged the feeling of guilt off before thinking back to jaemin and how he missed the younger's lips on his.


Man I really enjoy writing this book, oops


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